20 Must-Buy Essentials During The Outbreak

Published on 03/17/2020

Junk Snacks

Our favorite items on the list. Chips, chocolate, sweets, chocolate, rice-cakes, chocolate rice cakes, marshmallows, jello, and cereals. We are all anticipating lazy movie days, a lot of Netflix and maybe the occasional book read. Well, these snacks will be right by your side to get you through it all, and also comfort food is a must, just as much as chocolate is always a must. We are certainly not telling you to pack on the pounds but this is a good time to relax and enjoy yourself. Indulge a little and simply having these around the house when a craving arises will truly come in handy since craving runs have been suspended until further notice.

Junk Snacks


Fruits And Vegetables

You are probably wondering why we would incorporate something that is perishable on to the essential list. Well, just because supermarkets are packed does not mean you should compromise on health nor things you may enjoy. These items do go off but it will give you more of an incentive to use them before they do- ensuring you are still eating right and maintaining your nutrients and vitamins is extra important right now. A good idea is to also freeze them for later usage, to use in a smoothie or simply giving kids frozen fruit as a delicious snack is a great idea.

Fruits And Vegetables