It’s Devastating To See Our Favorite Restaurant Chains Close Their Doors To Us

Published on 06/24/2020

Papa John’s

Papa John’s Pizza, or simply Papa John’s, is a pizza restaurant company that is well-known all over the whole wide world. It was founded by John Schnatter on the 2nd of October 1984 in  Jeffersonville, Indiana. Everything was going great with its sales because people loved their delicious pizzas until the founder of Papa John’s went viral for using a racial slur. That pissed a lot of people, making them not eat at Papa John’s – that was one of the main reasons why its sales decreased. That controversy also pushed John Schantter to resign and Rob Lynch to replace him. A total of 250 branches was put into closure because of the enormous loss in the company’s sales.

Papa John’s

Papa John’s


Pie Five

Pie Five Pizza is a fast-food restaurant chain that is well-known for its customized pizza that could be prepared in a span of five minutes. This fantastic pizza chain was founded on the 2nd of June 2011. Well, even though it became quite famous, its popularity was more of a “one-time big-time” because it eventually became less popular as time passed by. In 2018, Pie Five started closing a total of 30 branches from different locations. It was recently revealed that they would still be closing some more branches this year to cut expenses and focus on the areas that are performing well.

Pie Five

Pie Five