40+ People Discovered Real-Life Easter Eggs In Broad Daylight

Published on 02/02/2022
40+ People Discovered Real-Life Easter Eggs In Broad Daylight

40+ People Discovered Real-Life Easter Eggs In Broad Daylight

Finding Easter eggs in real life is even more exciting than finding them in television shows and movies! They can appear out of nowhere, and when we come across them, it feels like magic! We can’t believe these real-life Easter eggs exist, and we’re sure you can’t either! We can’t believe these real-life Easter eggs exist, from hidden messages in t-shirt tags and pop culture references on the street to secret doors and song lyrics hidden in books. Prepare to be amazed!

The Wonderful World of Disney

We pass hundreds of traffic lights every day on our way to work and to be honest, we don’t give them much thought. We continue if they’re green, yield if they’re yellow, and stop if they’re red.

The Wonderful World of Disney

The Wonderful World of Disney

And while being stuck in traffic can be a real pain, this Mickey Mouse traffic light is sure to put a smile on any Disney fan’s or child’s face. It’s bringing Disney’s wonderful world to life!

T-Shirt Tag

Playing tag was one of our favorite childhood activities, and we’ll be honest, we had completely forgotten about it until we saw this shirt. The pun “tag, you’re it” printed on the tag is one of our favorites.

T-Shirt Tag

T-Shirt Tag

What a clever, subtle hidden message that is easy to overlook and that only the person who is wearing the shirt is aware of. So, who will be the next person to be tagged?

Flying Fish

Traveling can be both exciting and stressful, especially at airports, so prepare for both. The process of racing through a crowded airport to make your flight is a complete nightmare, between luggage check and security.

Flying Fish

Flying Fish

We bet you didn’t notice the adorable brass fish on the floor at the Seattle Airport. This one is one of the cutest fish we’ve ever seen—carrying it’s a suitcase and getting ready to fly!

That Rocks!

Did you know Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the moon? In 1969, he walked on the moon, and Apollo 11 was launched by the Saturn V rocket.

That Rocks!

That Rocks!

That’s why this Saturn V Lego set, which contains exactly 1969 pieces, is so awesome! While this tribute may have only been noticed by space nerds, we love the attention to detail, even if it’s easy to overlook!

Doggone It!

Have you ever tried bathing your pet? It’s much more difficult than it appears, and you’ll almost always end up drenched. While the instructions for this pet shampoo appear to be fairly standard at first, if you read on, you’ll find a humorous yet useful tip that will make you laugh.

Doggone It!

Doggone It!

“Eliminate all escape routes well in advance (a tip: once your pet is slippery wet he or she is suddenly smarter and faster than you are.” Indeed, it is true!

Plane Clever

When it comes to paying the bills nowadays, paper statements are a thing of the past. Because it’s less harmful to the environment, it’s the best way to do things.

Plane Clever

Plane Clever

Even if this company chose to continue using paper statements, they did share a clever way to recycle the paper by making a paper airplane! Who wouldn’t benefit from a set of instructions for making a paper airplane? We’ve all forgotten how to make one!

A Sweet Gesture

Retiring is a big deal, and most people throw a party or take a vacation to commemorate the occasion. So, this ice cream shop decided to pay tribute to one of its long-serving employees, Phylis, who has been with the company for 53 years!

A Sweet Gesture

A Sweet Gesture

What a sweet way to recognize a valued employee, and she certainly deserves it after working for the ice cream company for more than 50 years. Way to go, Phylis!

Little City

At first glance, this photo appears to be an aerial shot of graffitied city buildings. However, if you look closely, you’ll notice that it’s art painted on the intersection of the road and the sidewalk. What a clever idea!

Little City

Little City

While some may consider this to be graffiti, we think it adds character to an otherwise boring sidewalk, and we appreciate the attention to detail that the artist has put into his or her artwork.

Ancient Humor

The last thing you expect to see when visiting architecture that is over a thousand years old is an architect who isn’t afraid to show their sense of humor. But that’s exactly what happened with these stairwells, which look like they belong in a horror movie.

