Reckless Doctors Who Should Have Been Disbarred Many Years Ago

Published on 04/06/2022
Reckless Doctors Who Should Have Been Disbarred Many Years Ago

Reckless Doctors Who Should Have Been Disbarred Many Years Ago

It’s said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but that’s only true some of the time. We all eventually need to see a doctor, and the experience can be a bit unpleasant at times. In some cases, it’s so bad that it’s almost unbearable. We’ve compiled a list of doctors who should have had their licenses revoked a long, long time ago, including one who incorrectly diagnosed a patient with syphilis.

Awkward Doctor Comments

Women’s annual health checkups are crucial. Despite the fact that there are many reputable male doctors, some of their statements can cause female patients to question the intent of the doctor.

Awkward Doctor Comments

Awkward Doctor Comments

Two women were left wondering why this doctor would say such a thing while administering an exam that was already nerve-wracking when he meant to give his patient a compliment. If he didn’t mean any harm, we’re glad she has found a new physician.

All in Your Head Debacle

Many people are surprised by how often doctors ignore or dismiss the pain and discomfort of their patients. Doctors have a responsibility to help their patients get to the root of their medical issues, even though painkiller abuse is a major problem.

All In Your Head Debacle

All In Your Head Debacle

Nobody in her medical team paid attention to what she was saying or looked into why she was having these symptoms for half a year. That’s inexcusable. Because of this, she is still alive.

Shameful Medical Exam Room Posters

Assume that you enter a doctor’s office, expecting to be treated with respect and dignity, only to be confronted with obscenely degrading posters depicting the very people who your doctor is paid to help.

Shameful Medical Exam Room Posters

Shameful Medical Exam Room Posters

There is nothing worse than seeing a poster that makes a patient feel bad about themselves while they are waiting for the doctor or nurse to arrive. Anyone who visits their doctor should not be made to feel like they are being a burden or a distraction. This doctor needs to examine their attitude in great detail.

Ignoring a Cry for Help

When it comes to listening to their patients, medical professionals must be able to distinguish between what is important and what is not. Patients’ threats to harm themselves, on the other hand, should be taken seriously.

Ignoring A Cry For Help

Ignoring A Cry For Help

This doctor ought to have recognized the gravity of the situation and brought in a professional who could address it, like a psychologist. Hopefully, this doctor and their staff have since received additional training on how to handle such situations.

Self-Absorbed Psychologist Visit

It’s difficult enough to open up to family and friends. Seeing a mental health professional is an important first step toward recovery. People need to see someone who is trained to help them process their trauma and past experiences when the help of loved ones isn’t enough.

Self Absorbed Psychologist Visit

Self Absorbed Psychologist Visit

That a psychologist would be more concerned about the lint on their sweater than what their patient was saying is just sad. However, based on subsequent information, it appears that her thoughts had already wandered to a yachting trip.

Physical Gets Too Personal

Many professions mandate yearly physical examinations. New or strange questions or examinations are noticeable when they’re thrown into the mix, especially when they cross the line into prodding for private information.

Physical Gets Too Personal

Physical Gets Too Personal

In judging his patient’s marital relationship with her husband, this guy has a lot of balls. It’s unprofessional for him to assume that she’s to blame for the problems in their marriage and that her husband deserves sympathy on top of that.

A Grapefruit-Sized Misdiagnosis

Always frightening to feel unexplained pain. Painful episodes can be caused by a variety of things, including appendicitis, kidney infections, and stones. For women, there are even more possibilities as to why they’re having these symptoms.

A Grapefruit Sized Misdiagnosis

A Grapefruit Sized Misdiagnosis

This OP’s sister was taken advantage of by the ER doctors, who did nothing to help her and assumed she was pregnant because they were overworked and undersupported. Her gynecologist was finally able to pinpoint the problem. It’s a good thing we had a competent doctor on hand.

Outdated Methods

A new case of asthma is discovered each year in one out of every twelve children in the United States. Untreated, it can have a significant impact on the health and well-being of children and adults alike. Diagnosing asthma requires the use of a wide range of instruments and procedures.

