Real-Time Wild Life Photos From Trail Cams

Published on 03/10/2022
Real-Time Wild Life Photos From Trail Cams

Real-Time Wild Life Photos From Trail Cams

In recent years, trail cams have proven to be an excellent tool for capturing wildlife in action. This will make you question whether or not you’re seeing things for the first time. It’s not like you could stage anything even close to this. The timing couldn’t be better! They all have a unique quality to them, from the hilarious to the adorable to the creepy, but they’re still fun to look through.

Animal Party

A fox, a possum, and a rabbit all walk into a bar… no, that’s not true. They did, however, all appear in this location at the same time for some reason.

Animal Party

Animal Party

Instead of walking away, the fox is lunging after the bunny, indicating that he, too, must have eaten his dinner. It appears that all of them are occupied with important animal matters at the moment.

Baby Bear

It was captured on film that this endearing little bear cub was sitting upright with the cutest expression on his face. He’s most likely keeping an eye on his mother.

Baby Bear

Baby Bear

Perhaps a butterfly or something else caught his attention, because he does appear to be curious. If I wasn’t so afraid he’d rip my hand off, I’d want to pet his fluffy little tummy.

That Looks Lovely on You

Here’s yet another perfect example of an image that will almost certainly never happen again in a million years, but was captured on camera at the exact right moment in time.

That Looks Lovely on You

That Looks Lovely on You

Not only did it catch the rhino approaching it, but it also caught the random bird standing in front of him. Not to mention the peacock behind him, which gives the impression that he’s dressed up.

Foxy Lady

It is most likely that the term “foxy,” which is used to describe someone who is thought to be attractive by others and is derived from it, arose as a result of this image.

Foxy Lady

Foxy Lady

How adorable is that face, I mean, truly? There’s something about this fox that says it’s having a good day. In fact, he’s enjoying himself as an outcome of it all.

I Just Can’t Bear It

Does anyone else want to go pat this bear on the back and ask about his well-being? He appears to have had a difficult day and needs to vent about it.

I Just Can’t Bear It

I Just Can’t Bear It

To keep you warm, maybe even a bear hug will do! Unfortunately, the poor creature is in desperate need of a friend.

Heavy Headed

This guy is prepared for his close-up! Because he’s staring directly at the camera, it’s more than likely that he’s trying to figure out what that strange-looking object is that’s pointed at him.

Heavy Headed

Heavy Headed

The thought of having those things protruding from your head in the first place is difficult to contemplate. Poor thing, I’m sure she’s suffering from a lot of tension headaches.

Good Kitty

Even though cats – even large cats – are cute, you don’t want to see this on your security camera footage from outside your home, especially if you have your own cats (or dogs).

Good Kitty

Good Kitty

And if you see something like this, keep your pets inside and under your supervision to keep them safe! But look at how cool his glowing eyes appear in the dark!

The Cat Cam

The other day, a cat in the neighborhood was out for a walk when he noticed something shiny he’d never seen before. This is the first time the camera has caught him mid-scratch before he returns for a second go at it.

The Cat Cam

The Cat Cam

Seeing cats with their mouths open while being captured on camera is one of the most endearing sights on the planet.

Be Cool and Blend

The ability to interact with others is apparently passed down through generations of birds. According to his behavior, this duck believes he is required to stand on one leg.

Be Cool and Blend

Be Cool and Blend

Perhaps he’s spent so much time with the flamingos that he thinks he’s one of them? The other duck is hiding her face like, “I don’t know him, I swear.”

Squirrel Selfie

This one is just too adorable. This squirrel’s attention has been drawn to the camera lens, and he is staring at it as he eats his lunch. Maybe he’s afraid it’ll try to steal his stash?

Squirrel Selfie

Squirrel Selfie

You’re well aware of how squirrels can be when it comes to their nuts. It’s all right, we’re just looking at your beautiful face, little guy; you can keep your food down.

