Here’s Why Everyone Has A Problem With These People

Published on 03/09/2022
Here's Why Everyone Has A Problem With These People

Here’s Why Everyone Has A Problem With These People

Having a family is both wonderful and challenging at the same time. They can act as if they are above the law at times, and this can give the impression that they are entitled. When they do this in person, it’s one thing; when they do it online, they’re inviting the wrath of the internet. As a result, here are a few examples of relatives who have used social media to demonstrate their sense of entitlement.

Babysitter for Grandpa

Today’s children can be impatient, and many of them have a sense of entitlement. This kid, on the other hand, has clearly gone insane. We agree with everything said in the comments by the guys. Because life is short, you should probably make the most of the time you have with your grandparents.

Babysitter for Grandpa

Babysitter for Grandpa

We have no idea where this child picked up this type of behavior, but it is not acceptable. This type of behavior is a clear indication that they are suffering from entitlement issues.

No Means No!

It’s always nice to share with your family. Many families share their streaming service passwords so that everyone can have access to high-quality entertainment. But we’d be furious if we logged on and were kicked off because there were too many people online!

No Means No!

No Means No!

We would log out of all devices and change the passwords on all of them as needed. If we received this message, it would mean that relative would never be allowed access again!

Need Your Log In

Many families and groups of friends all over the world share Netflix passwords so that everyone can enjoy the service without having to significantly increase their monthly bills. However, if you take it for granted, it can become a problem.

Need Your Log In

Need Your Log In

We’d be so pissed if we came back from our break to find this long string of pure entitlement. One thing is certain: we sincerely hope they logged everyone out and changed their passwords because no one deserves to be treated in this manner.

That’s an Order

Any text that starts out like this is bound to elicit a strong reaction. There are a variety of ways to ask relatives to help you that will result in a more pleasant outcome. For example, please, using that magic word.

That’s an Order

That’s an Order

Who do they think they are, this relative, ordering this person around? We believe the person on the other end of the line is acting much more maturely than we could ever be in this situation.

It’s Not Much

If you’re heading that way, it’s common to ask someone to pick something up for you. This doesn’t appear to be excessive entitlement until they start ranting about how they only want one thing.

It’s Not Much

It’s Not Much

Furthermore, there has been no response, so how do you know that the other person isn’t going to go ahead and do this for you? You’ll have to wait to find out!

Mom’s Phone Store

As children, we often take our parents for granted, assuming that they will provide for us throughout our lives. Unless you’re like this person, in which case it’s kind of cute!

Mom’s Phone Store

Mom’s Phone Store

We’re not sure about you, but our mother would have reacted the same way. Except her retort would have included a few more colorful words, and we’d have been apologizing for weeks.

No Time

It’s one thing to be annoyed when you’re expecting someone to assist you and they don’t appear. However, you have no right to be angry when there has been clear communication and attempts to reach out to you.

No Time

No Time

We’re not sure what’s going on here, but the fact that this college student is acting in such a juvenile manner clearly shows that they are not even mature enough to be in college.

Help Your Brother Out

It is a tragic experience to lose someone you care about. Friends and family should gather around you at this point to assist you in any way they can. If they don’t, something is seriously wrong with them.

Help Your Brother Out

Help Your Brother Out

This man had recently lost his wife, and all he wanted for breakfast was a cup of coffee. His brother should have been sympathetic enough to help him, not arrogant enough to believe he was above it.

Asking for a Friend

The majority of people would be ecstatic to have a babysitter who refused to accept payment. This is a godsend and a budget break that could be put to a lot of good use.

Asking for a Friend

Asking for a Friend

How could anyone want to punish such a good person? We don’t know how they came up with this. This is just another example of a lack of maturity and a complete lack of self-control.

Paid for My Company

When you move a long distance away from your parents, they are likely to be sad. They undoubtedly want you to come as frequently as possible. With that said, we’re not convinced they should foot the bill.

Paid for My Company

Paid for My Company

His mother is in the right frame of mind. Her child’s demand that she pay for their company seems a little excessive. It’s one thing if they make an offer; it’s quite another if you take it!

Tell Me What to Do

It’s all too easy to take advantage of relatives when you’re dealing with them. If you have siblings or close relatives, this is especially true. This man is trying to decide whether or not he wants to buy a car, and all he asks is for someone to read this article.

Tell Me What to Do

Tell Me What to Do

We’re sure he could read this article in a few minutes, so we’re not sure why he needs someone to read it for him and tell him what to do. We’re not sure we’d do it, but if we did, we’d tell them they needed to buy the car right away.

Breaking the Bank

Some people find themselves living with their parents for longer than they intended due to unforeseen circumstances. On the other hand, some people appear to want to live with their parents indefinitely.

Breaking the Bank

Breaking the Bank

This individual just doesn’t seem to grasp the concept. In a situation where someone looks after you year round and practically sponsors you, how entitled can one be to feel that they are owed something?


