The Strict Guidelines You Must Follow As An Ellen Audience Member

Published on 04/18/2023

You Should Only Bring A Small Bag Or Purse

If you bring a handbag or bag, it should fit beneath the seat. After all, a big one will be a tripping danger with all the dancing during the commercial breaks! Aside from that, celebrity guests make their way through the back of the house and down the aisle. We’re sure no one wants to inadvertently damage a celebrity like that!

You Should Only Bring A Small Bag Or Purse

You Should Only Bring A Small Bag Or Purse


The Show Sometimes Goes Ahead Of Schedule

Ellen prefers to stick to the schedule when taping the show, but she also prefers to go ahead of it. On short notice, they will sometimes move the filming to an earlier time period. You should be cautious about your arrangements before the tape to guarantee that you will have enough time if the timetable changes.

The Show Sometimes Goes Ahead Of Schedule

The Show Sometimes Goes Ahead Of Schedule