40+ People Tell Stories That Make Us Believe In Fate

Published on 03/03/2022
40+ People Tell Stories That Make Us Believe In Fate

40+ People Tell Stories That Make Us Believe In Fate

In the end, even the most unbelievable coincidences are real. Every day, we are surrounded by random events that lead to fascinating stories. Throughout this article, we’ll share some of the most bizarre but true stories people have shared.

A Tale of Nine Lives

A Tale of Nine Lives

The popular belief that a cat has nine lives is probably familiar to you. Who’d have guessed this would be the reason for a pet cat’s rebirth?! A 13-year-old pet cat runs away from home in this touching story, leading its owners to believe it has died. This forces the narrator to come up with a way to explain the cat’s death to their five-year-old son, but this isn’t necessary because a kitten that resembles their deceased pet appears out of nowhere!

Knight in Shining Armor

The most painful heartbreak is discovering your fiancé has been cheating on you on your wedding day. But, as with everything, there is a silver lining. This young woman ran away from the altar in her wedding while sobbing uncontrollably after learning that her groom-to-be was having an affair.

Knight in Shining Armor

Knight in Shining Armor

A good samaritan swept her away like the real-life prince he is after she drew too much attention in the subway. Let’s fast forward to now, and they’re happily married.

Sharing Is Caring

How exactly should you “help thy neighbor?” That is the topic of the next post. Anyone who encounters a homeless person would naturally assume that they would want to flee from them, but that was not the case with this admirable woman!

Sharing Is Caring

Sharing Is Caring

She indirectly helped the man win a jackpot by lending him a few dollars, which will help him get back on his feet. Such stories not only make you feel good, but they also restore your faith in humanity.

Spa Day Gone Right

When you move into a new home, the last thing you expect is to be greeted by the previous tenant in the bathroom while enjoying a relaxing spa day, but it appears that this lovely (blue) lady had experienced just that! The way the stranger and the woman exchanged greetings is both cute and amusing.

Spa Day Gone Right

Spa Day Gone Right

Who’d have guessed that the strange man’s grandma was the matchmaker behind such an awkward meet-cute?! After all, her grandson and this woman ended up together, so we guess she was onto something!

Childhood Darling

When kids are young, they can make strange promises to one another, but only a few of them are kept! This young man spent part of his childhood in Los Angeles, and after meeting a classmate named Diana in kindergarten, he promised to marry her one day.

Childhood Darling

Childhood Darling

Fast forward many years, and the poster was now based in New York. He met a woman named Diana there and the two started dating, only to discover later that she’s the same classmate from all those years ago! And now they’re tying the knot!

Mysterious Matchmaker

Have you ever considered how the odds might have stacked up in your favor when you first met your significant other? Her parents and sister met the love of their lives in a small square near the house of this particular poster in this story.

Mysterious Matchmaker

Mysterious Matchmaker

Surprisingly, the narrator soon encounters a random guy in the same square. Fast forward a few years, and they’re planning their wedding date! It’s incredible how a single small square can be the catalyst for so many happy relationships!

Alex Is the Name of the Game

When two siblings marry people who have the same name as them, it can be a little strange, but how do you explain all three siblings marrying people who have the name Alex?

Alex Is the Name of the Game

Alex Is the Name of the Game

Sure, Alex is a popular first name, but the chances of three members of the same family meeting strangers with the same name are slim to none! It’s as if this young narrator and her siblings have the name ‘Alex’ tattooed on their foreheads, from her older sister to her brother, and now even herself!

Staying True to Traditions

After learning that her one true love’s name was Alexander, just like her father and grandfather’s, she knew he was her soul mate the moment she met him. To keep with their long-standing tradition, the couple chose the same name for their son!

Staying True to Traditions

Staying True to Traditions

However, despite the fact that this may cause some confusion later on during family reunions, it is difficult to deny that fate truly works in strange and yet sweet ways.

From Strangers to Friends

After taking the bus to his destination one day, the narrator discovered that his wallet, which contained a photograph of his pet cat, and even his ID card, were missing. After a few days, the narrator discovers a phone on the bus.

From Strangers to Friends

From Strangers to Friends

The stranger pulled out a wallet with all the money safe inside, as well as a photo of the narrator’s cat, after meeting with the owner of the lost phone and sharing his own missing wallet story. The two guys are now friends.

A Cat’s Love

It is said that a pet will love you unconditionally. The narrator began to spend all of her time in the hospital after her mother was diagnosed with cancer with a low survival rate.