When you ask someone for a favor, you must assume that they will be able to fulfill it on their own time. They are unable to interrupt their lives in order to make yours easier. That’s not how a relationship works, whether it’s with a family member or a friend.



There is one thing that is certain. If we were this person, we would definitely not respond to this text, and we would most likely not respond to texts from this relative for a long period of time.

On Second Thought

It is inevitable that you will lose money if you are a regular gambler. Many people struggle with this and turn to family members for financial assistance in order to maintain their dependency.

On Second Thought

On Second Thought

This relative clearly believes that they are close enough to demand a sizable sum of money from the other person in question. What the other person said in response is unknown to us, but in our opinion, asking for $3000 is excessive.

I Have Plans

Some people have relatives who believe that no matter what they’re doing, the rest of the family should drop everything and ride to their rescue. That’s what it means if it means canceling your plans.

I Have Plans

I Have Plans

We would not, regardless of whether we are related or not, cut our date night short to help someone. There is public transportation, and we’re sure they have other friends who would be willing to assist them!

Pick Up

If you live in an area where the weather is particularly harsh during the winter, there are a few items you should have on hand. But it’s fine if you don’t. You should be able to ask for assistance from your family.

Pick Up

Pick Up

However, if you’re going to do that and ask them a question, make sure it makes sense. For example, if you’re going to work, you’ll need to be able to drive, so why not drop the kid off?

Should Have Given it to Me

When parents divorce, it can be difficult to manage finances for the child, especially if the divorce was not as amicable as it could have been. So it’s understandable why this father was irritated when the mother demanded the money that had just been given to her for a new car.

Should Have Given it to Me

Should Have Given it to Me

A car is a large investment, and if you’re not sure that the money you’re giving will go towards the purpose for which you’re giving it, you might be hesitant.

Get One for Me

Having access to a pool during the summer months is always a pleasure. As a result, they are typically located in the heart of housing developments and apartment complexes to maximize their benefits.

Get One for Me

Get One for Me

However, asking a relative to spend money on one just because you want one is quite bold. We’d build one and keep it a secret from the rest of the family! Not really, but it’s something we’d consider!

A Little Experience

People who are entitled are not always aware that they are acting in this manner. They may believe they’re giving you something when they’re actually receiving something in return. However, receiving something for free does not always imply that it is beneficial to others.

A Little Experience

A Little Experience

We’d have a lot of questions before declining this offer. First and foremost, why do they want to be dragged out into the middle of a lake and abandoned? This does appear to be suspicious!

Give Me Your Job

When you’re out of work, you can become very desperate. This may cause you to be rude to family members and even make you appear entitled. Whoever has the job now, regardless of who had it first, has the job.

Give Me Your Job

Give Me Your Job

Being treated in this manner towards a relative is absurd, and we can’t even begin to imagine what will be on the Holiday dinner table as a result of this treatment.

Blocking You

When you’re a working parent, finding quality child care can be a major challenge. In that case, it’s priceless to have a devoted relative willing to step in. Even if they’re close relatives, you still owe them a favor.

Blocking You

Blocking You

Entitlement is defined as the belief that you are entitled to something for nothing. There was no excuse for her behavior, and we can only assume that the relationship suffered as a result.

Free Automobile

There are numerous social media pages dedicated to assisting people who are experiencing financial difficulties. However, that struggle does not necessarily imply that your daughter disliked the car she was given!

Free Automobile

Free Automobile

This mother and daughter are clearly entitled, and they should simply bring their problems home to their own families instead of blaming everyone else. It’s possible that a member of their own household can assist them!

That Looks Good

When family members are in distress, it is natural for people to want to reach out and assist them. This could entail having them stay with you for a while. But, whether they’re your relatives or not, you must be respectful when staying in someone else’s home.

That Looks Good

That Looks Good

There is no doubt that this young lady is not one of them, and we can understand why they are keeping their distance from one another. It is not possible to simply rearrange things because you do not like them!

Why Do I Have Viruses?

Technology and computers can be an expense that parents simply do not have enough money to cover. So, if they have multiple children, they may believe that sharing is a good solution.

Why Do I Have Viruses?

Why Do I Have Viruses?

If, on the other hand, the laptop is used for school and someone, even unintentionally, installs viruses on it, it could cause a serious problem. We have no idea how these parents expect their children to share after this. We understand, however, because purchasing a new computer is a significant investment.

You Got Everything!

When money is involved and someone passes away, relatives may disagree about what is left in the will. When you combine relationships and money, a few people are bound to feel a little more entitled than the rest.

You Got Everything!

You Got Everything!

We wouldn’t want to help this cousin either if we were in this guy’s shoes. They simply became extremely hostile in a short period of time, when there was no need for it.

Changed My Mind

If you see family members struggling and in an awkward situation, you should definitely reach out and try to help them if you have the opportunity. When they refuse your assistance, however, you know they have a right to it.

Changed My Mind

Changed My Mind

The absurdity of this situation is beyond comprehension. After all, what exactly do you do in such a situation? No amount of words in the English language can adequately describe their legal standing in this matter.

