A New Set Of Hilarious Bumper Stickers To Spread The Laughter!

Published on 02/18/2022
A New Set Of Hilarious Bumper Stickers To Spread The Laughter!

A New Set Of Hilarious Bumper Stickers To Spread The Laughter!

Many people ignore bumper stickers, but they are all over the place. Besides, we’ve seen a lot of them while waiting at red lights or on road trips. Other parts of the country feature a wide range of content, from political commentary to life lessons and silly jokes. They’re just fun to read while stuck in traffic. A good one usually makes us laugh. And the best ones will make us take a second look. At the very least, traffic will be interesting.

What Did She Ever Do to You?

The only way to know if anyone honked at this driver is if they did so out of concern for his or her safety rather than in an accusatory way. What’s this person’s problem with Helen Keller?

What Did She Ever Do to You?

What Did She Ever Do to You?

And why is this feud still going on decades after that poor but inspirational woman passed away? Perhaps it isn’t THAT Helen Keller. It’s possible it’s a different one. She could have been a bully in high school. After all, Helen is a classic name for a bully.

Should It?

It is said that blood is thicker than water. If this individual gets their way, the scale of thickness would look something like this: water, blood, yogurt, jam, and Gatorade.

Should It?

Should It?

While we don’t agree with the sentiment, we can acknowledge that it exists. The only thing we’d like to know is how it’ll get out of the bottle. Perhaps using a spoon?

Tailing Troll

You get trolled if you follow this car. That’s just one of many unwritten rules you pick up along the way. For example, a driver who tries to park in a space you were about to back into is completely deserving of corporal punishment.

Tailing Troll

Tailing Troll

This windshield decal is being used to educate children, and we fully support it in its goal. More than that, where can we go to get one of these things?

Calculous Cocktail

There are a few advantages to drinking alcohol. It can help you become more open, friendly, confident, and fluent in a second language if you already speak one. However, it will have a negative impact on your math skills.

Calculous Cocktail

Calculous Cocktail

Get rid of any and all traces of alcohol from the equation (see what I mean? Even math can be entertaining) prior to any math competition or test that you are preparing for.

You Still Are!

To be cool, you must have a positive attitude. Having it and then losing it isn’t an option. Whatever cool factor you used to have is still there, even if you don’t realize it.

You Still Are!

You Still Are!

What exactly is cool? It’s just a term that can be applied to almost anything! Have you considered that your middle school self would think you’re pretty cool just for owning a car and being able to drive it?

False Advertising

Guess what? This bumper sticker drew our attention. We have no way of knowing for sure. On the other hand, he could be correct about everything. There haven’t been many of those recently.

False Advertising

False Advertising

We did it for you to save you the trouble of typing www.websiteyouwillnevergoto.org into the address bar. Do you want to find out what we found out? Nothing. We’re upset because we’ve been betrayed.

Get Lost

Don’t get us wrong: we’re all in favor of search and rescue efforts. It’s just that we were thinking of some of the more conventional ways to do it in our small, narrow-minded way. You know, things like volunteering or fund-raising.

Get Lost

Get Lost

Apparently, we had to think outside the box and go exploring the unmarked trails of a forsaken forest in order to succeed. It was a pleasure having you bring this to our attention.

Not Very Stealthy

We had no idea the Batmobile had stickers on it… We don’t believe it is very effective. Isn’t Batman’s whole schtick about being stealthy (and cool)? What good is a bumper sticker with a theme song if you don’t use it?

Not Very Stealthy

Not Very Stealthy

Gotham City’s criminals will pick it up and run with it in no time! It appears that removing a sticker has been added to Alfred’s to-do list. Come on, Bruce, that old man already has a lot on his plate.

What’s Wrong With a Prius?

We admire this driver’s sense of humor — not many people would be able to make fun of their own car in such a way. We’re curious, though, as to what exactly people have against Prius cars in general.

What's Wrong With a Prius?

What’s Wrong With a Prius?

