Here’s Why Dogs Do The Things They Do

Published on 03/04/2022

Eating Poop

It’s repulsive, but not unheard of. When a dog begins to eat its own or other dogs’ feces (a condition known as coprophagia), it is usually one of two things: either a trainable behavior or a sign of malnutrition.

Eating Poop

Eating Poop

If your dog begins to do this too frequently, the best thing you can do is take him to the vet. If your vet has ruled out any nutrient deficiencies or medical issues, it’s time to seek the help of a trainer to help your dog break the habit.


Chasing Their Tail

In most cases, tail-chasing is merely a sign of amusement, but keep an eye on your dog if it becomes excessive. It could indicate a medical or behavioral problem; for example, if your dog chews on his tail when he catches it, he could have skin allergies or anal glands that need to be emptied at the vet.

Chasing Their Tail

Chasing Their Tail

It could be a sign of OCD if your dog starts chasing its tail constantly and obsessively. Animals, too, are affected. To be on the safe side, you should consult with your veterinarian.