People Share Their “My Parents Are Going To Be Upset With Me!” Childhood Recollections

Published on 02/11/2022
People Share Their "My Parents Are Going To Be Upset With Me!" Childhood Recollections

People Share Their “My Parents Are Going To Be Upset With Me!” Childhood Recollections

It is our parents who bring us into this world and who, at times, assert that they have the power to remove us from it as well. You may think that if you’ve done something bad while living with them, they’re just being sarcastic, but this isn’t always the case. Everyone has a story about a time when they thought they were going to be taken away from this world by their parents because even the nicest of parents can get irrational when things go awry. These are those stories.

Warming the Ink

Warming the Ink

Many of these stories feature children who don’t know any better, which is why they might feel compelled to put something in the microwave that shouldn’t be there. Gel pens, for example. For whatever reason, gel pens should never be microwaved. It’s not good for the microwave, the pens, or the house. It’s bad in every way. To avoid your parents’ wrath for destroying something, the only thing you should put in the microwave is food.

A Near-Death Experience

It’s not always your parents who kill you; sometimes it’s the parents of someone else. This is especially true if you’re messing around with their child. Many men can attest to near-death experiences with their girlfriends’ fathers.

A Near-Death Experience

A Near-Death Experience

As you can see, the story almost went exactly as planned, but fortunately for the guy involved, his girlfriend is an excellent liar. He went on to marry her, and the two have been together for over two decades. We can’t say we blame him.

Here I Sit

You don’t give much thought to how to solve problems when you’re a kid. Or, more accurately, you approach them incorrectly. You may believe that you must do something for an indefinite period of time in order to solve a problem, which almost never works.

Here I Sit

Here I Sit

At the same time, the way kids try to solve problems has a certain innocence to it. Fearful of their parents’ reactions, they’ll do completely ridiculous things that have no chance of succeeding. We’ll give them some leeway because it’s cute.

Worse Than Jail

It’s bad enough to be stopped by three officers, but it’s even worse when you’re going more than twice the speed limit. But wait, there’s more! When police tell you to call your parents so they can talk to them. Then they decide that being arrested or given a ticket is preferable to the wrath of your dad.

Worse Than Jail

Worse Than Jail

The cops may be right, and you already know it, if they come to that conclusion. You’d say your prayers and dread the long, agonizing drive home if you were in that situation. Clearly, the person in this story is not someone we wish we could be like.

Even You, Grandma?

The stories of kids accidentally breaking a window while playing with a ball aren’t unusual. However, that isn’t the most compelling aspect of this tale. Grandma’s apparent betrayal is the problem! How could you, Grandma, betray your own grandchild?

Even You, Grandma?

Even You, Grandma?

It just goes to show that having a grandparent on your side isn’t always a good thing. We’re guessing she’s not this guy’s favorite anymore. Perhaps she should have considered that before betraying him as a child! Seriously, what kind of grandma would do such a thing?

Rookie Mistake, Buddy

At some point in our lives, we’ve all attempted to avoid going to school. The success of the scheme is determined by how well we know our parents and how well we plan the heist. You must, of course, make contingency plans if your plan involves staying at home while your parents are away.

Rookie Mistake, Buddy

Rookie Mistake, Buddy

You don’t want to end up like this kid, who didn’t wait an extra thirty minutes in case his parents returned. Whatever the case may be, you must always allow for extra time! It takes into account situations like this, where someone might have forgotten something.

Maybe He’ll Save 15%

This is the story of a poor kid who only wanted to help a lizard who he thought was in trouble. He had no intention of causing any damage to one of his parents’ cars. It’s just how the cards were dealt. Or, more accurately, how the logs fell. Hopefully, his dad admitted that he made a mistake.

Maybe He’ll Save 15%

Maybe He’ll Save 15%

And, hey, the lizard made it out alive, right? That’s the only thing that matters. When that lizard goes and tells this story to his gecko cousin, that kid will most likely save a lot of money on car insurance in the future. Is it possible that it will be higher than 15%?

Sleeping in the Hay

Some parents believe that the best type of lesson for a child is one that is difficult. And, you never know, they could be partially correct. If you sneak out late only to return to find all the doors locked, you might reconsider.