A Cat’s Love

A Cat’s Love

After bringing her cat to the hospital for the first time, the nurses discovered the pet had died on top of the patient the next morning, while her mother’s condition appeared to be drastically improving. The world and the narrator have concluded that the cat gave up its life in exchange for the mother’s.

A Fated Meet-Cute

From across the dance floor in a club, the narrator spots her future life partner. The plot revolves around her meeting and photographing him in a nightclub, unaware that he was the same guy her own sister tried to set her up with within the 1990s.

A Fated Meet-Cute

A Fated Meet-Cute

The narrator contacts the stranger a few months after learning this new information, and the two have now been together for 11 years and are still going strong.

Online Dating

It can be difficult to find the right person on online dating apps. The narrator of this story appears to have experienced the same routine-like situation of repeatedly rejecting the wrong guys.

Online Dating

Online Dating

Her current boyfriend messaged her just a few minutes before she permanently deleted her account, frustrated that she couldn’t find the right guy. They’ve now been together for over two years, all because the boyfriend “made it the nick of time!”

Highway to Love

On one fateful day, the narrator of this story runs into her loved one while driving back home. The narrator and her mystery man both kept driving the same routes at the same time after missing the exit for no apparent reason.

Highway to Love

Highway to Love

They ended up right beside each other at one point as a result of this coincidence, and they exchanged smiles and phone numbers. They’re still going strong today, and they’re happier than they’ve ever been. What a lovely coincidence…

A Brief Introduction

What would you do if you found out you’d meet the love of your life at a concert while still in college? The narrator and her husband met at a show with her roommate and his friend years ago, and this is the story of how they met.

A Brief Introduction

A Brief Introduction

After three years, the two reconnected at the birthday party of the mystery man’s roommate’s husband — the mystery man’s friend. Years later, the couple is still happily married, and their 13th wedding anniversary is just around the corner.

From Gaming Pals to Lovers

The two in this tragic tale met on an online gaming platform one day. When the narrator was playing with her now-ex-boyfriend, an avatar with the ex’s cousin’s screen name appeared.

From Gaming Pals to Lovers

From Gaming Pals to Lovers

The narrator and her random-avatar-turned-best-friend, who had been dating for eight years after their breakup, are getting married after all these years. If the mysterious gamer hadn’t approached the narrator on the gaming platform that day, this sweet meet-cute might not have happened, and that makes us believe fate is absolutely real!

The Right Timing

There were plenty of chances for this narrator and her current boyfriend to meet in their early years, but they never did! Due to the fact that they had so many mutual friends, the two never actually met each other.

The Right Timing

The Right Timing

This narrator and her current boyfriend had plenty of chances to meet in their early years, but they didn’t! There were so many people in common between them that they never had the chance to meet face-to-face.

Childhood Romance

When the narrator of this story was a teenager, she met her current husband at a homeschool meeting. After the guy returned from overseas, the two met again at a store 10 years later, but only became friends because the narrator was already in a relationship at the time.

Childhood Romance

Childhood Romance

When he disappeared due to family issues, she finally realized she was in love with him. This prompted her to spend several months looking for him. The narrator confessed her love for her long-time crush when she finally found him. They’ve been married for a year and are expecting their first child!

Fated Entrepreneurs

This couple first met as neighbors at a nearby restaurant, and then they didn’t run into each other again. They were drawn towards each other again nine months later when a neighbor left her keys in her car.

Fated Entrepreneurs

Fated Entrepreneurs

After that day, they began hanging out on a daily basis, and now, nearly three and a half years later, they are collaborating on the formation of a law firm.

Too Good to be True

The story’s narrator met her current husband through unintentional matchmaking by her high school trip host on a fateful day. When the tour first began, the host showed the narrator a photo of her boyfriend’s brother, who is now the narrator’s husband.

Too Good to be True

Too Good to be True

Years later, the narrator ran into the guy from the picture in college, completely unaware that she had previously seen him in a picture. They’ve been married for four years and are still going strong!

A Quick Visit to a Psychic

After going to a psychic when she was only 21 years old, the narrator of this story received a message that she was about to meet the man she would marry through mutual connections.

A Quick Visit to a Psychic

A Quick Visit to a Psychic

She met her husband through her best friend a year later, became pregnant three years later, and married him a year later when she was 25. They then gave birth to twin boys, just as the psychic predicted.

An Awkwardly Sweet Introduction

The narrator was persuaded to go on a date with a random man on an elevator, but her date boredom and rudeness from her date at a nearby place where her friend worked. She met her current boyfriend there.

