Here’s Why Dogs Do The Things They Do

Published on 03/04/2022


So, it’s not just your partner who annoys you with his or her snoring; your dog may also suffer from this annoying habit. When a dog snores, it not only keeps its owners awake, but it also keeps itself awake.



When a dog snores, it wakes up several times during the night (which isn’t a problem because it doesn’t have an office to go to in the morning). Dogs aren’t supposed to snore, so if it’s happening frequently and loudly, talk to your vet.


Wanting to Go Out Constantly

Dogs naturally want to be outside all of the time, but they become accustomed to living indoors and understand that they must be taken out whenever they are. It’s probably time of the month (not for your dog, but for the neighbor’s female dog) if your dog (who is used to going out three times a day) suddenly demands to be taken out all the time.

Wanting to Go Out Constantly

Wanting to Go Out Constantly

Your male dog will be able to smell a female dog in heat for miles. Remember that dogs, regardless of other dogs or the time of month, want to be outside as much as possible, so take them out whenever you can.