Here’s Why Dogs Do The Things They Do

Published on 03/04/2022

Flicking Their Ears

When a dog flicks its ears, it means they’re paying attention. This is exactly what most animals do when they want to be heard. This is how they react when they hear a sign that they are unfamiliar with and are trying to figure out what it means.

Flicking Their Ears

Flicking Their Ears

Allow your dog a brief moment to figure out what they’re listening to if you notice them flicking their ears. It’s also endearing to see your dog be so perceptive and inquisitive.


Licking Themselves

It is a well-known fact that dogs, like most other animals, lick their own bodies to keep them clean. A good chance exists that your dog will clean up any mess that it gets into on his or her own.

Licking Themselves

Licking Themselves

Licking, on the other hand, can indicate pain. If your dog licks its legs and paws a lot, especially near the joints (which is common in dogs with arthritis), take him to the vet to make sure everything is fine.