Ancient Humor

Ancient Humor

In Conques, France, they were discovered outside the Abbey of Sainte Foy. This is proof to the contrary that Easter eggs can be found in the most unexpected places! Amazing!

Man’s Best Friend

It’s common for family members to leave meaningful messages on their loved ones’ gravestones, but this dog must have been particularly close to its owner because it followed them to their grave.

Man’s Best Friend

Man’s Best Friend

The bulldog silhouette on the tombstone is so small that it’s easy to miss. The dog will now be with his friend for the rest of his life, giving new meaning to the phrase “man’s best friend.” It’s just adorable!

Looking to the Future

Easter eggs abound in movies, and there are a plethora of them to be found. However, finding them on DVD packages is much less likely, which is why we initially missed this one.

Looking to the Future

Looking to the Future

If you look closely, you’ll notice that Futurama was distributed by 30th Century Fox rather than 20th Century Fox. The attention to detail is ideal for a show set in the future! What a brilliant idea!

It’s Global

If you’ve ever been to Sweden, you’re probably aware that the Globe in Stockholm is the site of the country’s National Hockey Arena, which is designed in the shape of a globe.

It’s Global

It’s Global

Even so, it is just one of many globe-shaped statues throughout the country! They represent the solar system when put together, with the Globe representing the sun! Isn’t that cool?

Hidden Creatures

Easter eggs can be found in the strangest of places, and Jeeps have a plethora of them! The Compass has a cute little gecko on the front dash, directly under the windshield wipers. There is a snake on the back window.

Hidden Creatures

Hidden Creatures

In addition to those images, Jeeps are also decorated with flip flops, an image of a creature resembling Godzilla, and drawings of miniature vehicles. As a result, we begin to question why we aren’t driving a Jeep.

Farewell 2020

2020 was a difficult year for almost everyone in the world, and many people believed that once it was over, things would return to normal. Unfortunately, this did not happen, and the pandemic continues.

Farewell 2020

Farewell 2020

But this milk decided to make light of the dreadful year with this clever message beneath the expiration date, because nothing beats a good laugh to get you through a bad day. “Buh-bye 2020,” as they say.

The Jeep Code

Wait until you see this hidden Easter egg if you thought the hidden creatures on Jeeps were cool! While most footrests are unremarkable, the ones found in Jeeps have a unique feature!

The Jeep Code

The Jeep Code

The words “sand, snow, rivers, and rocks” are written in morse code on them. That’s pretty cool. We admire the rugged vehicles’ attention to detail, and owning a Jeep is unquestionably a way of life.


Marvel is the master of Easter eggs, and their films are chock-full of them. However, seeing them in person is a thrilling experience, and we’re sure any Ant-Man fan would love to see this teeny, tiny Ant-Man and the Wasp fight.



Slinkachu is an artist who has created a number of Marvel installations that can be found throughout London, and this particular installation is particularly small, making it easy to miss.


If you need any more reasons to drink milk and strengthen yourself, these adorable blue cats are sure to persuade you! These aren’t your typical milk cartons, and the playful kitties are posing in all sorts of creative ways.



Even if they don’t like cats, we’re sure they drew the attention of passers-by. What’s even better is that it turns into a cat puzzle, and you’ll need at least three cartons to complete it—how clever!


Dinosaurs are fascinating creatures, and just when we think we’ve learned everything there is to know about them, this cable wire reveals something new. Did you know that a Mesozoic pterodactyl has a 50-inch wingspan?



And it just so happens that the length of the wire is the same. Yeah, we’re skeptical as well, but it’s a clever fact that we didn’t realize was missing from our lives until now.

A Bright Idea

Everything seems to be going digital these days, but we’ve never seen a QR code quite like this before. It’s huge! But that’s not all—during Zoom calls, the person who created it has it sitting behind them, and if someone scans it, it turns on the light next to it.