Seagull Shot

Seagulls, on the other hand, can go berserk when they’re hungry. That’s why, on the coast, restaurants sometimes erect wires over outdoor seating areas to prevent customers from divebombing them for their French fries.

Seagull Shot

Seagull Shot

Even so, you can’t really fault a seagull for trying, can you? Wouldn’t you rather have fries for lunch than bugs on the sly? Yeah, I’m in the same boat.

Hello There

I’m not sure what else to call that beak if it doesn’t look like it could tear smaller animals into kibbles and bits. Of course, it’s possible that the bird’s angle on the lens makes him appear more threatening than he is.

Hello There

Hello There

The fact that birds of prey are magnificent creatures does not diminish the fact that they can be extremely dangerous – not only to humans, but also to other animals in their vicinity.

Bear-Knuckle Boxing

These two polar bears appear to be arguing about where they should go for their next meal. Or, they may be arguing about which tree is the best for back scratching purposes.

Bear-Knuckle Boxing

Bear-Knuckle Boxing

When a bear faces off against any other creature in a fight, you can pretty much predict who will win. When it comes to bears vs. bears, however, it’s a toss-up.

Hawk Eye

The picture captured by this trail camera is pretty incredible. Not only did this stunning bird fly so close to the camera, but he also spread his wings and strike his best pose for us.

Hawk Eye

Hawk Eye

Put in the effort, little fella! Birds of prey are truly majestic creatures, as evidenced by this picture.

In Headlights

On this deer’s head, there appear to be a couple of screws that are loose or something along those lines. It’s the epitome of the expression “deer caught in the headlights”……

In Headlights

In Headlights

To be sure, this isn’t exactly the norm in this particular situation. After all, who are we to pass judgment on someone who is merely attempting to do his best?

You ‘Otter’ Follow Me

It’s hard to believe that this group of otter pups is making its way through the woods behind this guy’s home. As for the term “raft,” it is indeed used to refer to an entire group of otters.

You 'Otter' Follow Me

You ‘Otter’ Follow Me

In this picture, it appears as though these two otter pups are on an important otter mission, a mission that includes the ability to be both ridiculously adorable and significant at the same time.

Creepy Little Kid

What is it about these creepy-looking kids wandering the woods late at night that makes you want to try to escape? What is it about being creepy that they find so interesting?

Creepy Little Kid

Creepy Little Kid

Whether it’s because of the lighting or a lack thereof, this image appears to be haunted in my opinion. Are there any guardians or other family members for these children? Or did they also die more than a century ago?

Moo-vie Star

On the red carpet, this cow appears to be looking over her shoulder at the camera, which is something that celebrities are known to do when they’re on the red carpet, as seen in the photo above.

Moo-vie Star

Moo-vie Star

She was clearly prepared for her close-up when she was caught on this yard camera. Hence, it’s possible that she’s looking over her shoulder because a predator is closing in.

Skunk Tail

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then almost all of those words are about how stinky they are in the first place. Rather than being scary, the animal’s other end actually manages to be quite endearing.

Skunk Tail

Skunk Tail

Some people even keep skunks as pets in their homes. Despite the fact that the end that is facing the camera may be silent, it has the potential to be lethal if not dealt with properly.

Raccoons, Assemble!

Those of you who have come face to face with a hungry raccoon are well aware that it will go to almost any length in order to achieve its goal of eating.

Raccoons, Assemble!

Raccoons, Assemble!

The goal, in this case, was to get to the tasty seed-filled bird feeder. Let’s hope they all got the same amount. After all, they’re both working hard to satisfy their hunger.


After seeing all of the reindeer captured on camera, you have to wonder where Santa Claus went. Thanks to this random camera set up in someone’s yard in Canada, there’s finally proof that he exists.



However, it’s possible that I’m seeing things here, but Santa appears to be holding a beer. After that, he should avoid getting behind the wheel of a vehicle at all costs.

Are We There Yet?

The meaning of what is happening in this image is still up in the air. According to my observations, this fawn appears to have had enough walking for the day.

Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

Eventually, it came to the conclusion that it would prefer to simply hitch a ride on mom’s back instead. Unfortunately, it appears that momma deer is in the same boat as her calf.

Buck It

We’re hoping that’s a distorted image of a bear chasing that deer rather than some kind of deformed forest monster. Although it does appear to be a monster – some strange winged bear/bat demon hybrid.

Buck It

Buck It

Due to the fact that the deer would try to escape in either scenario, I suppose we will never know – which may not be such a bad thing after all.

Go Home, Sally

What is this little girl doing wandering around outside in the middle of nowhere at night? And why does she appear to be dressed in clothing that dates back several centuries?

Go Home, Sally

Go Home, Sally

In fact, it appears as if she doesn’t even have any feet, which is a bit concerning. Is it possible that this is due to the fact that she is a ghost?

What Is That?

This is yet another case of a trail camera unintentionally capturing something that appears to have been plucked from the nightmare realm. Sure, it could be a hunter dressed in camouflage, sneaking around in stealth mode, trying to catch something.

What Is That?

What Is That?

However, the boogeyman would be on the prowl for his next human prey, which would be you. Let’s not waste any more time waiting to find out what happens next!

Fun Times

At Denali National Park, a bear was caught on camera rolling down a hill. It’s not just a human concept that we’re talking about when we say “entertainment.” Animals, too, get bored. There are only so many things you can do in the wild to have fun.

Fun Times

Fun Times

It’s fantastic that this little guy has discovered his own rollercoaster. He might even show the other bears how it’s done and start an entire amusement park as a result.

Bear Back

The camera on this man’s property caught these two brown bears with their bear-pants down. When he checked the footage that day, he probably didn’t expect to see anything like that.

Bear Back

Bear Back

My sympathies go out to the bear couple in this situation. They were simply trying to spend some quality time together as a couple on the water in a romantic setting.

Creepy Forest Creature

Even those who claim that this photo is either a fake or the result of computer-generated imagery (CGI) have been unsuccessful in their attempts to disprove it. What is this creature crawling around on all fours in the woods at night?

Creepy Forest Creature

Creepy Forest Creature

Possibly a Halloween joke or something for a horror film, who knows? However, it is upsetting, and I would definitely not want to see it anywhere near my house if I could help it.

Paws Off

CCTV captured the exact moment a black bear escaped with the delivery of dog food sitting on the porch of this property. Get a whole box of dog treats, and that bear has hit the jackpot.

Paws Off

Paws Off

And now that he’s discovered where the good stuff is, he’ll almost certainly be back for more the next time! It’s best if you instruct your delivery personnel to leave it in the garage.

The Bat’s Apples

Unfortunately for this poor doe, the apples she came across were not what she had expected. But this bat flew at her out of nowhere and scared her away before she could even eat the first one. Is it your fault?

The Bat’s Apples

The Bat’s Apples

If something like that flew at me in the middle of the night in the woods, I’d be terrified! Hopefully, she returned later in the day and picked up some apples before the sun came up.

Bear Fight

These two bears appeared to be in the midst of a squabble. Maybe it’s a bear couple fighting over who gets to stay at home with the cubs and who gets to go out and catch dinner.

Bear Fight

Bear Fight

It doesn’t appear that either of them is willing to back down. But we all know who is going to come out on top in that debate (hint: it’s the wife bear).

Masks Off

Any homeowner would be terrified to see what this trail cam captured. Imagine going through your footage and finding this creepy…whatever it is. What the hell is this person up to?

Masks Off

Masks Off

Seeing someone wearing this mask wandering around my backyard would scare the living daylights out of me if they happened to see me in the process. If you could just leave us alone, mask man!

Oh Deer

What would you do if you returned to your truck after a hunting trip to find this when you were loading up your gear? After making it out of the forest that day, this buck is clearly feeling confident.

