These Songs Are Said To Be The Best To Ever Be Written

Published on 08/09/2021

The creeping movements of the praying mantis that Van Wyngarden and Goldwasser raised at the university helped to stimulate the rhythm. Van Wyngarden decided to compose lyrics about some rock star desires (“I will move to Paris and shoot some heroin”), although it is difficult to determine how ironically he meant it. “Some people believe we’re drug addicts. Others see the sarcasm, while others see the irony, “he stated, “As a lyricist, that’s what I hope for: confusion!”

'Time To Pretend' MGMT

‘Time To Pretend’ MGMT


1979 was the start of a downward spiral in terms of success for Gaynor’s professional career. Having already been over shone as the top disco diver by Donna Summer, the 32 year old Gaynor had lost her mother not long before and was the recipient of spinal surgery. These conditions we are sure were what brought the extra attitude seen within “I Will Survive”. Originally a B side, it became a smash hit whence it was played at discos and by DJs.

'I Will Survive' Gloria Gaynor

‘I Will Survive’ Gloria Gaynor