45+ Disney Cartoon Details That Make Us Take A Second Look

Published on 01/17/2022

Rapunzel Is the Only Princess With Green Eyes

When all of the Disney princesses are considered, they all appear to have characteristics that set them apart from one another. Rapunzel stands out from the rest of the pack in a variety of ways, but she has one unique feature.

Rapunzel Is The Only Princess With Green Eyes

Rapunzel Is The Only Princess With Green Eyes

The other Disney princesses all have brown or blue eyes, but the main character of Tangled is the only one who has green eyes! It could be because her name, Rapunzel, is derived from a specific lettuce.


Tiana Is the Only Disney Princess With a Real Job

It’s already remarkable that Tiana from The Princess and the Frog was Disney’s first African-American princess. Nevertheless, there are a lot of additional fascinating facts surrounding this film.

Tiana Is The Only Disney Princess With A Real Job

Tiana Is The Only Disney Princess With A Real Job

You’ll note that Disney heroines are usually always princesses or unemployed nobodies when you think of them. Tiana was the only one with a legitimate career; she worked as a waitress and aspired to be a chef.