Outdated Methods

Outdated Methods

None of these tests require you to put your patient through strenuous physical exertion in order to induce an asthma attack. The mother of the OP made the correct decision by saying no. They may have been able to get the diagnosis they needed from another doctor.

Five Years of Unnecessary Pills

Fortunately, diabetes is a treatable condition when treated by a skilled medical team and using the right combination of medication and dietary changes. Patients may experience side effects, as with any medication. Coughs, for example, can be difficult to link to a specific drug side effect.

Five Years Of Unnecessary Pills

Five Years Of Unnecessary Pills

Her doctor should have looked into the medications she was already taking before prescribing a slew of new ones, even if they can’t remember all of the possible side effects. Her system was flooded with unneeded medications.

The Case of Nonexistent Syphilis

The gynecologist’s office can be a stressful place to visit. They’re dealing with a part of the body that’s awkward to bring up and can even be considered taboo. So it can be even worse if a woman has a gynecologist who doesn’t pay attention to her complaints.

The Case Of Nonexistent Syphilis

The Case Of Nonexistent Syphilis

Despite the doctor’s apparent concern for STI prevention, why syphilis and why the obsession when all other signs pointed to something else??” It’s possible that she was getting paid through the sale of syphilis drugs.

Cruel Comments

We’re making progress as a society in realizing that everyone is unique, right down to their unique bodies and interests. Some people, unfortunately, are taking a longer time than others to accept others for who they truly are.

Cruel Comments

Cruel Comments

Instead of critiquing his patient’s body, this doctor’s job was to help them. There should be no one who has to listen to their doctor slam them in such a manner.

Prescription-Trading Military Doctor

Many young people choose to join the military as a career. It provides a wide range of education and training, including medical training, that would otherwise be difficult to obtain or prohibitively expensive. As in any industry, there are going to be a few scumbags.

Prescription Trading Military Doctor

Prescription Trading Military Doctor

To get his hands on drugs, this doctor put the lives of his patients at risk. We don’t have to tell you that this is extremely risky behavior. We can only hope that the military’s disciplinary procedure took care of him and led to him receiving the assistance he required.

Unexpected Phone Call

The doctor-patient relationship is a professional one, which means that interactions should be limited to reasonable hours and not prying too much. This is especially true for patients who have been seeing the same doctor for years.

Unexpected Phone Call

Unexpected Phone Call

There is a fine line between professional conduct between a doctor and a patient, and this doctor clearly crossed it. Who would call a patient so late in the day and give them completely unwelcome advice without their permission? That person is out of line.

The Baby That Wasn’t a Baby

Getting married and starting a family is becoming more and more difficult as the years pass. However, some teenagers become pregnant and give birth to their own children. Debate and taboo surround the subject matter on a regular basis.

The Baby That Wasn’t A Baby

The Baby That Wasn’t A Baby

At some point, you have to trust what your patient tells you, even if it’s a good thing that this doctor was concerned about her patient’s honesty. In the face of this lack of trust, prescribing a potentially dangerous medication without further examination is reckless.

Rapid Heartbeat Doesn’t Mean Anxiety

With so many different medical specialties, it’s safe to assume that doctors have a tendency to disagree on many issues. Even if they disagree with a coworker, they must examine all possibilities because of their varying expertise, professional experience, and a wide range of possible ailments.

Rapid Heartbeat Doesn’t Mean Anxiety

Rapid Heartbeat Doesn’t Mean Anxiety

That a primary care doctor would disregard the advice of multiple emergency room doctors is concerning. It is irresponsible for this doctor to not even consider using a heart monitor for their patient if multiple people have given the same advice.

Please X-Ray My Hand!

The world is full of hypochondriacs who believe they have every disease imaginable. To some extent, this is understandable given how frequently people end up in the emergency room and how busy the staff is.

Please X Ray My Hand!

Please X Ray My Hand!

Multiple doctors ignoring their patient after a major car accident is insane, to say nothing of the fact that they didn’t even x-ray the one thing the OP claimed was injured. Thank goodness this person was persistent; otherwise, they might not have received the assistance they required.

