Frozen In The Past: The Melting Of This Alpine Glacier Revealed Something Completely Unexpected

Published on 06/07/2022

Woolly Mammoth Specimen

A lot of the time, scientists expect to find common things like woolly mammoths. This prehistoric beast roamed the lands of the Arctic in places like Alaska and Siberia. Believed to be 39,000 years old, the specimen was discovered in a Siberian ice tomb.  And is considered to be one of the best-preserved specimens ever!

The Best Woolly Mammoth Specimen

Woolly Mammoth Specimen


Significance Of Spears

In Yellowstone National Park, an area where scientists previously found no sign of humans, scientists found a 10,300-year-old spear. It was evident that the spears they discovered were used to hunt animals and clear fauna. The most important bit about this finding, though, is what it reveals about the human presence. This means there was human existence in such cold weather in Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho.

Significance Of Spears

Significance Of Spears