Oh Deer

Oh Deer

Yes, it had been a fruitless hunting expedition, as evidenced by the deer’s “ha-ha, you didn’t get me” demeanor. Let’s hope he was able to get away from there before the hunter returned.

Monkeying Around

The trail cameras on this property were installed by the property owner in order to capture a wild animal that had been running around in the middle of the night.

Monkeying Around

Monkeying Around

However, when they reviewed the footage, they were taken aback by what they discovered. Two grown men dressed as gorillas from head to toe. Some people have an excessive amount of spare time.

Wild Doggy Style

Getting caught in the middle of their intimate encounter is bad enough, but these two coyotes are also staring directly at the camera, which adds to the comedy of their situation.

Wild Doggy Style

Wild Doggy Style

As if they were aware of the camera’s presence and were posing for it. It’s also possible that they were taken aback by it. Allow the dogs to have some privacy!

The Bear Necessities

Everyone can understand what this bear was going through when he was captured on this trail cam. After all, when you have an itch, you have to scratch it, right?

The Bear Necessities

The Bear Necessities

Let’s talk about how tall this bear is for a second. He’s almost to the top of the tree on his hind legs – and he’s not even standing upright all the way!

Mystery Deer

What happened to this deer is a mystery to me; however, it appears to be in poor physical condition. And it might not be the only one with that infection.

Mystery Deer

Mystery Deer

In my opinion, the deer should be transported as soon as possible to the nearest emergency veterinary clinic. As shown in the picture, it appears to have been a particularly unpleasant infection to have accumulated.

White Snow

This snowy white deer is absolutely stunning in its whiteness and understated elegance! It sticks out like a sore thumb in the middle of a forest of greenery and wildlife.

White Snow

White Snow

Because of the high visibility of white deer, they are easy prey for hunters and natural enemies such as coyotes, and a herd of this size would not survive in the wilderness.

Polka Dot Moose

What do you think that’s in the distance? A moose cow? I’ve never seen a moose with such a thick coat of fur before! I’m not sure what it is exactly.

Polka Dot Moose

Polka Dot Moose

Moose eat a variety of forbs and shoots from trees, as well as other terrestrial plant material. Moose require a daily caloric intake of 9770 kcal (32 kg) to maintain their weight!

Pig Fight

The poor buck believes that it has triumphed in a fight with a pig. It, on the other hand, is completely unaware that the pig is a fake.

Pig Fight

Pig Fight

Now the fake pig is stuck in the buck’s antlers, which is a source of embarrassment for him. I hope he is able to let it all hang out, or else he will be a pig head for the rest of his life!

Barrel Boy

In one instance, it was discovered that a barrel had been wedged between the antlers of another deer, which is not uncommon.

Barrel Boy

Barrel Boy

The fact that I must inform anyone who has misplaced their bucket that they will not be receiving a replacement any time in the near future fills me with great regret.

Creepy Anteater

Wow! As can be seen in the pictures, that anteater is somewhat scary.

Creepy Anteater

Creepy Anteater

Even if this were my trail camera, I wouldn’t want to go back down that path ever again!

Bear Doing Its Business

This bear made the decision to squat directly in front of the camera with full awareness of what was happening.

Bear Doing Its Business

Bear Doing Its Business

In spite of this, it appears that he does not like the use of a trail camera. Take a look at that face!

Deer Up Close

Take a look at this comical photo of a deer that was taken up close and personal. It’s incredible that the trail camera was able to capture this.

Deer Up Close

Deer Up Close

Could it be that they placed food in front of the trail camera to entice it to approach closer? We’ll never know!

Glowing Eyed Buck

This buck appears to be possessed, and it is pretty scary! Eek. However, with his horn and eyes shining brightly in the darkness, it also appears to be quite majestic.

Glowing Eyed Buck

Glowing Eyed Buck

Even though deer are capable of feeding at any time of day, because they are also considered dinner by predators, they prefer to feed at night in order to avoid being devoured.

Coyote With Its Kill

It appears that mom or Pop is bringing dinner to the house for the whole family. It appears that fawn will be the dinner of choice tonight… yum.

