1947 — Gentleman’s Agreement
Gregory Peck starred as another figure seeking justice for those who would be victimized before taking on the prestigious role of Atticus Finch. Skylar “Phil” Green (Peck), a magazine writer, is assigned to combat anti-Semitism in New York City. Green, unable to make his piece work only through research and data, pretends to be Jewish for months in order to live the experience — and the results are progressively stunning.
1948 — The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre
The desire for gold has always been the plague of the frontier, driving men insane and burying their morality in the depths from which they are mining. Humphrey Bogart swapped in his Casablanca anti-hero charms for the role of Fred C. Dobbs, a man whose ambition sets him up for a downward spiral. He and his out-of-work pal Curtain come into old prospector Howard, who is merrily sharing tales of his gold-seeking exploits. The three set out into the hard barren country, employing him with the last of their severely battled for cash. They find their gold, but it is only the beginning of their perilous quest.