The Most Gorgeous Movie Characters In Film History

Published on 12/27/2020

Nancy Callahan In Sin City

How do you feel about noir? You might not be the biggest fan of the genre, but we are sure that you were a convert the moment that you saw Jessica Alba in Sin City. As Nancy Callahan, it was practically impossible to focus on anything else once she is in the frame.

Nancy Callahan In Sin City

Nancy Callahan In Sin City


Maggie Pollitt In Cat On A Hot Tin Roof

It is not easy to pick our favorite Liz Taylor role because she always knocked it out of the ballpark. Despite this, it is clear that Maggie Pollitt from Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is a strong contender. After all, her seductive desperation really elevates the classic. She was truly a Hollywood legend!

Maggie Pollitt In Cat On A Hot Tin Roof

Maggie Pollitt In Cat On A Hot Tin Roof