Sleeping in the Hay

Sleeping in the Hay

If you live on a farm, you have a few options for sleeping arrangements if you get locked out. But who knows if the hay loft will be available next time? Maybe he shouldn’t go out like that anymore.

So Close, So Far

Try to put everything you touched back where you put it or how you left it when you’re trying to hide something from your parents. Even the slightest omission will likely be noticed. Furthermore, dad may become aware.

So Close, So Far

So Close, So Far

if you are very young and should not be driving, but you end up taking your dad’s car for a joyride. If you did that, you’d get in a lot of trouble. Better luck next time, then.

Children in Cars

If you ever have the impression that your children aren’t paying attention, you should reconsider. They notice more than you realize, and if given the opportunity, they will take advantage of it. Take, for example, this story.

Children in Cars

Children in Cars

No one was hurt, but there was almost a serious accident because the parents left their keys within reach of a child who had been watching them do things with the car. It goes without saying that you should never leave potentially dangerous items within reach of children.

Hiding Your Mistakes

No matter what, fire is always dangerous. If you’re not careful, even candles can cause a disaster, and you could end up with a burning couch. But, hey, maybe you can hide it for a week under a blanket! That’s a pretty impressive feat.

Hiding Your Mistakes

Hiding Your Mistakes

However, the moral of the story is to be cautious around fire. Even a very small flame can start a fire that is extremely dangerous. Of course, we don’t know how old the person in this story is, but it appears that they were old enough to know better.

The Price of Romance

It used to be much more expensive to talk on the phone. Unlimited plans were not particularly popular. So, if you’d just gotten a girlfriend back then, you might have wasted a lot of money by talking to her by accident. Whoops.

The Price of Romance

The Price of Romance

Of course, if your parents are the ones paying the bill, an exorbitant phone bill would make them very unhappy. It goes without saying that this is one of the times when you’d want to hide from them.

Not Quite a Cowboy

When you’re intoxicated, you might feel compelled to do things that aren’t particularly safe or rational. For example, you might be tempted to ride a pig. Isn’t that secure? Maybe if you’ve spent a long time grooming a pig to be ridden, but not otherwise.

Not Quite a Cowboy

Not Quite a Cowboy

In fact, because pigs are aggressive, riding one can be quite dangerous. That’s most likely why the storyteller broke a bone. If his father didn’t notice he was drunk, he might be predisposed to things like this.

Dangerous Metal Beasts

Many of these stories feature children doing things that are extremely dangerous, but what is with the parents who allow their children to be in such hazardous situations? Why are you allowing your children to pretend to play in your car?

Dangerous Metal Beasts

Dangerous Metal Beasts

Maybe you think it’s harmless, but as this story shows, it’s still quite dangerous, and it’s far better to avoid it altogether. To be completely safe, keep your children away from your cars. Isn’t that the best solution for all?

Dad’s Overdrive Mode

If you haven’t guessed by now, there are numerous stories about children and cars, as well as near-miss accidents. We’ll admit that golf carts aren’t as dangerous as real cars, but it’s still risky to leave children unattended near them.

Dad’s Overdrive Mode

Dad’s Overdrive Mode

In this case, however, a father was able to respond quickly to the situation. It was reportedly much faster than his child had ever seen, implying that he was most likely terrified of what was about to happen. It’s a good thing he took the initiative.

All About Who You Know

What lies you tell to either your boss or dad if you live in a town where they’re likely to know each other is something you should consider. You can easily verify your sincerity if they are close enough to talk to you.

All About Who You Know

All About Who You Know

If you’re not careful, you’ll tell your boss a lie, who will then call your father and inform him that you lied. Despite the fact that he was in the same situation, this kid miraculously avoided being fired. He must have had a forgiving boss.

Not Quite A Clean Getaway

Getting into trouble with the cops almost always means getting into trouble with your parents. However, by going to extremes, these kids almost managed to conceal their crimes. The plan, unfortunately for them, did not work out in the end.

Not Quite A Clean Getaway

Not Quite A Clean Getaway

We assume they lived in a sleepy little town where crimes were common. Maybe they could have gotten away with it all if they had only considered it. Of course, the fact that they didn’t is probably a good thing.

