Here’s Why Dogs Do The Things They Do

Published on 03/04/2022
Here's Why Dogs Do The Things They Do

Here’s Why Dogs Do The Things They Do

Through their body language, we can learn a lot about how dogs perceive the world. Dogs display a wide range of behaviors and actions that help us understand how they are feeling and what they require. Caregivers are better able to form positive relationships with their dogs based on trust and understanding in this way. Do you know why your dog wants to show you his toy or why his tongue is hanging out to the side? Take a look at the following common dog behaviors to learn more about your dog and how to be a better companion and caregiver for it.

Long Legs

Long Legs

It can mean a variety of things when your dog stands up on his hind legs. A sign of affection is one of them. They, like humans, want to hug you sometimes. However, getting up on their hind legs while interacting with other dogs could indicate that they’re having fun. This is simply their way of playing if they are not growling or acting aggressively.

Chewing on the Furniture Doesn’t Mean They’re Hungry

Puppy teeth are growing, and they, like children, will want to chew on toys and other objects to relieve the pain. However, if your pet is constantly chewing the furniture and is no longer a puppy, it could be a sign of something else. It could indicate that they aren’t getting enough physical activity and require an outlet for their energy.

Chewing on the Furniture Doesn't Mean They're Hungry

Chewing on the Furniture Doesn’t Mean They’re Hungry

You can begin by getting them out of the house and taking a walk with them. While this will not solve all of your problems, it is a good place to start. When your dog isn’t getting enough exercise, you can usually tell, and this is one of the telltale signs.

Why Dogs Bark

Barking serves a variety of purposes, depending on the situation, the dog’s barking style, and the environment. A dog’s frequent and loud barking could indicate a sense of urgency. They may be trying to alert you to the fact that danger is approaching.

Why Dogs Bark

Why Dogs Bark

It’s possible that a dog who barks in short and soft bursts wants you to play with him or her. Dogs who bark excessively may be suffering from some sort of injury.

Not Always Fetch Time

There are a few theories as to why your dog brings you a toy from time to time. One of them claims that you are their alpha and that they are attempting to earn your respect. Another theory claims that by bringing you its most prized possession, your dog is showing his trust in you.

Not Always Fetch Time

Not Always Fetch Time

It could also indicate that they are pleased to see you. Throwing the object away in this case may be hurtful to the dog’s feelings. So the next time your dog brings you a toy, keep it and see if it makes your dog happy.

Yawning Doesn’t Only Express Exhaustion

Humans yawn only when they are tired or bored; dogs, on the other hand, do not yawn when they are tired or bored. One reason could be that they trust and feel safe around you. Animals yawn as a sign of submission in nature. When your dog yawns 15 times, you know they’re in a good mood. However, yawning can also indicate excitement or stress.

Yawning Doesn’t Only Express Exhaustion

Yawning Doesn’t Only Express Exhaustion

It is possible that your dog will yawn repeatedly while waiting in the veterinarian’s office to relieve his nervousness. It is also possible for dogs to yawn before going for a walk as a means of controlling their excitement.

Wiggling Like a Caterpillar

You’re right if you think your dog looks happy when it wiggles around on its back, kicking its legs up in the air and wiggling around. At least, that’s how it feels most of the time.

Wiggling Like a Caterpillar

Wiggling Like a Caterpillar

Your dog may wiggle excessively at times, as if trying to reach an itch or other irritation. Or, this could be their way to lure your attention. Why don’t you take a few minutes out of your day to focus on them?

Looking at You Before You Leave

One thing that makes owners particularly sad when they leave is the look on their dog’s face as they walk out. Your dog may wiggle excessively at times as if trying to reach an itch or other irritation.

Looking at You Before You Leave

Looking at You Before You Leave

Another possibility is that they are trying to attract your attention in this manner. Isn’t it time you took a few minutes out of your day to think about them?

Why Your Dog Paces Back and Forth

There are a variety of reasons why your dog paces back and forth. It’s possible that your dog is bored, nervous, or excited. They, like humans, pace around the room. If your dog is circling you in circles, it could mean they want to play with you.

Why Your Dog Paces Back and Forth

Why Your Dog Paces Back and Forth

They want to know if you’re willing to participate. When two dogs meet, they are likely to chase each other. This isn’t a threat or something to be afraid of; it’s just how they play.

Pointing Its Snout

It’s called pointing when a dog freezes and points its snout at something specific. While doing so, they may lift one of their front paws. This is something that hunting dogs do frequently, but it is something that every dog does at times.