Coyote With Its Kill

Coyote With Its Kill

Unfortunately for the fawn, the coyote requires food for its pups, which I find heartbreaking. It has everything to do with the food chain.

Hawk With A Kill

This hawk was caught on camera as it was devouring its prey. The little buck in the back has made it just in time for the viewing session!

Hawk With A Kill

Hawk With A Kill

Given that a buck doesn’t come across situations like this very often, it’s understandable that it is taken aback by what it sees.

Mountain Lion On The Chase

The mountain lion appears to have been caught in the act of preparing dinner by the surveillance camera.

Mountain Lion On The Chase

Mountain Lion On The Chase

Despite the fact that the deer appears to be running as fast as it can, It’s an absolutely stunning photograph.

Buck & Fireworks

There is no doubt that this buck had come to the fireworks display to take in the show as well.

Buck & Fireworks

Buck & Fireworks

It’s possible that it’s the Fourth of July, and the buck is taking part in the festivities commemorating the anniversary of American independence. Buck, I hope you have a fantastic Fourth of July celebration.

Otter Snack

This otter appears to have consumed a small piece of fish right in front of the camera lens. Simply take a look at him. He’s absolutely adorable.

Otter Snack

Otter Snack

It’s likely that the person who saw the photo was overjoyed at its discovery. It doesn’t get any cuter than this little rascal chowing down on his fish in front of the lens.

Buck & Dog

It was captured on video that these two deer were having a fight and that it was caught on camera.

Buck & Dog

Buck & Dog

Because those deer’s antlers aren’t something to be trifled with, I would run as fast as I could if I was the dog.

Drunk Guy Party

It appears as though this intoxicated man is having a dance party with the deer. When you’re in the mood to dance, sometimes all you need is a herd of deer to keep you moving along.

Drunk Guy Party

Drunk Guy Party

Seeing as how he appears to be having a good time, I wouldn’t mind joining him!

Coyote VS Cat

What a cool picture of a coyote defending itself against a large predatory cat that was captured on camera.

Coyote VS Cat

Coyote VS Cat

It’s incredible that they were able to do this in real-time on camera!

Deer Stack

It appears that the deer in this picture are stacking up on top of one another for an unknown reason.

Deer Stack

Deer Stack

I believe one of the deer should take a step back and wait their turn. Deer mate a lot, so it’s no surprise that there are so many of them in our country.

Bear With A Mouthful Of  Salmon

In this picture, you can see that bears are known to be skilled fishermen. Surely, this bear is looking forward to his salmon lunch!

Bear With A Mouthful Of Salmon

Bear With A Mouthful Of Salmon

When the bear attacked, it’s likely that the salmon became less excited.

Wolf Watch

How fascinating to see the wolves’ reactions to our actions, and vice versa!

Wolf Watch

Wolf Watch

They appear to be very interested in the camera that has just appeared in front of them. They don’t appear to be fond of the camera at all.

Bear Giving Her Cub A Lift

What a precious moment between a parent and a child! It appears that the bear is assisting the cub in getting a bite of something.

Bear Giving Her Cub A Lift

Bear Giving Her Cub A Lift

For the bear to lift a cub with its paws must have been a difficult task for the bear to complete. What is it that this bear is assisting her child with? Perhaps some honey should be consumed? Yum!

Hidden Cat

What gives you the impression that this predator cat is on its way to taking down a deer? It is highly likely that it will be successful!

Hidden Cat

Hidden Cat

It goes without saying that this predator cat has a sinister streak of some kind and that this is unquestionably true. It should come as no surprise that we hold it in such high regard!

Deer Taunt

What if the deer is making a joke about us and sticking its tongue out at us? I can almost hear him cracking a grin and saying HA HA. Wow!

Deer Taunt

Deer Taunt

For example, if this trail cam is being used by a hunter, it is possible that this deer will be paying close attention to where it places its tongue on the trail.

