The Strict Guidelines You Must Follow As An Ellen Audience Member

Published on 04/18/2023

No One Below 14 Years Old

Unfortunately, if you are under the age of 14, you are not permitted to be a member of the audience. You should also not try to sneak in! If you do not appear to be of legal drinking age, you must present a legal document proving your age. If you have a young face, don’t forget to bring a proper ID!

No One Below 14 Years Old

No One Below 14 Years Old


Friends And Family Members Might Not Be Seated Together

Some showgoers are fortunate enough to get tickets not just for themselves, but also for their loved ones. While you are welcome to attend the studio together, please in mind that you may not be seated next to each other. The staff cannot guarantee that your entire group will remain intact.

Friends And Family Members Might Not Be Seated Together

Friends And Family Members Might Not Be Seated Together