Frozen In The Past: The Melting Of This Alpine Glacier Revealed Something Completely Unexpected

Published on 06/07/2022

Mammoth Brains

One of the more peculiar things that scientists’ have discovered under the ice is the brains of a wooly mammoth. The remains were actually discovered in permafrost along the coast of the Laptev Sea. It seemed as though, it is one of the few preserved mammoths that remains with the brain intact to ever be discovered. It dates back to 39,000 years ago. The sad part of it though was that was a baby mammoth. Scientists believe that it was only six to nine years old when it died.

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Mammoth Brains


Frozen Fox

This is by far one of the most interesting discoveries on this list, just wait until you see what we’re talking about. Even though certain animals are created to live in certain weather conditions, there are times where they can succumb to the freezing weather. This was unfortunately what happened to the fox below. He was discovered by a hunter in some German lake. Apparently, he also came across a wild deer and boar before finding the fox. It is rumored has it that the preserved fox is now on display at a hotel in Germany.

Freezing Fox Found

Frozen Fox