The Ideal Female Body Type: What Changed After A Hundred Years?

Published on 12/16/2020

Dolores Del Rio Was A Hollywood Stunner

There was a time when Dolores Del Rio was viewed by the public as the ideal woman, and the kids would claim that their inspiration was Hollywood beauty.The body of Dolores was represented by Photoplay as “roundly turned” and “warmly curved.” The best figure, the magazine referred to Dolores Del Rio, the Mexican Hollywood actress.

Delores Del Rio Was A Hollywood Stunner

Dolores Del Rio Was A Hollywood Stunner


The Star-Spangled Girl Of The ‘40s

During the ’40s, there were several changes in the ideal female body type, and it might be because it was the Second World War period. Almost everything was affected by the global problem, and it even affected the ideal type of female body. It was the era when there was a wish for long limbs and broad shoulders. It was also the time for the introduction of the “bullet” or “torpedo” bra.

The Star Spangled Girl Of The ‘40s

The Star-Spangled Girl Of The ‘40s