The Strict Guidelines You Must Follow As An Ellen Audience Member

Published on 04/18/2023

Limited Bathroom Breaks

There are restrooms available while you wait to check in for the taping. You’ll need to plan ahead of time because there are just a couple of toilet breaks until you get to the stage. If you ever need to use the restroom while the cameras are rolling, you will miss some of it.

Limited Bathroom Breaks

Limited Bathroom Breaks


During The Breaks, The Audience Is Required To Dance

Everyone knows how much dancing takes place on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Did you realize you had to dance during commercials? In fact, you may be unable to sit during these periods. If you are confident in your dance abilities, this is the time and place to show them off. There is always some form of dance competition to find the most talented individual in the audience!

The Audience Has To Dance During Breaks

During The Breaks, The Audience Is Required To Dance