They may not be the Batmobile, but don’t they perform all of the functions that a car is expected to perform? They don’t have regular wheels, seats, a gas tank, or feelings, do they? Maybe not feelings, but surely the rest is sufficient?

Passive Aggressive

The act of being aggressive without actually doing anything about it. What we as humans do to cope with things we despise but are forced to live with is the very foundation of our being. Poetry in its purest form

Passive Aggressive

Passive Aggressive

Take a look at this sticker, which perfectly captures the annoyance of having to commute with inconsiderate drivers every day. It’s incredibly moving. It’s so refined. It’s in desperate need of a Pulitzer.

Watch Your Mouth

We’re puzzled. When there’s a slice of cheesecake involved, why would anyone be upset? Or, for that matter, any piece of any cake? Let alone turn it into something you say when you’re incredibly enraged and your children are listening?

Watch Your Mouth

Watch Your Mouth

Shift. Fork. Fudge. Shirt. These are all excellent options for expressing rage when you are unable to use foul language. Those PG choices, on the other hand, don’t have the same impact on us.

Who Needs Math Anyway?

Math, in our opinion, is overrated. Even going so far as to say that it is the most overrated course available through the school system is a bit of a reach.

Who Needs Math Anyway?

Who Needs Math Anyway?

What’s wrong with outsourcing some number crunching to that little device, which we all have in our pockets? We could care less about the driver’s math skills as long as the car that receives this sticker is driven safely.

Very Original, Kids

This could be a modernized version of the classic Kick Me sign, which every school bully has at least attempted. However, as we get older, we have more things to own, and thus the trolling opportunities present themselves in a variety of ways.

Very Original, Kids

Very Original, Kids

We’re guessing the trolls who slapped this obnoxious sticker on the back of this cop car are a bunch of neighborhood brats who will, hopefully, get a taste of their own medicine soon.

Was I Speeding, Officer?

This sticker is really cool. We’re not sure if it was ever put to use the way it was intended. Do you believe a cop ever stopped this car and noticed this little joke?

Was I Speeding, Officer?

Was I Speeding, Officer?

That being the case, we hope the driver did nothing too serious and that the sticker placed them in a good enough mood for the officer to refrain from issuing them a ticket.

We Got Played Too

It’s one thing to be played by a person, but it’s quite another to be played by a windshield decal. People with a sense of humor are fine, but inanimate objects that make you feel stupid are not. That’s brutal, to say the least.

We Got Played Too

We Got Played Too

We hope you are reading this on a smartphone or tablet, which allows you to turn the device around instead of tilting your head to read it. We’ll see who’s having a good laugh at who now.

We Appreciate the Honesty

Though many bumper stickers we see on the road are meant to glorify the vehicle and the driver who is behind the wheel, this person is calling things by their proper names.

We Appreciate the Honesty

We Appreciate the Honesty

They agree that the car isn’t perfect, and the garage next to it isn’t either, but this driver isn’t one to sugarcoat things, especially when it comes to their own car.

Dad-Man Walking

Soccer moms and their minivans have become an institution. However, how about a nice dad-mobile? We don’t hear much about hose these days. This is why seeing this windshield decal made us so happy.

Dad-Man Walking

Dad-Man Walking

We’re right there with you, Dad. You have our full support no matter where you choose to walk. Please let us know if you ever require someone to share a beer with you at any time.

Where Did You Meet the Second?

You know, people can find love in the real world as well. It doesn’t have to be solely based on apps and mutual friends. Just look up and you might see the creature that will make your heart skip a beat. And it’s possible that the creature isn’t even human…

Where Did You Meet the Second?

Where Did You Meet the Second?

Take, for example, this driver. He’ll proudly display his love for Area 51 on the back of his car! We’re curious as to what caused the couple to fall out. Perhaps the wife became homesick and returned to her home planet.

What a Bargain

It appears that someone is holding a sale. A knockout blow with a punch! That appears to be a pretty good deal. To the extent that you are looking for a fight, that is.

