He Found An Odd Rock On His Ranch, But It Was Even Stranger Than He Thought

Published on 06/21/2021

They Could Learn A Lot From This

Perhaps they would now be able to learn more about the age and sex of these creatures. It was hard to figure out these things in the past since they did not have much to work on. Pablo Messineo, one of the archaeologists of INCUAPA, explained, “(These fossils) will allow us, among other things, to see if there was sexual dimorphism (that is, differences between males and females) and the differences between adult and juvenile individuals.” That sounds like a ton of things to learn from just one find! We can’t wait to learn more about these fascinating creatures. But where did they bring the fossils anyway?

They Could Learn A Lot From This

They Could Learn A Lot From This


If You Want To Visit It

Right now, the fossils are no longer in the ranch. They have been brought to a special paleontology room in Cine Avenida in Argentina. The plan is to allow the general public to look at these fossils once they are finished extracting the information that they need from them. This is literally and figuratively a big find. It would be exciting to see them up close and personal since a shell is roughly as big as a Volkswagen Beetle. None of these would have been possible if the cows did not head out to look for water on that day. Thanks to a farmer called Juan de Dios Sota, we have learned many new things about these creatures who roamed the planet a long time before you and I got here. How awesome is that?

If You Want To Visit It

If You Want To Visit It