40+ People Who Couldn’t Care Less About Anyone But Themselves

Published on 01/26/2022
40+ People Who Couldn't Care Less About Anyone But Themselves

40+ People Who Couldn’t Care Less About Anyone But Themselves

Many people in the world do or say things that they believe are perfectly acceptable. When viewed from the outside, however, it is clear that they do these things for no one but themselves. Not sure what we’re talking about? Here are a few examples of selfish people who irritate us greatly. Some will make you laugh, while others will get you pumped up!

Is That So?

Finally, this person’s Reddit post could be correct. However, there are times when we, as mere humans, have the authority to judge our own and others’ actions. For instance, when someone breaks the law or behaves inappropriately.

Is That So?

Is That So?

This person was actually discussing DUI, and we’re sure there’s plenty of blame to go around. As a result, this isn’t a factual point, but rather another example of this individual’s ignorance.

Cash Is King

Some people like to throw a big birthday bash! Typically, this entails throwing a party to celebrate the occasion with their closest friends and family. But how can those who are unable to attend contribute to the festivities?

Cash Is King

Cash Is King

This person, on the other hand, appears to believe it is acceptable to request a cash transfer into her account. She also thinks it’s fine to send a follow-up message if no one has responded to the initial message. This birthday girl needs a social awareness education – she’s so rude!

Thanks for Nothing

Packing and moving to a new place is always stressful and time-consuming, so getting a friend to help you with it and promising to help them in return seems like a good deal. Unless you’re this guy, of course!

Thanks for Nothing

Thanks for Nothing

How cruel and self-centered is it to take something from someone and then fail to keep your end of the bargain? And, based on this guy’s track record, the sore back excuse was a lie.

How About a Proper Burial?

It is a tragic event for the animal’s caretakers when a beloved pet passes away. People frequently perform rituals or even cremate their pets in order to keep them close to their families.

How About a Proper Burial?

How About a Proper Burial?

As a result, it seems like a crime against humanity to simply leave a dead animal in a box on the street for others to dispose of. The perpetrator’s selfishness and lack of sensitivity disgust us.

Naughty Parent!

Although no one enjoys dealing with a soiled diaper, it is an unavoidable part of being a parent. This means you could be called upon to change that diaper at any time, no matter where you are.

Naughty Parent!

Naughty Parent!

We had been shocked and appalled to see why so many parents thought it was acceptable to leave their dirty diapers in a parking lot when they were changing them.

Stepping Out

How does one mend a shattered relationship? Wow, there isn’t just one simple answer to this difficult question; there are several options that may or may not work. But one thing is certain: seeking out other people’s love and attention is not the solution.

Stepping Out

Stepping Out

One of the most selfish and cowardly things you can do is cheat on your partner. So, kudos to this woman for slapping this married man in the face with a burn. We hope you were in pain and didn’t get any ice treatment!

Etiquette Expert Wanted

When we are out and about in public places, we all follow certain etiquette. When speaking with waitstaff, for example, remember to use your manners and be courteous, and don’t make an unnecessary mess. As you can see, this group appears to have bunked the class on the latter.

Etiquette Expert Wanted

Etiquette Expert Wanted

Isn’t this incredibly self-centered and impolite? Who in their right mind would sit at a table in such filth? In our opinion, they are all pigs. We apologize for being a little out of the ordinary, but we don’t get along with people who don’t think about others.

Masking the Truth

Masks… they’re something we’ve all had to come to terms with in order to show our respect for others’ safety. So, to those who believe in a “every man for himself” mentality, we have nothing to say to you.

Masking the Truth

Masking the Truth

Actually, that’s not true; we do. Despite our mothers’ advice that if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all, we’ll just say this: some people create their own storms and then get upset when it rains.

That’s Just Gross

We recognize the importance of good grooming and applaud it. However, there is a time and a place for this to happen, and it is most definitely not in public. Unless you’re getting your hair done, of course!

That’s Just Gross

That’s Just Gross

To the person who thought it was acceptable to clip their nails at the gym, we see you and are disgusted by you! Furthermore, the fact that you have the audacity to expect someone else to clean up your mess makes us sick.

No Need for Name Calling

Even though the workers at a family clinic work hard, we’re not sure this is the best message to post outside of one. Actually, we’re convinced that this obnoxious sign must be removed.

No Need for Name Calling

No Need for Name Calling

We just don’t feel right seeing this outside of a clinic, from the judgment to the name-calling. Whoever made and placed this sign in this location should seriously reconsider their moral compass. After all, it’s never too late to improve oneself.