A Bright Idea

A Bright Idea

That was a brilliant idea, and we’re intrigued to know as to whether or not anyone took advantage of it. It’s certain to make dreary office meetings more interesting and fun!

“Polus Utilitatis”

Did you know that flora and fauna have a variety of scientific names, including one for a common utility pole? “Polus utilitatis,” as the phrase goes. We can see what they’ve done. What a brilliant idea!

“Polus Utilitatis”

“Polus Utilitatis”

Even though this is just a regular utility pole with no scientific name, we love how this local garden named and labeled it along with the other plants that grow there.

A Mouse in the Pet Store

Nothing is worse than finding a mouse in your house, and we’d probably jump if we saw this one peering out of a tiny hole carved out of the wall at us while shopping at the pet store.

A Mouse in the Pet Store

A Mouse in the Pet Store

But it’s just Tom and Jerry’s Jerry, and he’s smiling right back at you. We can’t help but wonder about Tom’s whereabouts. Perhaps he’s hiding somewhere else in the store.

Legos You Can Step On

Growing up, Lego was one of our favorite toys, but stepping on it barefoot was the worst! It was excruciatingly painful. Imagine stepping on these massive ones above Wuppertal, Germany’s bridge.

Legos You Can Step On

Legos You Can Step On

But, thankfully, this bridge isn’t made of real Legos, so you can walk across it! It was painted to look like life-sized ones, and we were fooled. We can’t wait to cross it.

Be Happy!

Nature is truly amazing, and it can work in mysterious, yet beautiful ways at times. Like when the leaves change colors in the fall, as they did in the Oregon Coast Range. They revealed an orange smiley face that looks like it was spray-painted on.

Be Happy!

Be Happy!

Even though we are unsure whether this is a natural or man-made phenomenon, it is a pleasant and unexpected surprise that is sure to put a smile on your face!

Secret Door

You’ll probably miss the Lord of the Rings reference on this hidden door unless you’ve seen the film. And if you’re a fan of the films, we’re sure you’ll enjoy this dorm-based ode to B.Baggins.

Secret Door

Secret Door

That is the perfect size for a hobbit, and we can only imagine what Bilbo Baggins would be up to for the rest of the day. Most likely, he’s been preoccupied with breakfast throughout the day.

Sound Advice

Hidden messages are common in songs because they’re usually full of them, but finding them inside an audio device is much less likely. And this one, which you’ll find when you disassemble this audio device, offers some sound advice.

Sound Advice

Sound Advice

It’s sending us a message that we can all benefit from: it’s wishing that the music that passes through it will bring peace to the listener. Because, after all, who doesn’t want more peace in the world?

A Message Behind the Song

Songs contain hidden messages all of the time. Many artists write songs in the style of poetry, so they must leave some things open to interpretation or say what they need in fewer words. It’s always a great feeling to figure out the message behind or within a song, and it helps a person connect to the music.

A Message Behind the Song

A Message Behind the Song

This audio device was obviously disassembled for some reason, but take a look at what’s inside. Someone left a note for the listener, reminding them to take a breath and relax, which is exactly why we listen to music in the first place!

Award Winner

Is this a game you’ve heard of? Bounce Off is the name of the game. And while the company behind it may not have won any awards, that didn’t stop them from having a little fun by announcing it with a gleaming silver sticker that is typically used to highlight accomplishments.

Award Winner

Award Winner

And they don’t really seem to mind who knows they haven’t won any awards, and why should we, to be honest? We like how they aren’t too serious about themselves!

Turn That Frown Upside Down

While we’re used to seeing cookies with smiley faces, these jelly ones are quite disturbing. Not only are they not smiling, but there’s also an angry cookie staring at us, making us feel uneasy.

Turn That Frown Upside Down

Turn That Frown Upside Down

We’re curious as to what happened to the person icing these cookies—they must’ve had a particularly bad day at work! Was it necessary, however, to take it out on the cookies?

