25 Baking Soda Hacks That You Never Heard Of

Published on 10/10/2019

Clean Food Containers

We all know how quickly food containers can get stained and yucky. Between all of your packed lunches, pasta sauces, and soups, it’s no wonder your containers aren’t looking so great anymore. To make your containers shine again, sprinkle a clean sponge with baking soda and give them a good scrub and rinse.

Clean Food Containers


Clean Your Sponges

What’s the point of cleaning your dishes with a filthy sponge? You always want to make sure the sponge you’re using is in its best shape. If your sponges have seen better days, leave them to soak in warm water and baking soda overnight and give them a good thorough rinse in the morning.

Clean Your Sponges