1955 — Rebel Without A Cause
With this 1955 release, generational antagonism and teen anguish reached a peak. James Dean, a Hollywood star, typified the era’s youth, people who were angry with society but had no emotional understanding of why. Dean’s Jim Stark lashes out with his new companions, all of whom are yearning to carve out their own existence, apart from the world, which appears to be dismissing them in favor of sustaining the status quo and emotional curb appeal.
1956 — Invasion Of The Body Snatchers
Hollywood has traditionally been a more ideologically left-wing industry, a place where it was easier to be mistaken for a Communist in the 1950s. Invasion of the Body Snatchers, released in 1956, captured the fears of Cold War existence better than any other film. In an era when practically everyone suspected their next-door neighbor was a communist, there has never been a better time for sci-fi horror to explore the terrible concept of doppelgängers.