Getting Rickrolled

We must admit that we have never considered looking for hidden messages in books while trying to read. But now that we’ve seen this paper, we’re going to get started!

Getting Rickrolled

Getting Rickrolled

The first word of each line on this page contains the lyrics to “Never Gonna Give You Up”! This author took rickrolling to new heights! We must admire the amount of time and effort they put into the prank!

Life’s a Rollercoaster

Some things in life appear to be completely random, such as this silhouette in the middle of the road. However, when combined with the shadow cast off the railing and captured at just the right time of day, it makes perfect sense.

Life’s a Rollercoaster

Life’s a Rollercoaster

It transforms into a whirling rollercoaster, and it serves as a perfect reminder that life can be a rollercoaster ride at times, and you never know what to expect, just like the hidden image in this post.


A walk around a lake is one of the least likely places you’d expect to see legends come to life, and it just so happens to be one of the most unlikely places you’d expect.



This sword was discovered in a stone in Somerset, England, and it resembles King Artur’s legendary sword, Excalibur. We’re curious if the person who pulled it out possessed magical powers. In any case, it’s an impressive sight.

He Who Must Not Be Named

How often do you look down at the ground in airports, amidst all the commotion? Well, there’s a little gem for Harry Potter fans at this Sydney airport that’s easy to miss.

He Who Must Not Be Named

He Who Must Not Be Named

It’s a page from The Daily Prophet, which warns wizards about the return of “He Who Must Not Be Named.” Of course, any Potter fan knows it’s a reference to Lord Voldemort, and the exact image appears in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Punch Buggy No Punch Back

The crawly bug, the iconic ’60s band, or the Volkswagen car with which we used to play punch buggy no punch back are all examples of the word “beetle.” Who knew beetles could come in such a variety of shapes and sizes?

Punch Buggy No Punch Back

Punch Buggy No Punch Back

The creator of this beetle exhibit, on the other hand, thought it would be amusing to place a Beetle car in the middle of a swarm of beetles. And, to be honest, it doesn’t stand out at all!

Nom Nom

We used to look forward to going to the dentist or doctor’s office to play arcade games, and Pac-Man was one of our all-time favorites. We had a lot of fun watching him eat the tiny dots, ghosts, and fruit.

Nom Nom

Nom Nom

And if you look closely enough, the character can be seen in the ventilation covers found in the new subway cars in Stockholm, Sweden. Pac-Man is on the hunt for the ghosts. We’re curious if they were apprehended.

Light it Up

Canada is a beautiful country, but its passports are even more impressive. While we’re used to thinking of passports as a necessity for travel, Canadian passports have a unique feature that can only be seen when exposed to UV light.

Light it Up

Light it Up

They turn neon and light up, revealing a whole new set of images! It’s incredible and such a pleasant and unexpected surprise. But who’s holding their passport under UV light, we have to wonder?

Turn the Page

When you get deep into a book, it’s so satisfying, but have you ever read a book that began on page 145? We’d swear a third of the book had vanished!

Turn the Page

Turn the Page

However, instead of the typical “Author’s Note” found on the first page, this author decided to have some fun and start on this page with a “Author’s Warning.” At the very least, they informed the readers that it was not a mistake and that there was no need to be concerned.

Crediting Artists

Have you ever thought about who made your clothes when you were wearing them? Making clothes takes a lot of time and effort, so this company decided to honor their employees by including their name, a cute picture, and a brief description of the person who made the item on the tag.

Crediting Artists

Crediting Artists

Wow, what a thoughtful way to express gratitude to artists while also acknowledging their contributions to the world. Piedad, you are valued, and your efforts are greatly appreciated! This is so cool!

Loafing Around

We never know what to do with stale baguettes. While we usually throw them away, which is a waste, this company included simple instructions on the packaging for what to do if this occurs, and the suggestions are extremely helpful.

Loafing Around

Loafing Around

Even the one that says “use to pound nails or add to your rock collection” after four days is a good one to keep in mind. This is so amusing!