Nearly Perfect Interception

When it comes to kids intercepting news and information that might reach their parents, this kid went to great lengths to ensure that his parents didn’t see his poor report card. It’s impressive how far he got with it all, but it doesn’t appear to have worked out.

Nearly Perfect Interception

Nearly Perfect Interception

With today’s technology, it’s difficult to get away with such things. But kudos to the kid for giving it his all and getting this far. He did a lot better than most people, and if he could just get back to a computer, he might have gone even further.

Nice Going, Buddy

One of the advantages of smartphones these days is that butt dialing isn’t really possible, at least not easily. Something like this might not have happened with today’s phones, and the man who told this story might not have gotten in trouble.

Nice Going, Buddy

Nice Going, Buddy

Unfortunately, he wasn’t in such a situation at the time of this story, and his parents learned of his nefarious antics thanks to a butt dial. What a way to go out on a high note. At the very least, he can say he wasn’t caught for his own stupidity.

Expensive Hobbies

Kids who don’t know any better frequently fail to comprehend the cost of the items they are tampering with. As a result, they can often cause more harm than good, which can cost a parent a lot of money. This is common when an expensive item is entertaining to play with.

Expensive Hobbies

Expensive Hobbies

It’s easy to get angry at a young child for breaking something, but keep in mind that they often don’t know any better and aren’t trying to cause trouble. At least, that’s how it seems most of the time. They can get in a lot of trouble at times.

A Whole Lot of Trouble

Have you ever unintentionally locked your keys in your car? It’s not a pleasant situation. What’s worse? If your keys are locked in your car by someone else. Then you’ve got a major problem that wasn’t even your fault! Certainly not to anyone’s liking.

A Whole Lot of Trouble

A Whole Lot of Trouble

In this case, the mother handled the situation admirably, most likely because beating her child over the head wouldn’t have solved the problem in the first place. Maybe she’s just a woman who is far more gracious and merciful than most. Who knows, really?

Playing With Fire

Remember how dangerous fire is, and how young children should never be allowed to be near it? This story exemplifies why this is the case. Because if your child is prone to mishaps, they could set fire to the entire house.

Playing With Fire

Playing With Fire

How did this kid get his hands on the tools he’d need to start a fire? To be honest, his parents had to leave it within his reach, which isn’t ideal. We hope that this serves as a reminder to keep such items secure.

Making a Quick Escape

Boyfriends getting caught at their girlfriend’s house is a common occurrence. It’s always interesting to see how they play out. This one is hilarious because it involves the boyfriend fleeing like a cartoon character.

Making a Quick Escape

Making a Quick Escape

In this case, we can almost imagine the father being so shocked that he doesn’t act on it until later, when he has more time to process it. Any way you look at it, this is a situation where a child might fear that their parents are plotting to kill them.

One Jump Away From the Hospital

Everyone knows that children and trampolines make for a bad combination. Kids are more likely to injure themselves or others because they are so accident prone. That’s simply how things are. When a child is injured, parents understandably become enraged.

One Jump Away From the Hospital

One Jump Away From the Hospital

Furthermore, kids are more likely to play games that put them at risk of injury, almost as if they are deliberately trying to cause harm. An unmitigated catastrophe that all too many parents have experienced. Can’t they just be a little more cautious??

Hey, Grandma?

Who do you call for help if you’re having a house party and something goes wrong? It shouldn’t be your grandma, though. After all, what are you going to do if she tells someone else? Unlike another grandma on this list, you might be able to trust this one.

Hey, Grandma?

Hey, Grandma?

Even so, the character in this story isn’t being particularly subtle. In that regard, they could have at least tried a little harder. This makes them appear extremely suspicious. Maybe he’ll learn something from the experience.

To Surgery You Go

It’s hard enough to have one child, but what if you have two? What’s worse, what if you have two who are prone to harming one another? Parents with multiple children of similar ages are familiar with the mischief and pain that children can cause.

To Surgery You Go

To Surgery You Go

A trip to the emergency room isn’t unheard of. Usually, it’s because one of the kids thought it’d be amusing to whack, shove, or trip the other, and then they hit their head on something. Is that a story you’ve heard before?