An Awkwardly Sweet Introduction

An Awkwardly Sweet Introduction

The narrator approached the guy because he looked familiar, only to discover she had previously ghosted him on a dating app! In the present day, the couple lives together and is completely in love.

A Fateful Mistake

After walking to the wrong courthouse years before, this young woman met her current husband! The narrator was on her way to a trial she was watching, but she got off on the wrong floor by accident.

A Fateful Mistake

A Fateful Mistake

She struck up a conversation with the only attorney outside the courtroom in order to avoid the embarrassment of her human mistakes. They’ve been married for over seven years and have a beautiful four-year-old daughter!

Unintentional Matchmaking

One fateful day, the story’s narrator meets her husband of five years on a random Tinder date. As the only one who had swiped right on her, he was the only one she ever met in person.

Unintentional Matchmaking

Unintentional Matchmaking

Now, the narrator is married to the roommate of her Tinder date, and the couple has been together for five years and is expecting their second child. If she had instead swiped left on the guy from the dating app, things would have been very different!


The narrator of this story describes how she and her boyfriend had lived in the same area for years but had never crossed paths with each other until this point in their lives.



It wasn’t until a few years later, at a party hosted by a mutual friend, that they realized they had both moved to the same city at the same time.

Predestined Future

The narrator describes how her mother had married someone else before meeting the narrator’s father, and how the two of them had decided not to have children. A psychic, on the other hand, told the mother that she would have two daughters after all.

Predestined Future

Predestined Future

She disregarded what the psychic had told her because of her circumstances at the time, only to discover years later that she had indeed given birth to two daughters — the narrator and her sister.

New Opportunities

Not only did she land herself a new position with excellent benefits, but she also discovered she was pregnant shortly after starting her new job, as previously stated in this article.

New Opportunities

New Opportunities

When the narrator recounts her own encounter with a psychic, she is describing how the psychic informed her about a new job with better prospects ahead of her, as well as her own pregnancy.

Pay Heed to Advice

The narrator remembered the words of a tarot card reader she had met years ago when she was in an abusive and toxic relationship with a man with long and dark hair.

Pay Heed to Advice

Pay Heed to Advice

She deeply regrets not recalling the words of that person sooner, as the card reader had warned her to stay away from someone who fits the exact description of her partner.

Age Is Just a Number

In this story, the narrator’s older sister was born with intellectual disabilities. A psychic had told their mother when the narrator was a baby and the sister was a four-year-old toddler that the younger child would be older than the other.

Age Is Just a Number

Age Is Just a Number

Even before his sister was diagnosed with her disability, the narrator had assumed the role of the older of the two siblings, and was always assumed to be older than his sister.

A Much Needed Hug

The narrator and her boyfriend once went to a psychic’s office, and as soon as they walked in, the psychic told them that the boyfriend needed a hug because his parents had divorced.

A Much Needed Hug

A Much Needed Hug

The boyfriend dismissed the psychic because his parents were still married at the time, only to learn a year later that his father was having an affair with another woman and that his parents were divorcing.

Love Will Find You

When a psychic told her when she was a little girl that she would never have her own wedding, she believed she would never get married because she would never find true love.

Love Will Find You

Love Will Find You

In 2015, however, the narrator and her husband eloped, proving that what the psychic had predicted had come true in a literal sense. They’re now enjoying each other’s company while living happily ever after.

Happily Ever After

There are some people who end up marrying the people they’ve dated. In the case of this narrator, on the other hand, she had known for years in advance that she would eventually marry her current partner.

Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After

This was due to the ‘Lovers’ card being shown to her by a tarot card reader. They are still very much in love after being together for over 25 years and having three children together.

Legally Sweet

In this story, the narrator is an attorney who has encountered a client who is pursuing disability benefits. The attorney sympathized with the client and suggested that she file her own case to save money.

Legally Sweet

Legally Sweet

She stated that thousands of dollars would not be enough to repay the attorney for his assistance to her brother. This had to be fate or kindness intervening because the attorney was unable to quit his job.

A Fateful Reunion

The narrator, who was suffering from decompression illness, came across a medical center and went in to seek treatment. He was asked to leave because he couldn’t speak clearly, but then his diving instructor appeared and proceeded to fill out his medical form.

A Fateful Reunion

A Fateful Reunion

It got even better for the narrator when he discovered that his landlord owned the only decompression chamber in the area, which meant he didn’t have to waste time waiting for additional paperwork.

Unknowingly Related

People who enjoy learning about history would be ecstatic if they discovered that the people they have been reading about and admiring for so long are actually related to them.

Unknowingly Related

Unknowingly Related

When the narrator of this story stumbled across his family tree and saw the faces of all the people he loved and admired from his history books, he was fortunate enough to discover this amazing truth.