What a Bargain

What a Bargain

While we’ve never been in the market for such services, we can think of a few places where it might be useful — dark alleyways, late nights around sketchy bars, and outside stadiums after major sporting events, to name a few. We can already smell the business opportunities.

College Is Overrated Anyway

The honor student complex, oh, the honor student complex. That has to be one of the most common ways in which life confronts you. The delusion that getting good grades in school says something about who you are as a person or what kind of success you will have later in life. What a sweet deception.

College Is Overrated Anyway

College Is Overrated Anyway

Only as we grow older do we realize that life is unpredictable and that standardized tests are a ruse. At the very least, by the time we get it, we’ll be old enough to have a bumper sticker to commemorate the occasion.

What Does It Mean, Then?

When it seems like no one on this planet understands what you’re going through, it’s easy to feel isolated. Overall, it appears to be a relatively frequent occurrence across all sectors.

What Does It Mean, Then?

What Does It Mean, Then?

Some people are able to channel their feelings into creating works of art, while others simply go about their days waiting for the sensation to pass, and still others simply laugh about it and put a bumper sticker on their car to make others feel better. We’re not saying it works, but neither are we saying it doesn’t.


Sure, the majority of people can read, but the question is whether they actually do so. If you take a moment to consider the question, you will realize that the answer is no. They don’t have any.



Consider group chats: you made plans to meet at a specific location at a specific time, but far too many people will ask for the address you posted half an hour ago. They’ll then arrive at the venue half an hour late because they misread the time. Ugh. Bitter? Us? There’s no way.

Yeah, Brandon, We Haven’t Got All Day

Oh, Brandon, isn’t it always the same with you? Brandon is nowhere near being ready as the rest of the family stands at the door, hair done, ties tied, shoes shined, and all ready to go.

Yeah, Brandon, We Haven't Got All Day

Yeah, Brandon, We Haven’t Got All Day

He still has to choose a shirt, change his socks, and say goodbye to his goldfish. We’re not sure how his girlfriend manages to put up with it. We’re not leaving without you next time, dude.

It Could Be a Typo

Yes, it’s possible that it was a typo. It’s possible that F was intended to be a K. And then it was mass-produced and sold with the error undetected by the public.

It Could Be a Typo

It Could Be a Typo

And maybe, just maybe, the guy who bought it and put it on his car didn’t realize there was a mistake and was just proudly flaunting his love for milk and cookies, as one should. Maybe. However, it’s possible that this isn’t the case.

Grinding That Axe

Man, AT&T. You either love or hate them. And the driver of that truck isn’t exactly a loving person. However, we can’t blame them for it. We wouldn’t be too happy if someone stole $685 from us, either.

Grinding That Axe

Grinding That Axe

Our only hope is that this driver received their money back (though it’s more likely that they didn’t) and that they were able to prevent others from suffering the same fate.

Stay Back

A good rule to follow is to keep your distance. Processed foods should be avoided at all costs. Keep a safe distance from people who are toxic. Keep a safe distance from roaring lions. See? It’s only common sense!

Stay Back

Stay Back

The same logic applies to your daily commute, and this bumper sticker serves as an excellent reminder. Stay back and you’ll be fine. Once you’re both out of your cars, you can hug whoever it is.

Driving up the Wall

People who wear their hearts on their sleeves and individuals who display them on the back of their vehicles are both acceptable…. Similarly to the person who slapped this sticker on the back of their Subaru.

Driving up the Wall

Driving up the Wall

Their heart is rainbow-colored, and they don’t seem to have any driving skills. While we have nothing against the rainbow nation, we believe the other issue could be resolved with a few hours with a driving instructor.

You Heart What?

Do not tell us about this; we can figure it out. The beginning and the middle are pretty obvious — this person is passionate about something. What’s more, something appears to be performing handstands on a horse.

You Heart What?

You Heart What?

