“Healthy” Foods That Are Actually Unhealthy

Published on 06/19/2022

Spinach wraps

Spinach is packed with antioxidants, fiber and essential nutrients, but these tortilla wraps masquerading as green vegetables are so low in vitamin-rich material that it won’t do your body any good. These wraps are usually made with the same nifty ingredients found in other tortillas—like fortified white flour and corn—and green food coloring to add a “healthy” hue. Sneaky! did you know that?

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Spinach wraps


Canned soup

Like popcorn, soup can be an incredibly healthy meal, but buying it in a can isn’t always a healthy meal. Canned soups can contain high levels of sodium and bisphenol A (BPA), an endocrine disruptor. Then there are the added fats and sugars, which can increase calories significantly. So choose wisely and opt for low-sodium varieties so you don’t experience that dreaded post-meal bloating.

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Canned soup