Here’s Why Dogs Do The Things They Do

Published on 03/04/2022

Pointing Its Snout

It’s called pointing when a dog freezes and points its snout at something specific. While doing so, they may lift one of their front paws. This is something that hunting dogs do frequently, but it is something that every dog does at times.

Pointing Its Snout

Pointing Its Snout

“Dogs are just dogs,” veterinarian Dr. Ellen Vindell told Vet Street, “and there are certain behaviors that probably any dog that’s a dog can do… You’ll see a sporting dog that circles like a herding dog and herding dogs that point.”


Yawning Can Be a Sign Of Discomfort

While your dog’s yawning may indicate that he is content, it could also mean something else entirely. A lot of yawning in public does not necessarily mean that your dog is tired and ready for a nap.

Yawning Can Be a Sign Of Discomfort

Yawning Can Be a Sign Of Discomfort

It’s a way of expressing that they’re nervous and uncomfortable. If your dog is acting this way while you’re somewhere new, pay attention to what’s going on so you can comfort and love your dog.