Do you mean equestrian gymnastics? Isn’t that a thing, by the way? Although it is not currently an Olympic sport, we have a strong suspicion that it will be in the near future.

Do You, Really?

This sticker makes us question everything we thought we knew about human nature as inhabitants of planet Earth. It appears to us that everyone is obsessed with living forever and never growing old.

Do You, Really?

Do You, Really?

Is it possible that we were deceived? Should we stop wearing sunscreen and cancel all future facials? Because, honestly, following the advice on that bumper sticker seems like a great way to save money.

Why the Aggression, Bro?

Are we getting personal now? We’re curious as to how many honks and obnoxious drivers this person had to endure in order to obtain that decal for the back of their vehicle.

Why the Aggression, Bro?

Why the Aggression, Bro?

We’re also curious to see how other motorists react to it on the road. For example, our first reaction was to wonder about the Freudian tendencies of this driver, but that’s just our opinion.

Or Just Close the Windows

Breaking wind. Tooting. Passing gas. It’s one of the lowest forms of humor, but despite (or perhaps because of) that, it still works. This bumper sticker is proof of that.

Or Just Close the Windows

Or Just Close the Windows

Laughing at knock-knock jokes, banana peels, and the Three Stooges are all examples of shallow but effective humor that can be found in the same category as this type of material.

Focus Is Hard

Even if you haven’t been diagnosed with a significantly short attention span, sitting down and concentrating on a single task for extended periods of time can be difficult to accomplish.

Focus Is Hard

Focus Is Hard

As a result, we hope the driver of this vehicle does not take rides that last longer than ten minutes. However, if they do, we hope they encounter some squirrels along the way.

Right Side Up

Okay, so this isn’t a bumper sticker, but this spare wheel cover was simply too appealing to pass up. If you find our inclusion offensive, please move on to the next page.

Right Side Up

Right Side Up

This car’s occupants (presumably a father-daughter duo from Virginia) have no issues. At least, that’s what their vehicle says. However, in other areas of life, your guess is as good as ours.

Keep Your Distance

There are numerous reasons to keep a safe distance between yourself and the vehicle in front of you. Although staying safe should suffice, this driver thought it wouldn’t hurt to add a few more.

Keep Your Distance

Keep Your Distance

But there’s one thing that bothers us: who drives a stick nowadays? Isn’t it true that stick shifts are no longer in use? How are stick shifts even a thing now that we have cars that can drive themselves?

Bacteria Buff

Some human experiences can make you want to give up on humanity completely. One of them is the morning commute. This bumper sticker exists to remind us that there is always a silver lining.

Bacteria Buff

Bacteria Buff

No matter how utterly uneducated and uncultured some of our fellow humans appear to be, you can count on them to have at least a sliver of culture at their disposal.

Making Jack Black Proud

If you’re unfamiliar with Tenacious D and their iconic song “Tribute,” this one may require some explanation. Tenacious D is a two-man band formed by Jack Black and Kyle Gass, and their biggest hit is “Tribute.”

Making Jack Black Proud

Making Jack Black Proud

It’s also one of the world’s funniest songs. The sticker is a paraphrase of the single’s lyrics, and you’ll have to listen to the song on YouTube to get the full effect. It’ll be worth it, we promise.

Why’d You Put It on, Then?

Sure, people are unlikely to change their minds after seeing a particularly poignant bumper sticker, but have you ever considered that this is not what they are intended to accomplish?

Why'd You Put It on, Then?

Why’d You Put It on, Then?

Bumper stickers, in our opinion, are simply designed to allow people to wear their feelings on their sleeves. That, and providing people with something to read while stuck in traffic.

Philosophy 101

This car has to be the vehicle that houses Plato’s reincarnated soul. Because no one nowadays studies philosophy, he had to condense his teachings into a single bumper sticker and hope for the best.

Philosophy 101

Philosophy 101

Although these are all important questions, there are a few more that we’d like to address. Is there any such thing as time? Or, if money is nothing more than a series of numbers displayed on a bank computer, aren’t we already slaves to machines?

