40+ Texts People Have Received From Their Coworkers That Are Strange Or Even Concerning

Published on 03/31/2022

How Flattering?

A text conversation with a coworker and a text conversation with a significant other side-by-side at this point appears to be a bit overwhelming. It appears to be so simple to make a mistake!

How Flattering?

How Flattering?

Someone did exactly that when they sent a steamy message to a coworker. We’re not sure how we’d react if we saw this message, but our coworker seemed to take it in stride, even before learning that it wasn’t intended for them.


Maybe Think it Through

The best thing to do when texting a coworker or anyone else is to gauge the conversation before bringing up specific topics. That was not done by this individual. To this point, nothing in our brief exchange had indicated that my response was appropriate.

Maybe Think It Through

Maybe Think It Through

Saying sorry for missing coworkers’ messages isn’t the same as inviting them to propose making out. As a general rule, avoid making your coworkers uncomfortable by keeping your “knee jerk” reactions to yourself.