20 Must-Buy Essentials During The Outbreak

Published on 03/17/2020


This is a great idea to have around the house to add a sense of normalcy to the situation. We know dads may not be a fan but come on dad you will have plenty of time to rid yourself of the new accessory before getting back into routine. Also since women can’t necessarily be getting their nails done it is a great idea to have a spare color around the house- just to feel like the queen you are.



Board Games

Super smart idea! These are fun and important to have in any situation. Whether you are a group of friends or a family there is something for everyone. Monopoly, Uno, Cluedo, and Katan are amongst some of our recommended picks.  These games take up quite a bit of time and will remind you about the simple pleasures in life. With a variety of options, we suggest choosing a few and utilizing the time to bond and have fun, it is always important to smile and laugh even through the most trying times.

Board Games