Standing Deer

When a deer stands up, it is certainly impressively tall! Do deer stand when there is no one around to watch them? I had no idea that they were capable of walking on two legs like this.

Standing Deer

Standing Deer

Perhaps the deer witnessed a human doing it and are now trying it themselves. We just need to give this deer a fake mustache and a coat, and he’ll be ready to mingle with humans.

Girl Among The Deer

This picture is extremely bizarre! The fact that this young lady is standing in the middle of two deer is understandable, and you might be confused as to what she is doing there.

Girl Among The Deer

Girl Among The Deer

‘Is she a wild animal that lives in the wild,’ we wanted to know. If that’s the case, she’s dressed very nicely. So, what exactly is going on right now?

Buck Standing Tall

This buck appears to be fully involved in a battle with some sort of hunting dog or cat. The buck’s legs have visible bite marks on the backs of them.

Buck Standing Tall

Buck Standing Tall

Even though the buck appears to be unnerved by the encounter, it is unclear whether he is afraid of the creature or not.

Buck Wild

These two creatures are having a buck-wild time right in front of the lens of the camera. The doe must be placed at the center of the conflict to be effective.

Buck Wild

Buck Wild

This fight would be extremely exciting to witness in person, but at the very least, we can get a glimpse of it in this shot!

Tasting The Camera

Look at how adorable this deer is, who has come to see what it’s like to eat through the lens of the camera.

Tasting The Camera

Tasting The Camera

It is possible that this deer will not like the taste of this expensive delicacy in the future, and he will not be able to find any more of it.

Deer Party

These deer appear to be having a great time with one another. Making the decision to carry out the deed in this location was a wise move on my part.

Deer Party

Deer Party

Within a short period of time, this camera may be able to capture their adorable little fawns playing in the wild.

Porcupine Punch-out

Witnessing a fight that takes place right in front of the camera is a thrilling experience in itself. Here are two porcupines who are having a disagreement with one another.

Porcupine Punch-out

Porcupine Punch-out

A pay-per-view boxing match appears to be taking place in the background. Although it is unclear who will win, they both appear to be eager to bring home the gold medal.

Haunt OF The Flying Squirrel

The flying squirrel appears to be heading straight for the deer. The deer thought it could get away with all of the apples, but the squirrel does not seem to agree.

Haunt OF The Flying Squirrel

Haunt OF The Flying Squirrel

The deer appears to be aware that he is in trouble and appears to be attempting to flee as quickly as possible from the scene of the crime as well.

Crazy Deer

The deer was captured by the camera at a rather amusing angle. Is it entirely feasible that the deer is being plucked by a ghostly spirit, rather than a ghost?

Crazy Deer

Crazy Deer

His companions appear to be completely oblivious to what is taking place. There is a pleasant surprise in store for them! What a bizarre capture it has been.

Making It Rain

With the seeds from the bird feeder, that raccoon is an excellent friend to have, as he spreads joy to everyone around him.

Making It Rain

Making It Rain

That raccoon has some serious jumping ability, or did all of the raccoons band together to form a pyramid so that he could get to the top? I’m not sure how he’s going to get down.

Giant Moose Coming Through

This moose appears to be in a serious state of mind. Is it true that there is such a thing as a devil moose? Keep an eye out!

Giant Moose Coming Through

Giant Moose Coming Through

The male Giant Moose can grow to be over 6.9 feet tall and weigh over 1,400 pounds. In September 1897, the world’s largest Giant moose was shot in western Yukon; it weighed 1,808 pounds and stood 7.6 feet tall at the shoulder!

Standing Wolverine

A wolverine may be present, though it is difficult to tell because of the way it is positioned on its back two legs.

Standing Wolverine

Standing Wolverine

It looks more like a small bear than anything else when you see a Wolverine, who is a muscular carnivore. The wolverine has a reputation for being ferocious and strong in comparison to its size.