Kitties By Cray

Unlike any other animal, cats are unique in their own way. Most people’s stereotypes of them boil down to nasty jerks who see you as nothing more than a hairless ape to be fed to. This driver’s cat defies stereotypes in every way.

Kitties By Cray

Kitties By Cray

Because she refuses to take her medication, the owner thought it would be prudent to warn others about her. The only unanswered question is how she manages to operate a gun without opposable thumbs.

Sadly, That’s Illegal

People who are stupid are here to stay. They are a force of nature, created to help us appreciate the fact that we have evolved while other humans have lagged behind.

Sadly, That's Illegal

Sadly, That’s Illegal

This bumper sticker, on the other hand, is here to remind us that there is a way to make the stupid a little more tolerable once we’ve finished appreciating our superior intelligence.

Got Played By a Sticker

It is possible that driving a Mercedes will make a person feel superior to those who are not driving a Mercedes, and this may be true to a certain extent.

Got Played By a Sticker

Got Played By a Sticker

Or to put it another way, in terms of financial resources To design a bumper sticker that instantly burns anyone who looks at it requires an unprecedented level of sophistication.

Consider Us Honking

Imagine yourself driving back home, daydreaming about the time you’ll be able to relax on the couch and do something relaxing. You begin to consider what that might be — drinking tea, meditating, or reading.

Consider Us Honking

Consider Us Honking

Then a car passes you by, and you notice the sticker on the back of the window frame. This is a blessing. You’ve made up your mind, now what? You express your gratitude by honking your horn.

Easier Said Than Done

We are in charge of our own fate. That’s what all those self-help books keep saying, at least. Even so, there are times when we can’t help but let a random idiot cross our path ruin our day.

Easier Said Than Done

Easier Said Than Done

This little bumper sticker serves as a good reminder that while we all have to deal with the occasional idiot, those idiots have to deal with themselves all of the time. And that’s even worse.

Honestly, Same

We often have to do things as adults that we don’t want to do. Things like going to work, cleaning the house, paying bills, and every day driving a massive machine on the road.

Honestly, Same

Honestly, Same

All the while, we’d rather be lying in bed, drinking with friends, or going line dancing like this driver. This bumper sticker belongs to someone who doesn’t mind calling things by their proper names. It is greatly appreciated.

Check Out the Back

You can learn a lot about someone just by looking at the back of their car. Take, for example, this driver. We know he’s from Boulder, Colorado, and that he’s no longer interested in his ex-wife but is smitten by Michael Cera.

Check Out the Back

Check Out the Back

Furthermore, we are aware of his daughter’s existence and that he is a self-described bad driver. This vehicle serves as the equivalent of a mini-biography in the form of a car.

Don’t Text and Drive

Texting while driving is not a good idea. Unless the location you’re trying to reach is where you’ll meet your untimely demise. That’s pretty much the message encapsulated in this sticker.

Don't Text and Drive

Don’t Text and Drive

A driver who tries to squint in order to read the writing may become just as distracted as someone who is texting while driving, which is our only real worry.

Go Fish

oh, how we adore this adorable wall decal. Just take a look at it; it’s so sweet, so innocent, and so pure. It is essential that it is protected at all costs.

Go Fish

Go Fish

You know what? Fishing is something we enjoy doing as well. In fact, we would welcome the opportunity to accompany you on your next fishing excursion. We’ll even cover the cost of the drinks.

I Choose You!

Every fan of the Pokemon cartoon series is familiar with Pikachu. The adorably adorable electric creature has the cutest face and a voice to match, which is exactly what makes this sticker so comical and entertaining.

I Choose You!

I Choose You!

To be honest, the placement is a little puzzling. Don’t you get irritated when people change lanes in front of you? What if they couldn’t see the sticker on the back?

There Is So Much Going On

Oh no, where do we begin? Is it necessary to address the large decal smack dab in the middle of the back windshield? Or perhaps we should start with the license plate that has tarnished Maine’s picture?

