The Most Gorgeous Movie Characters In Film History

Published on 12/27/2020

Barbarella In Barbarella

First of all, we can understand your reservations about a sex kitten that undergoes intergalactic adventures. Fair enough, it is a little out there. Despite this, you might want to keep your hesitations to yourself. We promise you that Jane Fonda as the title character will change your mind in no time at all.

Barbarella In Barbarella

Barbarella In Barbarella


Catwoman In Batman Returns

It goes without saying that anyone cast to play Catwoman will be a stone-cold fox. However, some people are better suited for the role than anyone else. Just take a look at Michelle Pfeiffer. She looked like a natural in the leather catsuit! It should be illegal for anyone to look that fierce.

Catwoman In Batman Returns

Catwoman In Batman Returns