Boar Munch

The wild boar appears to be a match for this raccoon. Even though the little raccoon didn’t do much to enrage the boar, it’s not surprising that it’s also aggressive to this little guy.

Boar Munch

Boar Munch

It appears that the raccoon is aware of the camera and is embarrassed to be on the losing end of the battle!

Bird Battle

An epic battle is taking place between these two raptors over the use of a tasty branch from a nearby tree.

Bird Battle

Bird Battle

Unquestionably, that is a delicacy found in the woods; there is no doubt about it.

Did We Catch These Deer Making Out?

Whether they are cleaning themselves or having an intimate moment with each other, we may have just witnessed something special.

Did We Catch These Deer Making Out

Did We Catch These Deer Making Out

Just for the sake of romance, I’m hoping it’s the first one.

Poor Bunny Rabbit

Because he is completely unprepared for the impending attack by a mountain lion, the unfortunate bunny rabbit is fortunate in that situation.

Poor Bunny Rabbit

Poor Bunny Rabbit

Can you imagine the terrible surprise that’s about to befall him…

Creepy Clown

We have no idea why a creepy clown decided to walk right in front of the trail camera in the first place.

Creepy Clown

Creepy Clown

The clown, on the other hand, has to go. Anyone who saw this picture would definitely not want to visit that area.

Battle Royal

This picture depicts a raccoon and a deer engaged in combat under an automatic feeder.

Battle Royal

Battle Royal

As you can see in this photo, the feeder frequently causes animals to become aggressive toward one another.

Raccoon Has Some Moves

What a cool capture by the trail cam of a raccoon evading the jaws of what appears to be a very hungry coyote.

Raccoon Has Some Moves

Raccoon Has Some Moves

Wow, how sneaky is that? If he didn’t act quickly, things could have turned out very differently for everyone.

Giant Deer Buffet

As they feast in the middle of the forest, it appears as though the deer family is commemorating a momentous occasion or gathering.

Giant Deer Buffet

Giant Deer Buffet

The trail cam was right in front of this, which was pretty cool. These deer appear to be enjoying their meal, despite the fact that it appears to be late at night, and they are most likely ready to ask for the bill.

Raccoon Riding A Feral Hog

Some days it’s nice to be picked up by a friendly stranger, and this raccoon, who is riding on the back of a wild hog, must be in need of a break.

Raccoon Riding A Feral Hog

Raccoon Riding A Feral Hog

The massive swine appear completely unconcerned, and it’s possible they’re going to collect one of the raccoon’s friends, who knows where they’re going. It appears to be a great time.

Muddy Tiger

This tiger is drowsing in mud, which is most likely a means of keeping himself cool in the scorching sun.

Muddy Tiger

Muddy Tiger

I’m sure the mud bath helped him cool down, but walking around like that once the mud dries will be a pain. I’m guessing he’ll quickly regret his actions and feel trapped in his mud cast.

Broken Camera

The trail camera belonging to this individual had malfunctioned. There is a hole in the center, which may have been caused by a bullet.

Broken Camera

Broken Camera

This photo was taken by the camera as the last one it took. There is a possibility that it is a woodpecker or that it is a new species of bird known as the “camera-pecker.”

Coyote Deer Stand-off

When looking at this incredible picture, it appears as though a coyote is attempting to defend its territory against two deer…

Coyote With Its Kill

Coyote With Its Kill

The deer don’t appear to be alarmed by the coyote’s gnarl, but it’s possible that the coyote will be joined by some coyote friends soon, and the deer are unaware. This is a fantastic picture.

Cat On A Buffalo

A cat is riding on the back of a buffalo in this illustration. Buffaloes may well be considered the Uber of the animal kingdom.

Cat On A Buffalo

Cat On A Buffalo

I had no idea cats rode buffaloes, and I’m not sure the buffalo does, either, because its bottom is massive, and it’s likely it doesn’t even notice the tiny cat’s weight. I’m curious as to what other animals rely on buffalos for transportation.