Making That Money

We all know that having children is costly, but most parents prefer to focus on the benefits of having children. Seeing them mature and develop into their own person. Oh, and the fact that you can earn money from them.

Making That Money

Making That Money

It’s one thing to consider how much money you can earn as a parent through taxes and, more recently, stimulus checks, but it’s quite another to brag about it. We’re hoping that this baby onesie is just a joke because it irritates us.

Let the World Know

When you’re pregnant, having a gender reveal party has become very popular. They can be simple and to the point, or they can be extravagant. And there will be an explosion of confetti or a cake cutting at some point during the event, and you will be able to tell whether it is a girl or a boy based on the color.

Let the World Know

Let the World Know

However, once the gender has been revealed and everything has been completed, the cleanup process begins, especially if you are doing it in a public space. Some people, it turns out, truly believe that the world revolves around them and have no regard for the environment.

Deal of the Year?

The selfish people in your life can sometimes be found within your own family. We don’t get to choose our family, as sad and difficult as that may be to accept. This is why there are family feuds and estrangement.

Deal of the Year?

Deal of the Year?

We don’t know either of these people personally, but if this selfish dude were our brother, we’d want nothing to do with him. Maybe down the road he’ll realize what he’s done and repent, but until then, no thanks!

Go Ahead and Relax!

Planes can be uncomfortably uncomfortable, particularly on long flights. However, there is no reason to invade another’s personal space. Clearly, this individual missed the memo. We sincerely hope that those empty seats are just that.

Go Ahead and Relax!

Go Ahead and Relax!

Even so, going completely barefoot on a flight is considered rude. This person isn’t a child, so they should know basic etiquette by now, based on their feet. Argh, we’re all riled up now!

Break Time

When visiting government offices, you will constantly find yourself waiting in long lines. We all assume it’s because these businesses are understaffed, but this behind-the-scenes photo proves otherwise…

Break Time

Break Time

How self-centered is it that this woman is taking her time and playing solitaire while the rest of the world waits? We’re hoping she’ll be reported after this. From this vantage point, we can sense the crowd’s dissatisfaction.

Not for You

In some countries, medical care is prohibitively expensive, and seeing any doctor is a luxury. So the fact that this dentist was so picky with his freebies really irritated us.

Not for You

Not for You

After all, he’s a wealthy man, and we’re sure the Medicaid patients would have appreciated the toothbrush. Doctors are supposed to care about their patients, but we have a feeling that this one is more profit-driven than anything else!

An Awful Person

When you can buy a new wardrobe every year, you usually have to get rid of a lot of your old stuff. For some people who are less fortunate, those clothes could be a real blessing. This privileged woman, on the other hand, does not seem to mind.

An Awful Person

An Awful Person

She only cares if someone from a lower socioeconomic class isn’t seen wearing the same outfit she is. This platform forbids us from using a particularly obscene term to describe someone like this. It’s up to you to figure out what it is!

Here Is Your Bill!

Thanksgiving is a time for families to reunite and spend quality time together. As a result, it’s critical that the meal be delicious, even if this means splurging at the supermarket.

Here Is Your Bill!

Here Is Your Bill!

This is why it’s nice to ask guests to bring a dish to a dinner party, but expecting them to pay in cash is strange. After all, a holiday dinner with the family is supposed to be emotional. It’s not like a restaurant, where customers come in, eat, and then leave!

Cover Me

It’s a great way to bond at work if you can find someone who shares your interests. When it came to a particular band, these two workers had it, but the story didn’t end the way you probably expected it to.

Cover Me

Cover Me

Rather, one woman was able to attend both concerts while the other was required to cover her shift. Don’t you think that’s a little messed up? We’d probably report the other girl to HR if we were the ones who got screwed.

Are You Trying to Say Something?

Although this could have been a joke, we all need to be extra cautious when it comes to our weight. Many people are self-conscious about their weight, and this could push them over the edge.

Are You Trying to Say Something?

Are You Trying to Say Something?

The person who cut this cake and went out of their way to make sure it said this is most likely insecure. And if the person who received this cake began to be concerned about their weight, this cake-cutter will have to repent!

All Mine

We’ll just cross our fingers and hope this Snapchat caption isn’t true. There’s no way someone could be so self-centered. Isn’t it true that he bought all those rolls to give to those in need? That’s what we’ll tell ourselves to make us feel better.

All Mine

All Mine

We don’t want to be angry if we don’t have to. We’ll give him the benefit of the doubt here because he doesn’t appear to be a bad guy. Who’s on our side?

Here’s Your Sign

Despite the fact that these trees were behind a fence with a large red sign on them, someone cut them down for personal gain. Who would do something like that? This person is a part of the problem with our environment!