There Is So Much Going On

There Is So Much Going On

Let’s call attention to the bumper sticker on the right, which claims that this car has been in places you don’t want it to be. Guess what? It’s entirely up to you.

Do People Actually Honk?

Was this bumper sticker placed there as a practical joke, or was it simply the actions of someone who has no qualms about disclosing their personal information to the public at large?

Do People Actually Honk?

Do People Actually Honk?

In any case, you have to give the guy credit for holding on to his hat. Only a man who is completely confident in his masculinity would be able to carry the weight of such a sticker on his back.

Car-o-Saurus Rex

When it comes to identifying a soccer-mom car, what is the most effective method? Thanks to the stick-figure family that was splayed across one of the windows for making it so simple.

Car-o-Saurus Rex

Car-o-Saurus Rex

And how do you distinguish a car driven by a soccer-dad from another? It should be simple, especially with this t-rex devouring the family of stick figures strewn across one of the windows.

Stay Back, I Have Kids

When there are children in a car, you must be cautious. You don’t want to harm those priceless souls by accident. However, keep in mind that they may not be so valuable and may cause you harm.

Stay Back, I Have Kids

Stay Back, I Have Kids

After all, what kind of harm can a nine-year-old child possibly cause? After all, if you park too close to the child, you’ll notice that the child is quite adept with a key.

Bumper Stickers Inc.

Based on the art on the back of their Jeep, we can learn a few things about this Jeep owner. First and foremost, they are Monsters Inc. fans. Second, they are proud citizens of the United States.

Bumper Stickers Inc.

Bumper Stickers Inc.

We are interested to know, however, how you characterize “America.” Perhaps it entails singing the national anthem while feeding apple pie to your pet bald eagle while doing so. We’ll never know.

Kids on Board

That’s one way of alerting others to the fact that there are children in the car. There are more, to be sure, but are they even half as much fun?

Kids on Board

Kids on Board

This parent could have gone with the standard stick-figure families that we see all over town, but how would other commuters know what kind of fresh hell awaits them if they happen to hit the vehicle?

The Da Vinci Dog

Traffic, road rage, and irresponsible drivers are all enough to make your daily commute a chore. When you see a dog sticking its head out the window, enjoying the ride with its tongue hanging out, your day instantly brightens. This is the case with this car and the pooch it transports.

The Da Vinci Dog

The Da Vinci Dog

But, you might wonder, what happens when the windows are shut? When there’s no wind, this cocker spaniel enjoys making nose art on the glass, which, coincidentally, brightens everyone’s day.

Want to Take Your Chances?

We’re curious about the source of this lady’s statistics. Is it similar to the 23andMe situation? Do you just send a DNA sample to a distant lab and wait a few weeks for the results?

Want to Take Your Chances?

Want to Take Your Chances?

Do they also assess how sarcastic a person is? Or is it vexing? Or are they more likely to post the information on their car for us all to see?

Like Real Men

There are many misconceptions about what it means to be a real man in this world. You know, things like being a sports fan, liking monster trucks, and having a very limited emotional range. Simple.

Like Real Men

Like Real Men

This sticker, on the other hand, changes the game by claiming that real men simply die in cars without airbags. If only we had known sooner. To be honest, all you need to be a real man is a man with a physical body. There. Done.

Good Thing You Don’t Have a Huge Truck Then

People who are unable to drive should refrain from doing so. This should go without saying, but some people need everything explained to them. Even then, they may require additional assistance.

Good Thing You Don't Have a Huge Truck Then

Good Thing You Don’t Have a Huge Truck Then

Dude, if you are unable to drive, you simply do not. However, you do not get a massive truck and splatter your inadequacy all over the back of it, as some people do.

Texas Tool

What kind of Texan has this individual met in order to be awarded that sticker in the first place? We have a sneaking suspicion that there’s a fascinating story behind this.

