Robin Bone
It is true that when she came on stage, Robin Bone did not actually surpass the high standards that people had of her. Despite this, we can’t deny that one of the best pole vaulters the sport has ever seen is this Canadian athlete. She’s only in her mid-twenties, so she’s got many years to accomplish her real potential. As we all know, with the likes of Alysha Newman and Kelsie Ahbe making waves of their own, Canada could be the best place to excel in pole vaulting.
Serena Williams
We’ve already written about multiple tennis female superstars, but without Serena Williams there was no way of finishing the list! In the past two decades, nobody else has had such a big impact on the sport. The California athlete has certainly brought women’s tennis to a completely new level. Although she has a lot of support for her name, did you know she made $85 million from the courts? Whoa. Whoa. So, if you’ve got as many Grand Slams as she does.