Pointing Its Snout

Pointing Its Snout

“Dogs are just dogs,” veterinarian Dr. Ellen Vindell told Vet Street, “and there are certain behaviors that probably any dog that’s a dog can do… You’ll see a sporting dog that circles like a herding dog and herding dogs that point.”

Yawning Can Be a Sign Of Discomfort

While your dog’s yawning may indicate that he is content, it could also mean something else entirely. A lot of yawning in public does not necessarily mean that your dog is tired and ready for a nap.

Yawning Can Be a Sign Of Discomfort

Yawning Can Be a Sign Of Discomfort

It’s a way of expressing that they’re nervous and uncomfortable. If your dog is acting this way while you’re somewhere new, pay attention to what’s going on so you can comfort and love your dog.

Tilting Their Head to the Side

Many people use a higher pitch when speaking to their dogs. When you speak to your dog in a “doggie” voice, they will occasionally tilt their head to the side as if they understand what you’re saying. Dogs can read and respond to your body language and vocal cues very well.

Tilting Their Head to the Side

Tilting Their Head to the Side

They can recognize a variety of words, so it’s possible they’re listening for words and inflections they associate with enjoyable activities such as a treat, a walk, or being outside. According to some experts, dogs tilt their heads to the side to adjust their outer ears in order to better pinpoint the noise.

Sniffing the Air

Dogs’ noses serve a variety of functions. Dogs have 220 million olfactory receptors compared to 5 million in humans. Dogs’ noses are superior to humans’ by 1,000 times. When they sniff the air, it could mean they’re trying to track prey or that they sense danger approaching.

Sniffing the Air

Sniffing the Air

They will be completely still during this time. They remain completely silent in order to avoid being seen by their prey. Dogs, like people, can smell the differences between people and dogs. Even identical twins can smell the difference between family members!

Flipping Their Tongues Up Means They’re Sorry

When a dog feels he or she has done something wrong, they will apologize by sticking their tongue out and flipping their tongue up in apology. It’s clear to them that they’ve made a mistake and they’re sorry for it.

Flipping Their Tongues Up Means They're Sorry

Flipping Their Tongues Up Means They’re Sorry

They may also try to put on an innocent face because they know their owners are suckers for their cute faces when they do this. Even if it’s something as simple as peeing on the floor, they’ll do it.


Dogs, unlike humans, do not stretch only when they wake up from a nap or to stretch out their muscles. Stretching, on the other hand, can represent affection and love for someone.



When you get home and see your dog stretching, don’t assume they were sleeping. They’re expressing their joy at seeing you, so show them some love and affection in return.

Exposing Their Belly Is a Sign of Respect

When a dog exposes its belly to you, it is demonstrating its respect and submission. It could also indicate that he wishes to play with you. By rubbing their belly, you can encourage them to keep doing so.

Exposing Their Belly Is a Sign of Respect

Exposing Their Belly Is a Sign of Respect

If you rub their belly, they’ll want to keep doing it because they’ve learned that every time they do it, you’ll give them a nice massage. When a dog is attacked by another animal, however, it can roll on its back.

Tucking Their Tail

When your dog is upset, he or she may tuck his or her tail between its legs. This is what dogs do when they are nervous, scared, guilty, or ashamed. It’s almost always a bad sign.

Tucking Their Tail

Tucking Their Tail

If you see your dog doing this, comfort him and assure him that he is safe. Pets and a soft voice can help you achieve this. Dog treats may also be effective.

Why a Dog Raises Its Paws

You can tell when your dog raises his or her paws because they want something from you or because they want to play. This is a behavior that is mostly seen in puppies and younger dogs.

Why a Dog Raises Its Paws

Why a Dog Raises Its Paws

A puppy will raise its paws to touch its mother when it wants to eat. If your puppy does this to you, it could be a sign that they want to be loved and cared for.

Their Tails Say as Much as Their Eyes

Wagging a dog’s tail is a sign of extreme happiness and excitement, as you probably already know. However, if they wag their tail while hanging it down, it can be interpreted as a sign of submission.

Their Tails Say as Much as Their Eyes

Their Tails Say as Much as Their Eyes

It could also indicate that they are perplexed, sad, or ill. When they wag their tail high, it indicates that they are eager to play and alert. Their tail is almost as expressive as their eyes.

Dragging Its Bum

You might think it’s hilarious if you see your dog dragging its bum across the floor. However, this is something to be concerned about. Scooting is a behavior that occurs when your dog is trying to release an impacted anal sac.