Marge Simpson’s Hair

If you liked the “Polus Utilitatis” utility pole, you’ll love this one, which features Marge Simpson from The Simpsons. Even if you haven’t seen the show, you’re probably familiar with her long, blue hair.

Marge Simpson’s Hair

Marge Simpson’s Hair

Someone took her picture and placed it right beneath the vines on this utility pole, and it’s amazing how accurate it is! What a fantastic concept—if only it were blue.

Panda Express

Do you read your clothing’s washing instructions? While most of us don’t read them until it’s too late and we’ve already shrunk something, the symbols can be quite confusing when we do.

Panda Express

Panda Express

Like this one, which includes a washer, dryer, iron, and a panda? “DON’T SLAP PANDAS,” the instructions stated. We can’t help but wonder, where do these jokes come from?

Color My World

Legos are so much more than a kid’s toy—who knew they could be used for so many things? While we thought the Lego bridge was cool, this wall in Arnsberg, Germany, that was missing bricks and was repaired with them is even better!

Color My World

Color My World

Wow! What a brilliant idea! This drab structure was transformed into an incredible work of art by someone, and it is now a one-of-a-kind structure that should not be missed.

Fairy Door

Were we the only ones who were giddy with anticipation when it came time to check out books from the library at our school? It was a lot of fun, even though we usually don’t read them.

Fairy Door

Fairy Door

In addition, beneath the bookshelves in this school’s library is a special fairy door. That’s so cute. We’re curious if any children left the fairies any sweet messages or gifts. What a lovely idea!


There are many Lord of the Rings hidden gems, and Bilbo Baggins’ secret door in the college dorm isn’t the only one that people have discovered. You can see Gandalf in this flying eagle at a New Zealand airport if you look closely! Wow!



What an amazing sight! Imagine walking through an airport and seeing this massive sculpture suspended from the ceiling. Sure, it’s cool, but we’re sure it would give us the creeps.

Off With Your Head

It’s no great mystery that guillotine executions are among the most heinous methods of killing someone, and in case you actually didn’t know, they’re also used to carry out beheadings.

Off With Your Head

Off With Your Head

Though it appears to be an old device, we’re sure you didn’t know that the last one was used in France in 1977! That’s why seeing this one on the roof of a New York City building is even more shocking! What exactly is it doing there?

Mario Party

Playing Mario Kart with our friends was one of our fondest childhood memories, and even though that was back in the 1990s, Mario has since become one of the most well-known characters in the video game industry. He’s a well-known figure in pop culture!

Mario Party

Mario Party

This Mario hidden on a Las Vegas wall is too cute, and we can imagine it saying things like, “It’s-a me, Mario” and “Oh yeah! Mario Time!” while heading into the bushes.

Pooh Bear

It’s close to impossible to get into the Ivy Leagues, but they appear to have dorms for almost everyone, as well as fictional characters. Isn’t this Winnie the Pooh one cute?

Pooh Bear

Pooh Bear

It’s been at Harvard University for decades, with a painted door at the base and a red roof on top. We’re wondering if Pooh is inside with his hunny jar because it’s just too cute.

Traffic Woman

Have you ever wondered why the person in charge of the pedestrian traffic light is always a man? We’re all for equality, so why shouldn’t women be part of it?

Traffic Woman

Traffic Woman

If you look closely, you’ll notice a woman figure on this traffic light near Parliament in New Zealand. It’s Kate Sheppard, the woman who is credited with granting women the right to vote. Isn’t that cool? What a wonderful way to pay tribute to such a significant woman!

Monumental Message

It’s not often that you come across hidden messages when visiting monuments and memorials, but behind the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C., there’s this small engraved cartoon that pays homage to the little-bald man named Kilroy, who became a GI inside joke.

Monumental Message

Monumental Message

The cartoon was plastered all over the GIs’ uniforms, so it’s only fitting that it’s etched in stone at the monument. While it appears to be graffiti, it is actually a piece of history!