Texas Tool

Texas Tool

This driver’s sweetheart may have been taken advantage of by the proverbial Texan, who then galloped off into the sunset, never to be seen again. This would be a fun story to tell.

Life Lessons

Every day, we discover something new. All we have to do is look around and take in the life lessons that are presented to us. Apparently, even a rusted bumper sticker can teach those things.

Life Lessons

Life Lessons

Despite the fact that we do not know who came up with that phrase, we hope that this modern-day Confucius has even more pearls of wisdom to share with the world.

Must Be Quite a Collection

We’d like to extend our gratitude to everyone who helped create two of the stickers in this collection. Without your sense of inventiveness, the world would be a different place.

Must Be Quite a Collection

Must Be Quite a Collection

Keeping jerk drivers from reproducing should be everyone’s primary priority. Also, even without an operational horn, letting obnoxious drivers know when they are being jerks is more crucial than we realize.


What about the episode of “The Office” where Dwight and Jim give Kelly a surprise birthday party? Do you recall that episode? What do you remember about the depressing gray balloons and the black-and-white banner that read, “IT IS YOUR BIRTHDAY?”



This bumper sticker had the same effect on us as the one that came before it, and we like it. Our state of mind is diametrically opposed to that of a person suffering from mental illness.

So You Drive the Batmobile?

The Batmobile isn’t it black? We can’t think of another vehicle that would require jet fuel to function. Perhaps Batman decided to paint it and rent it out for joyrides.

So You Drive the Batmobile?

So You Drive the Batmobile?

Either that, or the motorist is exaggerating the severity of his or her circumstances. However, what are the realistic chances of such an occurrence occurring? For the time being, we’ll stick with the Batman analogy.

Dad Jokes

Dad humor has risen to become an unimaginably popular genre in the world of comedy. From being a tool to unwittingly embarrass your children, it has somehow managed to turn around in irony and become a respectable source of amusement.

Dad Jokes

Dad Jokes

As a result, we have this decal, which was discovered on the back of a truck belonging to what appears to be a very proud father and his ashamed children.

Probably Found in LA

People from all over the world are attempting to make it in show business, which is the most difficult industry to break into. Only a small percentage of them will be able to pursue their dreams, while the remainder will eventually settle for other options. We’ll leave it to you to find out who is driving this Mercedes.

Probably Found in LA

Probably Found in LA

Hopefully, she has a backup plan. Gardening is something we advocate. We’ve heard it’s good for your mental health, and you get to grow your own fruit, so you’re not going hungry.

Anything for the Ladies

Consider this scenario: you’re out running errands on a hot summer day, craving nothing more than a cold beer, then you stumble across a friendly police officer riding this small wagon. Ah! Salvation!

Anything for the Ladies

Anything for the Ladies

We’re merely curious what happens if any of the guys in the area start to grow thirsty. Is it possible that a different police car is on its way to assist them?

The Need for Speed

It’s no laughing matter when it comes to road safety. This is why many individuals have a black box in their car, which is designed to monitor safety features such as seatbelts, brake systems, and, yes, speed.

The Need for Speed

The Need for Speed

This driver appears to enjoy taking a wild joyride now and then, but he knows better than to endanger others. At the very least, he’s playing it cool about it.

But Why?

There are more questions than answers when it comes to this sticker. What is the source of the problem with toilet tissue rolls? What happens to them if they are left in a car for an extended period of time?

But Why?

But Why?

Is it true that they have secret TP meetings in order to take over the world? Also, why is it important for other drivers on the road to be aware of it? We’ll take your guess as good as ours.

You Pray to God With That Mouth?

There is a conflict of interest here, ladies and gentlemen, and we need to address it. On the one hand, we have a physical manifestation of a person’s religious belief in the form of one of the Ten Commandments.

You Pray to God With That Mouth?

You Pray to God With That Mouth?

However, there are some words that would make any kindergarten teacher scream in horror if they heard them. This collage of human experiences, all condensed into a single small sticker, is truly amazing.