Out of Line

One can never know what a patient is going through as a doctor. They only get a glimpse into the lives of their patients, and they only know what they’re told. They are oblivious to their daily interactions and are unaware of intimate details about their relationships.

Out Of Line

Out Of Line

It’s difficult to fathom what could have possessed this doctor to pass such a judgment on their patient’s fiancé without even meeting them. It’s even more difficult to comprehend why they felt compelled to say it aloud to someone who was clearly in pain.

Just Diagnose Yourself

Mono is a condition that almost everyone who has attended college has heard of. Most people recover from the “kissing disease” within a few weeks, but for some people, it can be a more prolonged and serious illness.

Just Diagnose Yourself

Just Diagnose Yourself

When a high fever persists for an extended period of time, it poses a serious risk. Even though the patient had been suffering from a fever for weeks, the ER doctors were irresponsible in their approach. If Google is doing your job better than you, it may be time to look for a new job.

Sorry You Missed Us

It’s difficult to make appointments for anything. You must schedule appointments around work, your children, holidays, and a variety of other factors. However, it is critical to schedule follow-up appointments after major procedures.

Sorry You Missed Us

Sorry You Missed Us

How can a company not be aware of its own operating hours, especially during a busy season like Thanksgiving? While not everyone takes Friday off, a large number of people do. So, to be honest, it’s just laziness that they not only told this person they’d be open but also sent a confirmation text on Tuesday — and they still didn’t know they were closed.

Heart Attack or Heartburn

In the adult population, heart attacks are a major source of concern. One of the things that makes them so frightening is that the symptoms are frequently misdiagnosed. Most people who have arm or chest pain aren’t having a heart attack, but failing to take it seriously can lead to serious consequences.

Heart Attack Or Heartburn

Heart Attack Or Heartburn

This person’s father died as a result of this doctor’s carelessness. It’s terrifying to think that a doctor might neglect a patient who is showing signs of a heart attack. We can only hope that this doctor received some sort of repercussions for his actions.

Two Dismissive Doctors

Sadly, stories of doctors who are dismissive are becoming more and more common. Medical staff members are overworked and understaffed, leading to appointments where they appear to be rushing to get to the next patient as quickly as possible.

Two Dismissive Doctors

Two Dismissive Doctors

Even though stress is a common ailment, it’s unfair to blame all of our health problems on it. First, look for other possible causes of the problem. Even more strange than that is the partner’s remark. What’s going on here?

34 Staples for a Gut

Surgery that does not necessitate an overnight stay is known as outpatient surgery. Patients can recuperate in the comfort of their own homes, surrounded by the love and support of their loved ones. The most common examples of these procedures include cataract surgery, rotator scuff repair, and vasectomies.

34 Staples For A Gut

34 Staples For A Gut

What if you go in for a routine procedure and end up in the intensive care unit instead? You’d be terrified and lose trust in your medical team if that happened. This patient’s original reason for surgery was hopefully addressed.

Years of Needless Anxiety

When visiting the doctor, there is a standard procedure. The first thing a new patient does when they arrive is provide a brief description of their problems. After that, they wait for a nurse to check their vital signs before being seen by a doctor.

Years Of Needless Anxiety

Years Of Needless Anxiety

Rather than chatting with their patient, this doctor had a specific goal in mind: to provide a thorough diagnosis and treatment. For them, it was a mission to discover what was causing the patient to feel pain. In all likelihood, they were the cause of their patient’s relationship problems and anxieties for no good reason at all

From Fixator to Fixing My Ankle

Ilizarov fixators are frequently used in medicine to aid in the treatment of bone fractures as well as to lengthen and reshape limb bones. It may appear to be frightening, but in the medical field, it is extremely beneficial. Bones that are too short or deformed can lead to a variety of problems in the future.

From Fixator To Fixing My Ankle

From Fixator To Fixing My Ankle

A doctor should never perform a procedure they are not qualified to perform. In this case, the patient suffered greatly as a direct result of the risky procedure. A person should not have to undergo more than 20 surgeries in their lifetime.