Dragging Its Bum

Dragging Its Bum

This has a greater impact on some breeds than others. When this happens, the dog is extremely uncomfortable, and you should take your dog to the veterinarian as soon as possible so that the organ can be drained.

Why Your Dog Lays on Your Feet

Dogs enjoy laying right on their owners’ feet, whether they are sitting at dinner or on the couch watching TV. This adorable sign demonstrates your dog’s devotion to you and desire to protect you. They want to be as close as possible to you. If you try to get up, they will not object to you moving.

Why Your Dog Lays on Your Feet

Why Your Dog Lays on Your Feet

This is another trait that they inherited from their ancestors. Dogs enjoy sleeping in their pack. If you are a caring and trustworthy caregiver, the dog will regard you as a member of their family. They also regard you as the pack’s leader.

Lean on Me

When you’re out and about, does your dog ever lean on you? They’re hugging you if they lean some of their body weight against you, even if you don’t realize it. It’s not that they’re lazy or incapable of standing on their own; it’s simply a way for them to connect with you.

Lean on Me

Lean on Me

Don’t nudge your dog away from you the next time you notice them doing this. This is potentially harmful. You should instead allow them to show their love for you.

Why They Tackle You to the Floor

When you walk through the door, does your dog immediately tackle you to the ground? This isn’t a way for them to annoy you or get your attention. They are simply overjoyed to see the person they adore the most.

Why They Tackle You to the Floor

Why They Tackle You to the Floor

They’ve been waiting for you to return from work all day and are overjoyed that you’re finally home! Dogs, like humans, jump for joy and embrace each other with big hugs. Jumping in other situations could indicate something less pleasurable, such as your dog trying to assert dominance over you.

Flicking Their Ears

When a dog flicks its ears, it means they’re paying attention. This is exactly what most animals do when they want to be heard. This is how they react when they hear a sign that they are unfamiliar with and are trying to figure out what it means.

Flicking Their Ears

Flicking Their Ears

Allow your dog a brief moment to figure out what they’re listening to if you notice them flicking their ears. It’s also endearing to see your dog be so perceptive and inquisitive.

Licking Themselves

It is a well-known fact that dogs, like most other animals, lick their own bodies to keep them clean. A good chance exists that your dog will clean up any mess that it gets into on his or her own.

Licking Themselves

Licking Themselves

Licking, on the other hand, can indicate pain. If your dog licks its legs and paws a lot, especially near the joints (which is common in dogs with arthritis), take him to the vet to make sure everything is fine.

Wrinkling Their Muzzle

Dogs express their emotions in a variety of ways depending on their mood. Of course, not all of them are uplifting in nature.. In most cases, when a dog wrinkles their muzzle, it indicates that they are becoming aggressive.

Wrinkling Their Muzzle

Wrinkling Their Muzzle

If they snarl and show their teeth, you should remove them from the situation immediately. These actions may indicate that your dog is ready to attack if they believe it is necessary.

Playing Detective

Have you ever been out for a walk with your dog when they suddenly come to a complete stop and raise their foot in the air? While you may believe they tripped over something and were injured, this is completely normal behavior. They’re attempting to decipher something that has piqued their interest.

Playing Detective

Playing Detective

It’s an indication that their minds are active. They might start sniffing like crazy while lifting their paw. As a result, you can simply attribute this behavior to your dog being Inspector Gadget.

Straightening Their Tail

It can be a sign of confidence or excitement when a dog raises its tail straight in the air. When they meet other animals or dogs, some dogs will behave in this manner. It’s a sign that they’re expecting a challenge if their tail stays erect and is a little shaky.

Straightening Their Tail

Straightening Their Tail

A dog’s tail is usually more leveled with its body when it is happy, content, and loved. However, if their tail is low or between their legs, it may indicate that they are uneasy.

The Cute Side Tongue Means Something

When a dog’s tongue hangs out of one side of his mouth, it indicates that he is relaxed and content. After a walk or a game of fetch, you may notice your dog acting like this. However, if your dog’s tongue is frequently to the side, it may be cause for concern.

The Cute Side Tongue Means Something

The Cute Side Tongue Means Something

The “hanging tongue syndrome” could be the cause of this ailment. This is most common in breeds with flattened noses, such as boxers and bulldogs. Get your dog to the vet if he or she is acting like this.

Why Do Dogs Dig up the Yard?

He isn’t simply evil and trying to destroy your newly planted flower bed. Digging for dogs, especially terrier breeds, is an instinctive activity written deep in their DNA. Dogs dig in the yard to hide or retrieve valuables such as toys or bones. Feral dogs may dig holes in the ground to uncover prey hidden in tunnel systems.

