The Strict Guidelines You Must Follow As An Ellen Audience Member

Published on 04/18/2023

Don’t Ask For An Autograph

Ellen will not sign her name for any of her audience members to remember. If you’re lucky, you might be able to sneak in a selfie–but only when asked. According to the staff, presenting her autograph to each individual would take hours due to time constraints. And we all know Ellen has no time for that. There are a lot of people in the audience, so autograph seekers, you’re out of luck!

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Don’t Ask For An Autograph


No Hugging

So, while Ellen is more than glad to hug celebrities she knows well, there are rigorous ‘no hugging’ guidelines in place for audience members. Guests are instructed to follow her lead, so if she doesn’t lean in for the embrace, you shouldn’t either. Many people have stated that she simply does not enjoy physical contact, so be prepared that you may be kicked out if you even attempt to touch her.

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No Hugging