Here’s Why Dogs Do The Things They Do

Published on 03/04/2022

The Post-Bath Boost of Energy

Some dogs enjoy getting a bath, but they are the exception rather than the rule. In most cases, dogs are eager to get out of the bath! When your dog starts running around like a maniac after getting a bath, it’s clear that they don’t like it.

The Post-Bath Boost of Energy

The Post-Bath Boost of Energy

The fact that dogs will do this is also due to the fact that being wet is an uncomfortable sensation for them, and they simply want to dry off as quickly as possible and regain their odor.


When Your Dog Stays By Your Side

In the event that you have ever owned a dog (or had children), it is safe to assume that you are all too familiar with the term “invasion of privacy.”

When Your Dog Stays By Your Side

When Your Dog Stays By Your Side

But keep in mind that when you’re annoyed because your dog is invading your personal space, such as following you to the bathroom and just standing there, it’s simply because they want to be near you. Dogs are pack animals, and pack animals prefer to remain together!