Why Do Dogs Dig up the Yard?

Why Do Dogs Dig up the Yard?

They also bury their dead young in the same way that humans do. If you want your dog to stop doing this, you’ll need to train them properly. Otherwise, they’ll keep doing what they’ve always done.

The Reason for Biting

It’s not pleasant to be bitten by a dog. A bite, on the other hand, can indicate affection and a desire to play. When dogs play together, there is usually a lot of biting. This behavior is not aggressive in any way.

The Reason for Biting

The Reason for Biting

A dog bites a person to express their current mood. Aggression, fear, or nervousness could be the dog’s reactions. If you pay attention to the dog’s body language, you can prevent a dog bite from ever occurring.

If They Sleep With You, They Love You

Is it more comfortable for your four-legged friend to sleep with you rather than in their dog bed? This is a behavior that dogs have inherited from their ancestors, who slept together for warmth and security. Your dog wants to be close to you, safe, and comfortable.

If They Sleep With You, They Love You

If They Sleep With You, They Love You

It’s also a sign that your dog adores you and wants to spend the night with you. While you’re sleeping, your dog can make you feel more loved and protected, which can help you sleep better.

Paw Five

You probably don’t like being slapped by another person, and that person is probably annoyed with you. Your dog slapping you with his paw isn’t necessarily an indication that he’s upset with you. It could be his way of attracting your attention.

Paw Five

Paw Five

A dog slapping another dog, on the other hand, is a completely different story. It’s a sign of trust, indicating that the dog has faith in the other. It’s basically how people give each other a friendly or congratulatory pat on the back.

After Meal Cuddles

Do you get a cuddle from your dog after you eat? This could be another sign of their love for you, similar to sleeping in your bed at night. Dogs, like many humans, desire a good nap following a meal. They also want to do it with their favorite person nearby.

After Meal Cuddles

After Meal Cuddles

Actually, this is a powerful way for dogs to show their love for their favorite human, you! Just a suggestion: if your dog is prone to this, keep an eye on what you feed them. You don’t want any gas to escape while they’re snuggled up to you.

Why Your Dog Pants

No, panting does not indicate that your dog is out of breath or about to die. In fact, this is how dogs cool down when they become overheated. This is their own way of lowering their body temperature because they can’t sweat like humans.

Why Your Dog Pants

Why Your Dog Pants

It’s a good idea to give your dog water if you notice him panting. Your dog may also be panting to relieve pain or stress. Most dogs pant on a regular basis, but it’s important to keep an eye on them and make sure they’re getting everything they require.

Eye Movements

In some ways, dogs and humans communicate their emotions in similar ways. They, like humans, express a lot of their feelings through their eyes. They look down to the ground when they’re sad or tired. They open their eyes wide and look around excitedly when they’re excited.

Eye Movements

Eye Movements

They’ll look at you and possibly raise their eyebrows as if they’re asking you a question when they want something. When looking at a dog’s eyes rather than their tail, you can get a sense of how they’re feeling.

Why Your Puppy Bows

There are several reasons why a dog bows. They bow by lowering their heads while maintaining a straight posture throughout their body. In most cases, it is an indication that they want to participate.

Why Your Puppy Bows

Why Your Puppy Bows

They might start swinging their hips or wagging their tails wildly and excitedly. This is the most common sign that your dog wants to play with you. This is referred to as the “play bow” by dog trainers.

Walking in Circles Before Lying Down

Before laying down, your dog may walk around in circles. If you’re wondering why they do it, it’s a habit that their wolf ancestors may have passed down to them. Before laying down, wolves do this to flatten any leaves or debris that have made their resting spot uncomfortable.

Walking in Circles Before Lying Down

Walking in Circles Before Lying Down

While your dog is unlikely to have any debris on their dog bed or on the kitchen floor, they appear to have retained this habit, which is quite amusing to watch them engage in.

The Meaning of Howling

Some people try to calm their dogs when they howl, but your dog is doing so for a reason. This is how a dog communicates. Dogs howl in the same way that humans yell to release any angry feelings they have inside.

The Meaning of Howling

The Meaning of Howling

Many dog owners believe that their dogs howl in order to assert their dominance, but in reality, they do so simply because it makes them feel good to be doing so.

Hugging With Their Eyes

This is a very good sign if your dog gives you puppy eyes. Puppy eyes, according to most dog owners, are a sign that their dog is trying to attract their attention by being cute. Puppy eyes, on the other hand, are a sign of their affection for you and a way of hugging you.