Here’s Your Sign

Here’s Your Sign

They couldn’t have missed the sign, so this individual clearly had their own agenda. We hope that whoever did this is caught and receives a hefty fine! Our blood is starting to boil once more!

Who Took Them?

During the day, parents may require a little pick-me-up. As a result, we can see why this mother felt compelled to eat her son’s candy. However, the way she went about doing so was completely incorrect and bordering on selfish.

Who Took Them?

Who Took Them?

She chose to lie to her son instead of telling him the truth or replacing the Skittles bag before he realized they were missing. The very sin we teach our children to avoid… Come on, dearest mother, do better!

Parking Violation

In this situation, we’re not sure who to call selfish. Which came first: the person who parked where they shouldn’t have or the Swedish cop who went out of his way to issue a ticket? Mmm… we’ve decided to charge both parties with a crime.

Parking Violation

Parking Violation

The verdict is in, and in our opinion, both the driver and the cop are guilty. It’s not fair to park in a way that hinders others’ ability, and it’s certainly not cool for a cop to deliberately make someone’s day worse. Do you agree with me?

Excuse Me?!

On an airplane, each seat has a limited amount of space. This means that you’ll frequently rub elbows with the passenger in the seat next to you. However, this is where we draw the line…

Excuse Me?!

Excuse Me?!

Take a look at the difference in space ratios between these two passengers! The woman who crossed her legs should be ashamed of herself for being so self-centered. We’re hoping that after taking this photo, this Snapchatter said something to her.

Endless Space

When a stranger sits next to you in a public place, it can be quite unsettling. As a result, many of us try to keep the seat next to us occupied in order to avoid this awkward interaction. However, we believe that this woman went too far.

Endless Space

Endless Space

Taking up an entire row is savage and self-centered. We can understand if there will be few people present, but even so, a person does not require so much extra legroom.

Found a Spot!

This is not only egotistical but also dangerous. We understand how difficult it can be to find a parking spot in most downtown areas of major cities, so we sympathize with this offender. But, with that said, his ‘solution’ to the parking problem enrages us to no end!

Found a Spot!

Found a Spot!

Who parks in the middle of a crosswalk? This will cause traffic, and we’re pretty sure it’s illegal. It’s also a clear indication that this person only cares about themselves.

So Close

With this one, both parties have acted in their own self-interest. To begin with, the boisterous group infringed on the right of other customers to a quiet cup of coffee. We know they were ecstatic, but that ecstasy should have been kept to a minimum.

So Close

So Close

As a result, the guy purchased their name out of spite in order to destroy their new business. To this guy, you’re supposed to go high when they go low, not evil!


While we are bothered by people who display road rage, we would be less so if we drove into this parking lot and saw this. We can’t believe this truck driver has the audacity to park so selfishly.



Who in their right mind would choose to park in four spots? He should be ticketed for doing so, as other drivers will now have to suffer as a result of his actions.

He Doesn’t Need That

Family members can be the most selfish people on the planet, especially when money is involved. This boy’s grandmother left him a sizable inheritance, which clearly resulted in some family members being bitten by the green-eyed monster.

He Doesn’t Need That

He Doesn’t Need That

How could a parent and an aunt do such a thing to a family member? Clearly, they were only concerned with themselves and not with the future of this child. That money, plain and simple, belonged to the woman’s grandson!

Community College it Is

When you have an addiction, you can end up being quite selfish as a result of it. These things have the potential to harm not only you, but also those around you. When it comes to gambling addictions, money is usually the root of the problem.

Community College it Is

Community College it Is

This man was not only irresponsible with money in this case, but he was also not using his own. Instead, he dipped into his girlfriend’s children’s fund, which was set up to assist with future college expenses. Isn’t it against the law to do this? Before we sue, someone should sue this guy!

No Mask

Many places now require you to put on a mask before trying to enter. These establishments may refuse entry if you don’t have one, which is standard procedure these days.

No Mask

No Mask

And if you don’t like it, then blame the virus, not the people who are trying to follow the rules! So, you better repent for your despicable behavior, you big bully who threatened to beat someone up for simply following the rules!


We’ve dubbed this story Pizza-Gate because we believe the lack of pizza sharing was the icing on the cake for why this guy is a selfish taker. Also, how disgusting was it for him to lick the second slice just to make a point?



Guys, never vent your rage on food, especially pizza! We admire the other character in this story for taking the initiative and simply walking away. We’re not even surprised that the pizza thief stole a bicycle.

Women First

When it comes to their children, parents are expected to make sacrifices. This mother, on the other hand, clearly missed the memo, and it makes us sad to hear it.

