Weirdest Movie Custom Of All Time

Published on 03/30/2023

There Are A Lot Of Evil Stepmothers

Children who have lost their mothers are likely to be disturbed that their father gets a new girlfriend because they believe he is replacing her. This is why children may believe their stepmother is evil. In actual life, stepmoms are usually nothing like the nasty women they are made out to be in films. Snow White and Cinderella may have had poor luck, but life is not like these fairytales. We’re just thrilled there are a few films that honor parents who aren’t connected to you. Enchanted, a satire of Disney princess flicks, depicts the main girl becoming a stepmother herself!

There Are A Lot Of Evil Stepmothers

There Are A Lot Of Evil Stepmothers


Younger Women And Older Men

Ageism exists, particularly in the entertainment business. For one instance, Maggie Gyllenhall told the rap that despite being 37 years old at the time, she was not considered to play the lover of a 55-year-old man. It’s insane to believe she was considered for the role of Jeff Bridges’ love interest in Crazy Heart when he was 65 years old. A male is often paired with a woman significantly younger than him in Hollywood. It appears that age-appropriate couples are chastised for no apparent reason. Some were surprised that Monica Bellucci, a “older woman,” was cast as a Bond girl in Spectre. She’s only three years older than Daniel Craig!

Younger Women And Older Men

Younger Women And Older Men