@maweezy is no doubt an incredible cosplayer. With 30k Instagram followers, this Filipina beauty looked incredible portraying Valkyrie. She even joined a panel discourse during 2019 Awesome Con to talk about: “Begin a Professional Cosplayer.” She was there with other cosplayers like Lua Stardust, Mikal Mosley, and Maki Roll. They talked about the difficulty of negotiating contracts for various conventions because they are not regarded as real talents but just as fillers. Aside from being cosplayers, they were also professionals with a full-time job. Maweezy, on the other hand, is a registered nurse.

Another talented cosplayer on the list is Tanuki Asai. She portrayed a gender-bent rendition of Hellboy. In this picture, you will see her wearing a leather jacket covering her body that’s covered in red paint. She even managed to create an accent belt to complete the outfit. She stated openly that Hellboy is the single character of a comic from which she is a great fan. If want to see more of her transformations, visit her Facebook page “Winter Ginger.”
