The Ideal Female Body Type: What Changed After A Hundred Years?

Published on 12/16/2020

The Waif Of The ‘90s

We might understand how the trend changes every decade that passes. We could say that before the latest perfect figure, there was a popular figure. In the 1990s, people were drawn to those who had the figure of a waif. Those women had a few lean, tiny curves. Some people have referred to it as a “heroin chic” look. In the ’80s, this kind of figure isn’t the same.

The Waif Of The ‘90s

The Waif Of The ‘90s


Winona Ryder Is Talented And Gorgeous

If we were looking for a person who in that time period, had the perfect figure, we might say that was Winona Ryder. Her look helped her succeed in her career. Winona was a talented and beautiful actress who adored her on-screen performance.

Winona Ryder Is Talented And Gorgeous

Winona Ryder Is Talented And Gorgeous