Hugging With Their Eyes

Hugging With Their Eyes

This adorable innocence is a sign that they adore you and want to be hugged or kissed by you. If your dog looks you in the eyes and stares at you, you should be overjoyed because it means your dog is completely enamored with you!


While you may believe your dog is attempting to yodel, it could actually be an attempt to communicate with you. Many owners claim that their dogs have the ability to communicate with them.



“Our German Shepherd rescue, the sweetest dog we have ever owned (unless you happen to be a cat), is 9,” says a writer for an animal journal about his dog’s yowling. She ‘talks’ about everything! Grumbles about not getting a cat lunch, has 5-minute conversations about going for a walk, and exchanges pleasantries (you’d swear) about how glad she is to see someone.”

Eating Poop

It’s repulsive, but not unheard of. When a dog begins to eat its own or other dogs’ feces (a condition known as coprophagia), it is usually one of two things: either a trainable behavior or a sign of malnutrition.

Eating Poop

Eating Poop

If your dog begins to do this too frequently, the best thing you can do is take him to the vet. If your vet has ruled out any nutrient deficiencies or medical issues, it’s time to seek the help of a trainer to help your dog break the habit.

Chasing Their Tail

In most cases, tail-chasing is merely a sign of amusement, but keep an eye on your dog if it becomes excessive. It could indicate a medical or behavioral problem; for example, if your dog chews on his tail when he catches it, he could have skin allergies or anal glands that need to be emptied at the vet.

Chasing Their Tail

Chasing Their Tail

It could be a sign of OCD if your dog starts chasing its tail constantly and obsessively. Animals, too, are affected. To be on the safe side, you should consult with your veterinarian.

Licking People

It’s usually to say “I love you” or to get your attention when your dog licks you. You can also enjoy a pleasant taste; remember, our skin contains nutrients and minerals.

Licking People

Licking People

If your dog’s licking becomes excessive, you can use basic training to teach him not to do it. When your dog licks you, ignore him and reward him with a treat when he stops. Oh, and what about the myth that dog saliva is cleaner than human saliva? It’s all a myth.

When Dogs Hump

Dogs hump for a variety of reasons. And, contrary to popular belief, it is not always of a sexual nature, nor is it always a dominance issue. Humping other dogs, objects, or people is a common game for dogs.

When Dogs Hump

When Dogs Hump

There’s no harm in them doing this unless the other dog is bothered by the humping. Objects aren’t a problem unless they bother the owner, and if you’re humping people, you should break the habit for the sake of others.

Sniffing Other Dogs’ Butts

The phrase “Can you imagine if people greeted each other like that?” is often used in reference to dogs’ butt-sniffing, and it’s understandable. by dog-owning friends who know you well

Sniffing Other Dogs' Butts

Sniffing Other Dogs’ Butts

Because a dog’s sense of smell is at least 10,000 times better than a human’s, they use their nose to learn about the world around them. Sniffing each other’s buttocks allows dogs to learn a lot about one another, including their gender, reproductive status, temperament, diet and other information.

Dog Squinting or Blinking

Surely, the cuteness of seeing your dog with that slight squint, looking straight at you, has emotionally manipulated you or brought you to a puddle of “awww.” When your dog squints or blinks, he’s usually trying to get your attention so he can spend quality time with you.

Dog Squinting or Blinking

Dog Squinting or Blinking

If your dog begins to behave in this manner on a regular basis, it is possible that you are spending too much time apart and that you need to make more time for your fluffy friend.

Open Mouth, Relaxed Tail, and High Ears

Many people are curious as to when the best time is to approach a dog. When you see one with an open mouth, a relaxed tail, and straight-up ears, that’s when.

Open Mouth, Relaxed Tail, and High Ears

Open Mouth, Relaxed Tail, and High Ears

When a dog is like this, it means they are calm and relaxed, and they are comfortable in their current surroundings. So, if you’re looking for a good time to cuddle, now is the time!

Straight Tail and Ears Forward

You’ve probably seen your dog with his tail straight and his ears pointing forward on numerous occasions. The ears are forward because, as you might expect, they’re trying to hear what’s going on better.

Straight Tail and Ears Forward

Straight Tail and Ears Forward

This behavior indicates that something has piqued your dog’s interest; they’re interested in learning more and are ready to investigate. They are fascinated by a new sound or smell in the environment.