Wrong Thing

There are always clues and lists laying around for parents to look at when it comes to giving gifts. However, the items on those lists are sometimes so expensive that they are unable to purchase the exact item that the child requested.

Wrong Thing

Wrong Thing

This kid who is taking a Snapchat should be content with the fact that they received earbuds at all. Those items are extremely expensive! So just smile and nod and enjoy yourself!

Making Videos for Free

If you want to be a social media influencer, you’ll have to put in a lot of effort. If you have relatives who are knowledgeable about these topics, you should definitely contact them. It might even be a fun way for you to spend some quality time together.

Making Videos for Free

Making Videos for Free

However, if you’re taking up their time and requesting their expertise, they may require some form of compensation from you. This is especially true if you are earning money from it.

Lost the Money

Borrowing money from relatives can be a delicate situation. This is especially true if you can’t repay it after you’ve lost it. But one thing is certain: regardless of who you borrow money from, you should never post about how much money you spend.

Lost the Money

Lost the Money

We believe he has the right to his money, but we also believe he is correct in calling it a wash. We’d probably feel the same way, even if we’d never lend money to this relative again.

Latin Class

When you take the same classes in high school or college, you may be able to share books. This will save you a lot of money, and it will also allow the family member to benefit from any notes you left in the book.

Latin Class

Latin Class

However, asking them to travel to deliver it to you seems excessive. We would react in the same way if we were this person. We may not have been as enraged as they were, but we would have reacted in the same way.

Wrong Color

We’re hoping this kid isn’t old enough to have his own social media account. Because if he is, he is probably mortified that his parents went on a rant over something as insignificant as a colored marker.

Wrong Color

Wrong Color

This person’s entitlement and the ranting nature of this post are just two more examples of why there is a great need for more communication in school when it comes to certain subjects.

Here’s the List

Receiving gifts from the people who love you the most is the joy of Christmas and your birthday. Along with spending quality time with them and truly appreciating their contribution to your life.

Here’s the List

Here’s the List

This woman is clearly a control freak, as she is attempting to exert control over something she shouldn’t be. We would avoid buying gifts entirely and instead send gift cards. That would most likely be unacceptable as well!

Let’s Barter

As a result, there are times when certain tasks necessitate the expenditure of some funds. That means that even if you’re dealing with a family, you must charge them something, even if it’s just the cost of the supplies.

Let’s Barter

Let’s Barter

This relative appears to believe that instead of giving money, they could simply trade services and everything would be fine. That isn’t going to pay the bills, so it would have been a big no for us!

Only One Topping?!

When you’re the younger sibling, you often rely on your older sibling for assistance, even after you’ve both left the nest. That isn’t to say that the younger sibling should take advantage of the older sibling’s generosity.

Only One Topping?!

Only One Topping?!

However, the fact that they continued to ask for something else even after being told that they would only be receiving one is pure younger sibling entitlement at its finest.

A Special Gift

When you have a talented and crafty sibling, you can get envious when they give things to other people. Regardless of whether those people are paying for it or not, you appear to believe that as the sibling, you are entitled to some sort of family discount.

A Special Gift

A Special Gift

This person thinks the discount is reasonable, but they aren’t going to give away their skills for free. We agree, and we believe it is extremely selfish of the other person to ask for something that requires so much effort for nothing.

No Gift for You

The relationship between mothers and children is usually very positive. However, there is some friction from time to time. This mother, on the other hand, appears to believe that because there is friction, she should not receive a Christmas gift.

No Gift for You

No Gift for You

We’d love to have seen the look on this woman’s face when she realized that the perfect gift he had gotten her had ended up in the hands of her other son.

No Wood

When you ask a relative for something, you almost always get a time commitment in return. So, if they take an eternity to do what you ask, you probably have no right to become enraged and vulgar.

No Wood

No Wood

This can create a sense of separation, and, let’s be honest, the reaction of this step-sibling is completely understandable. We would most likely block him as well, especially in light of everything they said.

How About PayPal?

It’s perfectly acceptable to ask your family for help on occasion. However, you must usually be willing to assist them as well. However, it is never acceptable to request something expensive and not expect to be compensated in some way.

How About PayPal?

How About PayPal?

Nothing about all of this should have been necessary! We believe that all that was required of them was to begin with the PayPal discussion in order to get things moving.

Looking for Work

When you’ve been unemployed for a while and don’t have any skills, you have to take whatever job you can get. The idea is to take that job and turn it into something more, gaining those skills in the process so you can demand more money.

Looking for Work

Looking for Work

If we were on the other side of the table, there would be no chance in hell that she would be offered the position. She has every right to be there.

Renew Your Subscription

There are a plethora of streaming services available these days, each with its own set of prices. None of them are outrageous, but if you’re on a tight budget, you may have to let something go to waste to ensure you have what you need.

Renew Your Subscription

Renew Your Subscription

The fact that this relative is unconcerned about it and simply wants them to renew their Netflix subscription so that they can continue to enjoy it shows that someone believes they are entitled to something.