He Thought It Was The House Of His Dreams But It Was Actually A Nightmare

Published on 02/19/2020

An Archaeological Site

By now, James had already dug as deep as 10 feet below the ground. Although he had first begun this project with the intention of setting up a natural gas line, things started to take a turn. And in a matter of no time, word about this new discovery had spread like wildfire, not only to local people but also to media correspondents from around the world. This was indeed an enthralling story that definitely deserved to be seen by everyone.

An Archaeological Site

An Archaeological Site


The Word Got Out

The very same thing that happened in Argentina was now taking place in the small town of Michigan. Local residents always wanted to get involved in the action, they were desperate. They did not want to just step back and wait for answers, they wanted to be first-hand witnesses. So naturally, it was bound to happen sooner than later that the rumors would be flying around town. In fact, people got so crazy one person even said that the fossil came from a monster that used to live on James’s property!

The Word Got Out

The Word Got Out