Throw It Out the Window

Petty behavior is common among young girls. Even the girl who is telling this story admits as much. But we’re not sure what level of pettiness necessitates removing an air conditioner from a window in order to throw something out. That simply does not appear to be necessary.

Throw It Out the Window

Throw It Out the Window

Is it possible to just toss it in the trash? Should I take it outside and throw it away? Why go through this arduous and potentially dangerous procedure? Even though they were only children, we’re sure they could see why this was unnecessary.

Watching You Go

Another story about a kid attempting to steal a car and go on a joyride can be found here. Apparently, there are a lot of them. Thankfully, no one was hurt in this one, but it did involve an embarrassing story about being caught.

Watching You Go

Watching You Go

Why did the car have so little gas in it, is our question. Isn’t it true that it was practically empty in the driveway? What’s the point of it all? Unless we’ve misunderstood something, this story does sound a little strange, doesn’t it?

Waiting for the Axe

Another car thief story has surfaced. This one, however, involves the thief being involved in a car accident and then having to wait for their parents to return and witness their mistake for several days. It was most likely the most difficult weekend of their lives.

Waiting for the Axe

Waiting for the Axe

We have to admit that this is probably one of the worst ways to get caught when stealing your parents’ car. After all, there’s a hefty bill to pay and the possibility that they’ll die once it’s over, so there’s that.

Born to Burn

If you think you’re noticing some patterns in this list, you’re right. A lot of kids, it appears, steal cars and set things on fire. We’re not sure which of the two is more concerning. To be honest, this is the same as it has always been.

Born to Burn

Born to Burn

Things that can start fires should not be kept within reach of children. Also, don’t leave your car keys with them. In fact, when they’re young, don’t leave them alone. Who can trust a child that young? We don’t think so.

But Will It Cook?

So we’ve returned to the microwave’s dangers. We always state unequivocally that you should not microwave anything that isn’t food. Of course, this includes soap. Microwaving a bar of soap is definitely not a good idea.

But Will It Cook?

But Will It Cook?

As you might expect, the results are not pretty, and they would almost certainly enrage one’s parents. If you happen to set something on fire or make something explode, the situation will only get worse. Cleaning, at the very least, would not be enjoyable.

Calling For Debt

Did you know that a phone plan could have as few as 300 minutes of talk time back in the day? Isn’t that not much? It’s easy to see how people could go over their allotted time in such a short period of time. It’s a pity that crossing is so costly.

Calling For Debt

Calling For Debt

It’s likely that many parents were unforgiving despite how simple it was to cross the line. A bill this large would be hard to overlook, especially when it’s so large as the one in the story. Actually, it’s more like a bad choice.

Wasting the Day Away

When you skip school, you must find a way to occupy your time. Sleeping in the closet, on the other hand, is probably not how many kids imagine doing it. To be fair, neither did this kid; he simply didn’t have a choice.

Wasting the Day Away

Wasting the Day Away

And, hey, if you really don’t like school, sleeping all day isn’t such a bad option, is it? He wasn’t even upset about being grounded, so our story teller must think the same way.

A Glitch in the System

This is a one-of-a-kind story because it features a college-aged child who is no longer living with his parents. He called his parents, obviously terrified of how they would react, believing that all of his classes had been dropped.

A Glitch in the System

A Glitch in the System

Fortunately for him, the issue turned out to be a slight glitch rather than a serious or long-term issue. It could have been a lot worse, to be sure! We understand his anxiety at the prospect of something serious happening to him. Scary.

The Best Possible Outcome

There are a lot of car theft stories out there, we know. They do, however, all come to a different conclusion. This one is noteworthy because the kid wasn’t apprehended until he confessed to the crime himself after a long period of time had passed. It’s rare.

The Best Possible Outcome

The Best Possible Outcome

He told us, after all, that he thought he was dead meat. To be honest, we’re blown away by how well he handled himself. As this article shows, only a few kids are capable of stealing a car and making a profit.

DIY Smoke Machine

Trying to keep your smoking habits a secret? You can’t just blow it into an air conditioner and hope for the best. Particularly if it’s an air recirculation system, which a lot of them are. That was a hard lesson for him to learn.