UTIs From Kidney Damage

It’s a place most women have been. Once in a while, they’ll go to the bathroom and find that it’s extremely painful and that something doesn’t seem right. Even though there’s nothing to go to, they begin to feel compelled to leave. They come to grips with the fact that they have the dreaded UTI.

UTIs From Kidney Damage

UTIs From Kidney Damage

Having recurring UTIs at the age of 16 is extremely unusual, and even more so if you’re dealing with them on a regular basis. You’d expect a doctor to investigate this, but this one didn’t. That corrective surgery is a good thing they were able to get.

So Nice I Got it Twice

Appendicitis isn’t very common, in fact. Because of how sudden and serious it is, we’ve heard a lot about it. Even though it’s unnecessary, removing the appendix isn’t necessarily a bad thing for those who do, as long as it’s done properly.

So Nice I Got It Twice

So Nice I Got It Twice

Where do we even begin with this? How is it possible to remove only a portion of an organ, especially after something as dangerous as appendicitis? What could this doctor’s thoughts have been?

Body-Shaming Pediatrician

More and more people are suffering from low self-esteem as a result of unrealistic beauty standards set by social media, the entertainment industry, and magazines. This can lead to the development of unhealthy habits, including eating disorders.

Body Shaming Pediatrician

Body Shaming Pediatrician

Constantly being criticized for one’s appearance, especially by one’s doctor, is extremely harmful to one’s mental health, especially for a 13-year-old. We hope that this patient received the assistance they required to overcome their eating disorder, and that this doctor’s toxic practices have been discontinued.

Misunderstood Rotator Cuff Tear

A doctor’s job is to pay attention to subtle changes and comments made by their patients in order to look for hidden issues like domestic violence, eating disorders, and depression. It is possible that they will notice enough to encourage patients to get the help they require, despite the fact that they cannot catch everything.

Misunderstood Rotator Cuff Tear

Misunderstood Rotator Cuff Tear

There comes a time when you have to let go of a doctor who was only concerned about their patient’s well-being. Moreover, it’s a blunder to minimize their discomfort following surgery.

Surprise Broken Neck Bone

Anyone who has ever had to wait in an ER knows that it can be extremely frustrating. It all depends on how many people are present and how many are in more critical situations. Doctors in the emergency room are often jaded and judgmental of how serious their patients’ issues really are as a result of people frequently going there for minor issues.

Surprise Broken Neck Bone

Surprise Broken Neck Bone

While the emergency room doctors may have assumed it was just minor neck pain, the fact that this person was so close to losing his or her ability to move is extremely frightening and alarming.

Miscarriage Medication Mishap

Modern pharmaceuticals were created, and this revolutionized the world. It aided our human race in the fight against numerous diseases that threatened to eradicate us. The vast majority of the time, doctors prescribe exactly what we should be taking. However, things can go awry from time to time.

Miscarriage Medication Mishap

Miscarriage Medication Mishap

This is a heartbreaking story. An already heartbreaking experience, miscarriage is made even more so when it is prolonged in this way. It was irresponsible of her doctor to never follow up with her patient, even though she never intended for this to happen.

Assumed Circumcision

There is a lot of debate about circumcision. However, for many people, it’s unnecessary for baby boys’ health and could cause other issues, even if it’s common practice in the United States. Many parents refuse to have their children circumcised.

Assumed Circumcision

Assumed Circumcision

When it comes to medical procedures, there should be no presumptions. Trying to take the OP’s baby without checking with her first was extremely careless on the part of the medical staff. Her question was an excellent one.

Serious Claims

Bipolar disorder comes in three forms, each characterized by mood swings, energy fluctuations, and difficulties concentrating. The lives of those who have it can be drastically altered by an official diagnosis, but what if someone is diagnosed with it when they don’t actually have it?

Serious Claims

Serious Claims

Why would a doctor assume someone is bipolar after only 20 minutes of meeting them? That’s not nearly enough time to get a thorough understanding of a patient’s mental health situation. That’s what I call scaring someone for no reason. It’s a good thing the psychiatrist understood what they were discussing.