Dead Dog Pose

Cute and funny pictures of people’s dogs in the ‘dead bug’ pose have flooded the internet. You know, when your dog resembles a dead bug with its limbs protruding into the air. Unlike a dead bug, however, your dog’s face is likely to be relaxed, almost with a content little smirk.

Dead Dog Pose

Dead Dog Pose

This is because a dog lying in this position indicates that it is submissive and vulnerable, and that it is at ease in its surroundings. Because not all dogs can sleep like this, it usually means they have a more laid-back and independent personality.

Sleeping on Their Side

When taking a nap, many dogs sleep on their sides, but they rarely do so for long periods of time, certainly not for an entire night’s sleep. This is because lying on their side means it will take them longer to stand up and get into a defensive position in the event of an unexpected threat.

Sleeping on Their Side

Sleeping on Their Side

So, if your dog sleeps or naps like this, it most likely means he or she is a very happy and carefree dog who has complete trust in his or her ‘pack.’

The ‘Superman’ Pose

The superman pose is one of the cutest poses a dog can do. Surely, your dog has occasionally returned from a long walk, a run, or some high-intensity playtime with other dogs and collapsed, lying on its belly, limbs sprawled out on the floor.

The 'Superman' Pose

The ‘Superman’ Pose

This essentially means that your dog has reached the end of his energy. This is something puppies do a lot because it allows them to quickly pop back up into a standing position and continue playing for another 10 hours!

The ‘Passed Out’ Pose

In addition to the ‘dead bug’ pose, there is another position that makes it appear as if your dog has passed out. However, unlike the dead bug position, which indicates that your dog is relaxed and happy, this pose could indicate that your dog is overheating and trying to cool down.

The 'Passed Out' Pose

The ‘Passed Out’ Pose

So, how do you know if you’re in this pose? If a dog’s paws are crossed across its chest, it’s best to leave them alone and allow them to rest! They’ll find a way to cool down on their own!

The Belly Curl

While this pose may appear to be adorably cute, it actually indicates that your dog is not getting a good night’s sleep when it lies down in this position. This is referred to as “the belly curl.”

The Belly Curl

The Belly Curl

Dogs can’t reach REM sleep because their muscles aren’t completely relaxed when they sleep on their belly with their paws underneath or out to the sides. This is a common sleeping position for dogs with a gentle and shy personality.

Curled Up Like a Fox

Another cute position is when a dog curls up completely like a fox. When your dog’s paws are under his body and his tail is wrapped around his body, reaching his face, he’s probably cold.

Curled Up Like a Fox

Curled Up Like a Fox

They adopt this position in order to retain as much body heat as possible. So, if you see your dog sleeping like this at home, simply cover them with a small blanket.

Dogs Sleeping Back to Back

Dogs have become so domesticated that we often forget where they came from and that they are ‘pack’ animals. When we see two dogs getting along or displaying ‘pack’ behaviors around each other, we are reminded of this. When they sleep side by side, for example.

Dogs Sleeping Back to Back

Dogs Sleeping Back to Back

Beyond being extremely endearing, this is something a dog will only do with another member of what they consider to be their “pack,” and with a dog in whom they have complete confidence.

When Your Dog Brings You a Gift

We’re sure your dog has brought you shoes, gifts, and, in less desirable situations, a dead animal at least once, just like this adorable little french bulldog in the photo below. Take this as a sign of utmost respect and reverence from your dog; they’re actually trying to make you happy by giving you something! Isn’t that adorable?!

When Your Dog Brings You a Gift

When Your Dog Brings You a Gift

Now you know what to do the next time your dog struts proudly into the room with a dead animal in its mouth: hide the disgusted expression and smile. Unless, of course, it’s the cat next door.

The Post-Bath Boost of Energy

Some dogs enjoy getting a bath, but they are the exception rather than the rule. In most cases, dogs are eager to get out of the bath! When your dog starts running around like a maniac after getting a bath, it’s clear that they don’t like it.

The Post-Bath Boost of Energy

The Post-Bath Boost of Energy

The fact that dogs will do this is also due to the fact that being wet is an uncomfortable sensation for them, and they simply want to dry off as quickly as possible and regain their odor.

When Your Dog Stays By Your Side

In the event that you have ever owned a dog (or had children), it is safe to assume that you are all too familiar with the term “invasion of privacy.”

When Your Dog Stays By Your Side

When Your Dog Stays By Your Side

But keep in mind that when you’re annoyed because your dog is invading your personal space, such as following you to the bathroom and just standing there, it’s simply because they want to be near you. Dogs are pack animals, and pack animals prefer to remain together!