Best Friends Forever

Meeting up with an old friend from school must rank among the most poignant experiences of anyone’s life. Not everyone, however, will be able to reconnect with an old friend from their childhood.

Best Friends Forever

Best Friends Forever

Choosing a random state to take her standardized test was a stroke of good fortune for the story’s narrator. Why? Well, it just so happened that her former best friend had been assigned to the exact same place!


This is a story about two twin brothers who were given up for adoption when they were born. Despite the fact that they were separated, both families chose the name James for their adopted son. They had both joined the police force and married when they were older, and both women were named Linda.



Both brothers had a son and named him after each other (different spelling). They also adopted dogs with the same name, and one of their second wives had the same name as their first. The coincidences keep piling up!

A Sweet Love Story

The narrator of this story describes how a seemingly insignificant co-worker of sorts turned out to be “the one” for him as a result of a series of coincidental and amazing events.

A Sweet Love Story

A Sweet Love Story

Despite seeing each other for nearly a year at the same coffee shop, neither of them initiated a conversation because they were both busy at the time. However, the two broke up with their partners on the same day, which is strange. The two are now happily dating!

Family Reunions

Just imagine how bizarre it would be to run into the same family twice in a row under completely different circumstances; now imagine running into the same group of people three times in a row!

Family Reunions

Family Reunions

Despite traveling three times to three different locations, the narrator’s family kept running into the same married couple and their son. That said, we hope they just go ahead and plan a fourth trip together, regardless of whether this has any deeper meaning.

A Look Into the Future

During the early years of her marriage, the narrator’s mother had an encounter with a psychic, which she recounts in this story. The narrator’s mother had been told by the psychic that her marriage would not end in divorce later in life.

A Look Into the Future

A Look Into the Future

The woman had decided to record the man’s words on a piece of paper because she didn’t believe what he had said, and she later discovered that what he had said was in fact true.

On the Other Side of the World

This husband was forced to stay at home due to work obligations, while his wife and brother spent the spring of 1986 traveling throughout Europe. Despite having a rough idea of their itinerary, the narrator had no idea where they were at any given time.

On the Other Side of the World

On the Other Side of the World

Needless to say, boredom and a few consecutive ringings to a random payphone had made the impossible a reality. Instead of a random person picking up the phone in the middle of Giverny, it turns out it was the narrator’s wife who answered! What are the possibilities…

Personal Fan-Meet

It’s a mind-blowing experience to run into the person who literally sang and composed the song you’re humming or whistling. This lucky person, it turns out, had exactly that experience while casually whistling away on his way down the stairs after a quick bite to eat.

Personal Fan-Meet

Personal Fan-Meet

A stranger happened to run into the narrator while he was singing a Turkish song, and it was only later that he realized he had run into the very person who had written the song himself!

Right Out of a Book

It’s not always necessary to be in the right place at the right time to have an out-of-this-world experience. The narrator picked up his book to spend some leisure time connecting with nature after spending the day kayaking in his favorite lake.

Right Out of a Book

Right Out of a Book

Who’d have guessed that the environment depicted in the book he was reading would come true in real life right then and there? When the narrator looked up, he saw exactly what the book described: a blue heron flying right above him.

Woman of Steel

Such stories of how a person can live through numerous disasters and still survive them all are both inspiring and unbelievable. Violet Jessup had been onboard a number of vehicles that were, by chance, prone to major collisions.

Woman of Steel

Woman of Steel

The strange thing is that she managed to survive them all, one after the other. This is why some people refer to her as a miracle, while others see her as an omen! Whatever the case may be, we believe she is extremely fortunate.

Luck Is on Your Side

Plane rides can be terrifying if you’re always worried about accidents in the air, whether they’re caused by hijackers or a plane crash. Maarten de Jonge, a well-known Dutch cyclist, appears to have struck it rich in this situation.

Luck Is on Your Side

Luck Is on Your Side

He’s survived not one, but two devastating plane crashes. By not boarding Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 and instead taking an earlier flight, he was able to avoid the first accident. He was also fortunate the second time around, thanks to his decision to cut costs and save money by switching to a cheaper flight.

The Beginning and the End

The fact that the very first soldier to enlist in World War I and the very last soldier to enlist in World War II were buried less than ten meters apart is a surprise to no one.

The Beginning and the End

The Beginning and the End

This strange yet tragic coincidence was not planned in any way, leaving many people puzzled as to how such an extraordinary situation came to be. It appears that the First World War’s first and last saviors were born on the same piece of land.