Here’s Why Dogs Do The Things They Do

Published on 03/04/2022

Walking in Circles Before Lying Down

Before laying down, your dog may walk around in circles. If you’re wondering why they do it, it’s a habit that their wolf ancestors may have passed down to them. Before laying down, wolves do this to flatten any leaves or debris that have made their resting spot uncomfortable.

Walking in Circles Before Lying Down

Walking in Circles Before Lying Down

While your dog is unlikely to have any debris on their dog bed or on the kitchen floor, they appear to have retained this habit, which is quite amusing to watch them engage in.


The Meaning of Howling

Some people try to calm their dogs when they howl, but your dog is doing so for a reason. This is how a dog communicates. Dogs howl in the same way that humans yell to release any angry feelings they have inside.

The Meaning of Howling

The Meaning of Howling

Many dog owners believe that their dogs howl in order to assert their dominance, but in reality, they do so simply because it makes them feel good to be doing so.