Women First

Women First

Why didn’t she just share a sandwich with the kid, we wonder? Who tells their child that they can eat later if they are hungry? This is making us extremely agitated.

I Want It!

Even if it is not exactly what you wanted, it is always nice when someone gives you a nice Christmas gift. But clearly, this young woman does not share that sentiment, and she had no qualms about expressing her dissatisfaction.

I Want It!

I Want It!

So, if her parents sacrificed their gifts to get her what she wanted, the very least she could have done was use it, right? We don’t like people who don’t appreciate it when others go above and beyond for them.

Take a Seat

When you see someone struggling to stand, whether due to age or injury, you should assist them in any way you can. All that was required of the passengers on this bus was that they give up a seat for this crutch-wielding man, but no one appeared willing to do so.

Take a Seat

Take a Seat

What is the problem with today’s day and age? We feel a strong emotional reaction to this story. Thank goodness for this individual who took the initiative and spoke up.

Wait Your Turn

A wedding is one of the most important events in your life, and a funeral is another. One is a happy occasion, while the other is one of the most sorrowful. However, one is not more important than the other, and the attitude of this bridal party is out of line.

Wait Your Turn

Wait Your Turn

They, not the funeral procession, were the ones who were running late. We’re curious if a brawl ensued as a result of this… If we had been present at the funeral, we would have spoken harshly to the bride and her bridesmaids.

Nothing for Me

Potlucks are meals where everyone is expected to bring something, but having food allergies or intolerances can make this difficult. So we understand the woman’s disappointment when her recipe failed, but we don’t understand her solution.

Nothing for Me

Nothing for Me

Her decision to not bring anything because she wouldn’t be able to enjoy it was extremely rude and self-centered. It doesn’t mean she can’t be a good guest just because she can’t eat certain foods.

I Gotta Go!

Many establishments have bathrooms that are accessible to people with disabilities. These restrooms should only be used by those who require them. When someone who is otherwise healthy decides to use one, it is a clear indication that they are self-centered.

I Gotta Go!

I Gotta Go!

We seriously can not believe the middle-aged woman who screamed at a blind woman for using the restroom too much. HR might be able to give her a harsh reality check.

Me First

Some people are born with a grabby nature. So, what do we mean when we say that? In essence, they have a proclivity for being greedy and prioritizing themselves over others. This roommate described fits the bill perfectly.

Me First

Me First

We’re baffled as to why the girlfriend remained silent. Maybe she does it behind the scenes, but believe us when we say that if someone did this to us on a regular basis, we wouldn’t hesitate to speak up.

Next Customer Please!

Traffic and waiting in lines are two aggravating and time-consuming situations that can drive people insane. As a result, we’d lose it if the people in front of you switched to a free new line.

Next Customer Please!

Next Customer Please!

But seriously, to all those who wait in line at the back and then are suddenly assigned to a new and open line, does it not occur to you to let those who have waited the longest go first? What happened to good manners?

Don’t Tell Him

When a child is working hard to save money for their own video game console, their parents should be proud of them and perhaps even reward them for their efforts.

Don’t Tell Him

Don’t Tell Him

They should not follow in the footsteps of this mother and try to profit from the situation. This woman is clearly only concerned with herself and her bad habits. We feel terrible for this bright kid.

I’m So Thirsty!

Seeing a car accident on the road, no matter how serious, is always frightening. When onlookers see a vehicle pulled over, they usually stop to see if the driver is okay. Regrettably, not everyone was raised properly.

I’m So Thirsty!

I’m So Thirsty!

The majority of the drivers who pulled over were just looking for a way to get some Fanta for their long drive home. What crooks! We hope the truck driver recorded the license plates of some of these people and reported them to the authorities.

Look What I Found

We’ve all been there-you’re thirsty for a drink, but all you have in your pocket are a few coins. So you find the one drink you can afford and rush to the front of the line.

Look What I Found

Look What I Found

We can’t believe this girl stole this person’s coin right in front of their eyes. We understand it wasn’t a large sum of money, but stealing is still stealing. She deserved to be caught for her selfish and immoral actions.

Evolution Vs. Creation

Everyone is entitled to their own religious beliefs and practices. However, teaching your children that something that has been scientifically proven to be incorrect is not only a disservice to them, but it is also ignorant and selfish.

Evolution Vs. Creation

Evolution Vs. Creation

According to the Bible, dinosaurs do not exist, and these parents are trying to teach their children that. If that’s the case, what exactly are those massive skeletons in the museum? We’ll take a break while those parents try to come up with a counter-argument.