Here’s Why Dogs Do The Things They Do

Published on 03/04/2022

Whining  and Whining

You’re probably familiar with the sound of whining if you’re the parent of a baby or young child. A whining dog is usually unhappy or trying to communicate that it is in pain. However, pay close attention!

Whining and Whining

Whining and Whining

A whining dog could simply be a dog looking for attention. As a result, be cautious in your observations. Just like children. You must determine whether or not the whine is genuine.


Ears Say It All

The ears say it all in a dog’s world. These “ear rules” will help you better understand what your dog is going through and ensure that they are treated appropriately. It’s a happy and curious dog if its ears are cocked forward and up.

Ears Say It All

Ears Say It All

Is it trying to be playful or chasing after someone? Flat and close to the head ears are a sign that the dog is nervous or insecure. Something is bothering the dog if its ears are not flat against its head.