Self Awareness Is Key

Some people are completely oblivious to how they appear. They imagine themselves to be the best version of themselves. Things, on the other hand, appear to be completely different when viewed from a different perspective. This is clearly the case with the car’s owner.

Self Awareness Is Key

Self Awareness Is Key

This guy recognizes that he isn’t a godsend to humanity and isn’t afraid to admit it. Putting it out there somehow makes him appear kinder than the sticker portrays him to be.

This Driver Must be Loaded

Let us translate this bumper sticker from Germany for those of you who don’t speak the language (or can’t guess). “Official sponsor of the finance minister,” reads the inscription.

This Driver Must be Loaded

This Driver Must be Loaded

It’s safe to assume that whoever chauffeurs the German finance minister is earning incredible sums of money. We’re curious if the minister has ever entertained the notion of swapping his chair for the driver’s seat.


Someone in Utah has a slightly different set of preferences than the rest of humanity, and they are dumb enough to make their preferences known to the rest of the world.



Yet to be determined is which items are placed first and second in the order of priority in this hierarchy. Our money is invested in a high-performance vehicle with a powerful sound system.

The Horror

“Student Driver,” a new horror film starring an unknown actor, will be released in theaters this summer in a theater near you. It appears to be a smashing success. It was a fantastic hit and run.

The Horror

The Horror

All we can hope is that the poor Honda will make it through this ordeal unscathed. When it comes to stunt cars, Hollywood producers can be a little too careless.

Thanks, Jerry

There are a plethora of quotes available. You name it: inspiring, motivating, and thought-provoking ones. We’re not sure why this person chose to put a depressing picture on his car.

Thanks, Jerry

Thanks, Jerry

Even though the word “something” is a familiar one, it has a negative connotation. Maybe something is sitting on the couch, eating ice cream, and you’re not aware of it.

Reduce, Reuse, Re-stick It Under Your Windshield

There are a plethora of initiatives aimed at making recycling enjoyable — bottle depositing and clothing swap parties are just the tip of the iceberg. Still, if there’s one thing you can do to sell an agenda, no matter which one, it’s to make whoopee.

Reduce, Reuse, Re-stick It Under Your Windshield

Reduce, Reuse, Re-stick It Under Your Windshield

People would be led to believe that those who care for the environment are having more fun if they saw this clever bumper sticker. With any luck, it will serve as an example for others to follow.

Don’t Get Distracted

At first, this may appear to be a bit overwhelming. It’s easy to give up reading bumper stickers on this car because there are so many of them. But it was only because of one sticker that we were able to bring this picture with us. Can you figure out which one it is?

Don't Get Distracted

Don’t Get Distracted

A single red sticker with the words “empowering, socially sensitive messages” stands out among all the empowering, socially sensitive messages here “Think. It’s not illegal yet.” We’d be happy to put this on a few hoods.

What ARE You Then?

This individual wishes to make it clear to the public that he or she is not a vegan in any way. Fine. Even so, this does not provide much clarity.

What ARE You Then?

What ARE You Then?

Keto, paleo, intermittent fasting, low fat, high carb, and just plain gluten or lactose intolerance are just a few of the diets and nutritional regimens available. Which is it, then? We just need to know. Except, in a way, we don’t.

No Politician, No Bad Music

This individual intends to slap some very clear messages on the back of their Cadillac. First and foremost, politics stinks, and it’s only a matter of time before anyone involved in it smells like it.

No Politician, No Bad Music

No Politician, No Bad Music

Second, the only person in this car who has a good sense of musical taste is the person who is driving it. This cowboy must be a lot of fun to be around at parties.

A Car With a Potty Mouth

When it comes to generating ideas for a bumper sticker that is both cheeky and direct, nothing beats a good, old-fashioned case of road rage. This might be one of the best here.

A Car With a Potty Mouth

A Car With a Potty Mouth

The driver must have grown tired of all the honking coming through the stereo and decided that a little message on the back bumper couldn’t hurt. We’re not sure if it was beneficial.