When Your Dog Shows Empathy

When your dog expresses empathy, it means they are experiencing empathy. Dogs can detect ‘abnormal’ emotions in the air, particularly anger and sadness. And if your dog detects your distress, he or she will most likely try to soothe you in any way they can.

When Your Dog Shows Empathy

When Your Dog Shows Empathy

If you’re having a bad day and your dog comes over to you, looks at you, licks you, or simply rests his head or paw on you, they’re simply letting you know that they care.

Dogs Eating Grass

In dogs, eating grass is a fairly common behavior. Unfortunately, this usually indicates that they are deficient in a specific nutrient or are simply trying to improve their digestion (grass helps with this since it is basically fiber).

Dogs Eating Grass

Dogs Eating Grass

It could also be an indication of intestinal worms. It could also just be that it’s hot outside, and they’re trying to stay hydrated by drinking whatever water is left on the grass. In any case, if your dog begins to do this on a regular basis, it’s a good idea to take him to the vet.

The Puppy Dog Eyes

It’s not much different when your puppy is still a puppy than when your teenager is still a baby or toddler. It’s all in the eyes. Those big puppy eyes have a way of melting our hearts. What exactly does that idiom imply? Apparently, not much.

The Puppy Dog Eyes

The Puppy Dog Eyes

It’s the same feeling you get when your baby or toddler stares at you. In most cases, your dog will be calm when you leave the house in the morning. They’re used to the routine. It’s time to leave, but they’re aware that you’ll be back.

Raising Their Paws

Don’t ignore it if your dog raises its paw (which usually happens with young puppies). They’re making an attempt to make a request. They’re either looking for your attention or want to play. Tell your dog if you don’t have time for doggy play.

Raising Their Paws

Raising Their Paws

That sliver of attention can sometimes suffice (Amazing how these animals are like our kids). When an adult dog does this, it usually places its paw on your lap, indicating that he is hungry or that his water bowl is empty.

Bad Breath

Although dogs aren’t known for having the scent of roses trailing from their mouths, if your dog’s breath begins to smell worse than usual, don’t ignore it. Bad breath can be a sign of a serious medical problem that needs to be addressed. It’s possible that one of its internal organs (liver kidneys) requires attention.

Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Dogs’ breath can also have a sweet odor, which could indicate a sugar level problem, such as diabetes. In any case, if your dog’s breath does not stink in the usual way, it’s time to take him to the vet.

Head Pressing

Have you ever noticed your dog’s head pressed up against a wall? Have you ever witnessed your dog trying to push a solid object? They aren’t joking around, and you must pay attention to what they are saying.

Head Pressing

Head Pressing

This behavior could be indicative of a variety of issues. You should see your veterinarian as soon as possible because it could be poisoning or a brain disease. It’s all about the timing in this situation.


All pets (especially dogs) want to live in a clean environment, just like humans, so when your dog begins to urinate in your home, something is wrong. If everything is fine, there is no reason for a dog to purposefully empty its bladder.



It is possible that your dog is urinating in the house because of a problem with his kidney function; however, it is also possible that he is suffering from another medical condition that needs to be investigated.

Closing or Opening Mouth Slightly

The mouth of a dog is typically open, calm, and relaxed. This indicates that the dog is content and content. But what if your dog’s mouth is only slightly open, his face is tense, and he appears to be uneasy?

Closing or Opening Mouth Slightly

Closing or Opening Mouth Slightly

If you keep an eye on your dog and notice that its mouth is slightly open (or slightly closed), it is likely that the dog is stressed, frightened, or suffering from pain.

Licking Lips

Adult dogs, unlike puppies, do not just lick around. When dogs lick their lips, it’s usually to soothe or calm the person who approaches them. If they are feeling threatened or aggressive, they will lick their lips.

Licking Lips

Licking Lips

It is not uncommon for dogs to lick their lips when they are frustrated or confused to show that they understand and accept the gestures and actions of their owners.

Growling (And Soft Growling)

We, as humans, are usually kept away from dogs by their growling. It terrifies us and makes us feel threatened. Because a growling dog is a protective dog, our actions are justified (and not only theirs). There’s a good chance they’re insecure for a reason.

Growling (And Soft Growling)

Growling (And Soft Growling)

A growling dog is more likely to become aggressive, which can lead to an attack. If your dog, on the other hand, produces a soft growl, it could be indicating that it is in a playful mood.

Whining  and Whining

You’re probably familiar with the sound of whining if you’re the parent of a baby or young child. A whining dog is usually unhappy or trying to communicate that it is in pain. However, pay close attention!