Super Cute Fox Kits

The trail camera captured this adorable image of fox kits feeding on their mother. Foxes of all ages are adorable, but their adorableness is too much for a baby to handle.

Super Cute Fox Kits

Super Cute Fox Kits

All of this was captured by the trail camera, which also managed to capture the mother’s happy face. It brings a smile to my face to see such a stunning picture!

Raccoon Party!

These raccoons appear to have discovered gold or some sort of food that they shouldn’t be consuming. Currently, two of the raccoons are sleeping, while the others are scavenging through the food.

Raccoon Party!

Raccoon Party!

It appears that they are in for a long night of celebrations ahead of themselves.

Raccoon And Fox

This raccoon and fox appear to be preparing for a fight. I hope the raccoon has the strength to fight, and that he doesn’t think that car behind him is a taxi, because it appears to be out of service.

Raccoon And Fox

Raccoon And Fox

It is very likely that the raccoon will be killed if it does not summon the courage to defend himself.

Raccoon Selfie

This picture is absolutely hilarious. Do you believe that this raccoon was attempting a solo selfie at the time and that these two bucks accidentally photobombed his shot?

Raccoon Selfie

Raccoon Selfie

We’re sure he texted it to his raccoon pals after that. We’re also confident that this photo went viral on Instagram because it’s clear that he’s a major influencer with content like this.

Flying Squirrel Attack

A squirrel flying over a deer was caught on camera by this trail camera. It’s unclear whether the squirrel is about to pounce on the deer or simply flying, but one thing is certain: the trail camera captured the perfect moment.

Flying Squirrel Attack

Flying Squirrel Attack

It’s incredible to see flying squirrels, and this picture wins hands down.

Eagle Fight

What a mind-blowing photo this is! A unique experience is having an eagle captured. Catching two bald eagles in the middle of a battle?!

Eagle Fight

Eagle Fight

Unbelievable. A rare opportunity to photograph these two magnificent creatures at such a precise moment exists only once in a lifetime.

Owl Strike

What an incredible picture of an owl about to strike a deer. For the rest of his life, this deer’s fondness for owls is over! Do you think this owl is trying to eat the entire deer?

Owl Strike

Owl Strike

Given the size of its mouth, it should probably go for smaller prey. Then perhaps the deer got in the way of something else the owl was after? Ill-timing!

Otter Eating a Fish

It is the otter’s appetite that is being satisfied with a fish it has caught in the water. This otter appears to be quite stealthy.

Otter Eating a Fish

Otter Eating a Fish

It seems about right, given how quick and sly otters are. Trail cameras are well worth the investment for images like this one, which shows an otter with his fish prey.

Scary Deer

How many deer can you fit into a single photograph? While deer are not typically considered to be particularly frightening animals, this picture of a large group of deer appears to be quite frightening.

Scary Deer

Scary Deer

It appears that they are looking directly at the camera in this shot. Perhaps they are aware of its presence? Is it possible that they are being controlled by the devil?

Watch Out! The Bear Is Running AT Us!

What a terrifying photo! It’s a good thing that this charging bear is captured on camera rather than in real life.

Watch Out! The Bear Is Running AT Us!

Watch Out! The Bear Is Running AT Us!

There is a bear in the distance that appears to be heading straight for me. Isn’t it amazing that this image was captured by the camera?

Buck With A Hat

Having to deal with the difficulties of being a young Buck can be difficult at times. Things can get stuck in your antlers from time to time, and your poor hooves are powerless to extract them.

Buck With A Hat

Buck With A Hat

Tumbleweed has stuck to the antlers of this young buck. We’re hoping he finds a deer mate who will assist him in biting it off.

Barrel Head

A deer with a barrel on its head was caught on camera by this camera. It’s unclear whether the deer got into a fight with the barrel or if it’s full of delicious food that he’ll bring home to his family.

Barrel Head

Barrel Head

No matter what it is, if the deer is unable to get it out of his head, he will have a long and difficult journey ahead of him to complete.