These Incredible Military Vehicles Will Blow Your Mind

Published on 06/04/2021

Ultra Heavy-Lift Amphibious Connector

The Ultra Heavy-Lift Amphibious Connector was introduced as a 12-scale model. It was the newest tracked amphibious landing craft of the Marine Corps. The vehicle was also known as the “battle paddle boats.” The military vehicle had twice the range and had three times the capacity of a giant hovercraft out there. It could carry two M1 Abrams tanks onto where helicopters could not land. It could be one of the valuable carriers that were made.

Ultra Heavy Lift Amphibious Connector

Ultra Heavy-Lift Amphibious Connector


Merkava IV Windbreaker MBT

The Merkava IV was the armored vehicle that surpassed others. The military vehicle was equipped with a 60mm mortar and 120 mm cannon that was remote-controlled. The cargo bay of the tank could also carry four people. Not only it had the most potent firepower among the military vehicles, but it also had a Trophy active defense system. It used the wide radar-controlled shotgun to stop the missiles that were targeting it.

Merkava IV Windbreaker MBT

Merkava IV Windbreaker MBT