These Adorable Baby Animals Would Make Your Day

Published on 06/15/2021

Baby Hamster

Unlike baby sloths, hamsters are born blind and naked. By the time they are 14 to 17 days old, they have developed a sense of sight and opened their eyes. Pregnancies last only three weeks, and each litter can have anywhere from six to twenty hamsters. Talk about an overabundance of cuteness. Unfortunately, when a mother hamster is stressed during or after birth, things can go wrong. She may abandon or eat her children if this occurs. If you have a pregnant hamster, make sure she gets plenty of attention!

Baby Hamster

Baby Hamster


Baby Kangaroo

Joeys are what we call young kangaroos, in case you didn’t know. They’re absolutely adorable. It’s also fascinating to learn how they came to be in this world. A kangaroo baby is born into a pouch on the mother’s belly. They are still in the early stages of development, measuring only an inch in length and weighing less than a gram. The baby then begins to suckle and gradually spends more time outside the pouch until it is ready to leave entirely. This usually happens between the ages of seven and ten months.

Baby Kangaroo

Baby Kangaroo