DIY Smoke Machine

DIY Smoke Machine

But how did he miss it going under the door, we have to wonder? Was he oblivious to the fact that it was broken? Isn’t the smoke thick enough to make a difference? These are all good questions, but we don’t have the answers.

A Waiting Fist

This story is told with a sense of humor, but we must state that we do not condone violence against one’s child. Please don’t use violence to express your displeasure, even if they do something truly heinous. That is something you should not do.

A Waiting Fist

A Waiting Fist

Of course, you shouldn’t go out and get drunk if it’s against the law to do so. Needless to say, every aspect of this story is alarming, but it nonetheless belongs on this list. But, seriously, no left hooks.

Will Mom Be Mad?

Another story about the fire, but this time the kid wasn’t trying to set anything on fire. At the very least, kudos for that. They did, however, leave a lamp turned on under a blanket, which isn’t very smart.

Will Mom Be Mad?

Will Mom Be Mad?

The fact that they survived the fire that started accidentally in their bed is both good news and surprising. It’s a good thing they didn’t sleep soundly. Above all, we’re sure the parents were relieved to see their child alive.

Dad’s Gonna Kill Me

Have you ever had one of those life’s slow-motion moments when a strange thought crosses your mind? When he almost got into a serious and possibly life-threatening accident, he had one. He did, in fact, get into that accident, but he survived.

Dad’s Gonna Kill Me

Dad’s Gonna Kill Me

But, at the time, he was more concerned with whether or not he would survive, rather than whether or not his father would be furious with him. We suppose that’s a reasonable assumption to make, but it wouldn’t be our first in that situation.

Nice Going, Son

It’s not always a good thing to be too clever. Some things are straightforward and should remain so. When he tried to make a simple task easier, this kid discovered the problem of being too clever. Unfortunately, it only added to his workload.

Nice Going, Son

Nice Going, Son

At the very least, no permanent damage occurred, but we’re sure the kid was not pleased to be forced to clean his father’s truck when it wasn’t part of the day’s agenda. Is there anyone who enjoys doing work they weren’t expecting to do? We don’t believe so.

Caught in the Act

To be honest, we’re shocked as to why children would do things they know their parents will condemn right in their own home. Why not leave the house entirely if you want to be completely safe? To stay safe, take some time away from the building.

Caught in the Act

Caught in the Act

If you don’t do that, your parents may come home unexpectedly one day, and something like this may occur. Needless to say, it’s a quick way to get on your father’s bad side. If you’re going to toe the line, make it as safe as possible!

This Close To The Grave

Since your parents are away, you’re throwing a house party. Maybe you think you’ve planned everything perfectly, but when something unexpected comes up in the parents’ schedule, you’ll quickly find out otherwise. You’re almost always screwed if they come home earlier than expected.

This Close To The Grave

This Close To The Grave

Of course, if you threw a disastrous house party, your parents may feel compelled to punish you in the most heinous ways possible. Hopefully, they follow in the footsteps of this father and leave the situation alone.

A Better Reaction Than Most

We’re going to assume this story took place in America, where the legal drinking age is 21. We’re surprised his or her parents handled it so well, despite the fact that a 14-year-old got drunk. Only a few parents come to mind who would do so.

A Better Reaction Than Most

A Better Reaction Than Most

Indeed, we’re confident that very few parents would have handled it so well, which is why the person who told this story most likely expected a lot more. They still had to go to school with a hangover, which is a bummer.

A Greater Cost

When you’re a kid, you have no idea how much something costs or how much it doesn’t. Indeed, you may break something and realize that it costs far more than you can imagine, causing your parents to be furious.

A Greater Cost

A Greater Cost

This poor kid is in this situation, but we’re guessing they didn’t get into too much trouble. To be honest, we don’t believe children need technology at such a young age because they aren’t as careful with it as they should be.

A Smashing Situation

These days, what are kids made of? We found more than one story about a kid punching his way through a window, and this is just the one we chose. To be sure, the girl is to blame in this situation.

A Smashing Situation

A Smashing Situation

We’re still impressed by a kid who can punch a window out when he’s in the mood. Maybe it’s just that kids don’t know how to control themselves, and if we weren’t so afraid of hurting ourselves, we could all punch through windows.