Whining and Whining

Whining and Whining

A whining dog could simply be a dog looking for attention. As a result, be cautious in your observations. Just like children. You must determine whether or not the whine is genuine.

Ears Say It All

The ears say it all in a dog’s world. These “ear rules” will help you better understand what your dog is going through and ensure that they are treated appropriately. It’s a happy and curious dog if its ears are cocked forward and up.

Ears Say It All

Ears Say It All

Is it trying to be playful or chasing after someone? Flat and close to the head ears are a sign that the dog is nervous or insecure. Something is bothering the dog if its ears are not flat against its head.

What Up With Genitals?

Dogs should not be overly fond of their genitals. What is customary? There’s more to it than just licking the rest of the body. Dogs lick their genitals to keep them clean, but if you notice your dog lingering down there, something is wrong.

What Up With Genitals?

What Up With Genitals?

A urinary tract infection is a condition that results in the discharge of genital fluids. It has the potential to irritate and be the source of the licking. It’s possible that this is the source of your dog’s discomfort.


It’s possible for a dog to crouch, and if it does, it means something. Now, crouching can indicate a variety of things, so it’ll probably take some careful observation to figure out what’s going on.



It could indicate that your dog is nervous, insecure, or afraid, or that it is on its way to play with another dog. So, no matter what your dog is doing or trying to communicate, when it crouches, it means something.

Car Chasing

Continue reading if you’ve ever wondered why your dog chases cars. It appears to be in their nature. It’s a characteristic they’re born with. This behavior is extremely dangerous because it can result in car accidents, injury to the dog, or even you, the dog owner, being hit by a car.

Car Chasing

Car Chasing

There is no other option than to undergo proper professional training in this situation. It’s a common problem with dogs all over the world, and if this is something that concerns you, we recommend that you have it treated.

Lack of Appetite

Most healthy dogs can go up to two days without eating, but if you notice your dog isn’t eating or has completely lost its appetite, you should be concerned. A lack of appetite can be caused by a variety of health conditions, including dental disease.

Lack of Appetite

Lack of Appetite

Vaccination can also cause a loss of appetite, and it can take a long time for a dog’s eating habits to return to normal after traveling. Consult your veterinarian if your dog hasn’t eaten properly for more than a day or two.

Food Protective

Dogs (who descended from the wolf family) guard and protect their food in the wild in order to survive. It runs in their veins. And, especially if there are young children or babies present, a dog that guards its food should be trained. When your dog is still a puppy, do this.

Food Protective

Food Protective

Teach them (with professional assistance) that food does not need to be guided, particularly when children are present. If your child or baby accidentally touches the dog’s bowl, the last thing you want is your dog growling at them.

Compulsive Itching

You can expect your dog to scratch occasionally, but what happens when it does so on a regular basis? It is possible that a variety of factors are at play in this pattern of behavior.

Compulsive Itching

Compulsive Itching

It could be an allergic reaction (check the fabric softener you used on the dog’s blanket or sheet), mites, insect bites, a skin infection, or a reaction to the new dog shampoo you bought.


So, it’s not just your partner who annoys you with his or her snoring; your dog may also suffer from this annoying habit. When a dog snores, it not only keeps its owners awake, but it also keeps itself awake.



When a dog snores, it wakes up several times during the night (which isn’t a problem because it doesn’t have an office to go to in the morning). Dogs aren’t supposed to snore, so if it’s happening frequently and loudly, talk to your vet.

Wanting to Go Out Constantly

Dogs naturally want to be outside all of the time, but they become accustomed to living indoors and understand that they must be taken out whenever they are. It’s probably time of the month (not for your dog, but for the neighbor’s female dog) if your dog (who is used to going out three times a day) suddenly demands to be taken out all the time.

Wanting to Go Out Constantly

Wanting to Go Out Constantly

Your male dog will be able to smell a female dog in heat for miles. Remember that dogs, regardless of other dogs or the time of month, want to be outside as much as possible, so take them out whenever you can.

When Its Head Is Out of the Car Window…

This one is for you if you have enough room in your car for your dog. It all has to do with their incredible olfactory scenes. We feel the fresh breeze in our hair when we travel by car, but our dogs detect the smell in the air ten times stronger than when we are still.

When Its Head Is Out of the Car Window...

When Its Head Is Out of the Car Window…

A dog is literally in euphoria when it sticks its head out the window. Their brain, which is packed with sensors, becomes overstimulated, and the high-pressure air blowing directly at their face envelopes them.