Excruciating Kidney Stone Pain

Aside from childbirth, kidney stones are said to be one of the most painful ailments. It’s enough to make anyone squirm at the thought of hard substances passing through the tiny tubes inside our bodies.

Excruciating Kidney Stone Pain

Excruciating Kidney Stone Pain

You’d think that after talking to this patient for a few minutes, they’d at the very least administer some mild pain medication. And why wouldn’t they be more concerned about this patient passing out on a bathroom floor? Or, more likely, they were too busy taking care of their other patients to notice.

Scary Side Effects

In the United States, the VA (Veterans Affairs) is tasked with providing a wide range of services to those who served in the armed forces. Sadly, as with many public programs in the US, the VA is plagued by stories of underfunding and unfair treatment.

Scary Side Effects

Scary Side Effects

It’s confusing that a doctor would refuse to perform any tests when a patient exhibits alarming symptoms. Isn’t that what they’re supposed to do? Helping their patients? It’s a miracle this person didn’t have a stroke. Otherwise, they would have been in serious trouble.

No Driving With Fibromyalgia

Many prescription drugs come with a warning that if the patient becomes drowsy after the first dose, they should drive with caution. Drowsiness will not always occur, however, because everyone’s body is different, and people can continue to drive safely.

No Driving With Fibromyalgia

No Driving With Fibromyalgia

In threatening to have the patient’s license revoked, the doctor went way beyond the pale. Being so dramatic about the situation is pointless unless she was in a car with her patient and witnessed him driving recklessly.

Unsolicited Breast Reduction Advice

Weight and appearance changes are common side effects of many prescription medications. Even though the side effects can be difficult for those taking them, many people continue to take them because the benefits of being on the medication outweigh the disadvantages.

Unsolicited Breast Reduction Advice

Unsolicited Breast Reduction Advice

Before making the assumption that her weight and breast size were the source of her discomfort, he should have had her undergo a physical examination. He should have done more research before shaming his patient for having a large chest. Hopefully, he has learned from this experience and is no longer so quick to judge.

Nonexistent Bedside Manners

You don’t need to be a doctor or a nurse to know that hospitals have to adhere to a set of standard procedures. For instance, they must exercise caution when administering medication to patients. A patient could be wheeled outside and waited for pick-up by a member of the medical staff.

Nonexistent Bedside Manners

Nonexistent Bedside Manners

These precautions are in place to keep patients safe, especially after surgery. This is a difficult one to begin with. They had an absolutely harrowing experience. That hospital’s staff should be ashamed of their actions.

Cancer Dismissed as Fat

However, while physical health is an important aspect of a patient’s well-being, being overweight can be caused by a number of different factors and cannot be attributed solely to laziness or inactivity. Occasionally, there is a more serious issue at hand.

Cancer Dismissed As Fat

Cancer Dismissed As Fat

In this case, it was the doctor who was careless and dismissive. This cancer-stricken woman was unable to get the attention she needed because she was overweight. We wouldn’t blame her at all if she went back and confronted that doctor.

Ratting Out the Patient

Many workplaces use urine tests to keep an eye on their employees and ensure that they aren’t in an altered state of mind when they show up for work. However, doctors do not use them to control their patients and complain about them to their parents.

Ratting Out The Patient

Ratting Out The Patient

For the sole purpose of leaking information to his father, this doctor convinced his patient to fill out medical release forms. In addition to violating privacy laws, this is also a bad idea. It’s possible that he’s afraid to tell his doctor anything.

Humiliating Teaching Experience

Catheters are a pain in the neck. Peeing into a tube is not only unpleasant, but the procedure for inserting and removing them is also painful. Despite their obvious utility, no one enjoys them, especially if they’re made public without their consent.

Humiliating Teaching Experience

Humiliating Teaching Experience

We are heartbroken for this poor girl. Preteen years are difficult to get through because you’re dealing with a lot of physical changes and everything seems to be a big deal. The last thing she needed was a group of adult men staring at her with a catheter.