Cleaning a Ruler
Your tools, like anything else, can become dirty and rusted over time. Metal implements, such as rulers, are especially susceptible to this. Rulers are an important component of any DIY project, so make sure you can read the markings.
To begin, take some liquid paper and apply it to the areas where the measurements will be engraved. Then you’ll sand away the dried liquid paper with a fine grit abrasive sandpaper.
Preserving Tinned Products
You’ll want to make sure the lids of these tins can be put on properly to keep varnishes or other finishes fresh. However, if there is a build-up around the rim, these products may go bad faster.
That being said, this can be avoided by wiping the rims down with a cotton cloth before closing them or after using the product. And voila, you can use it again without causing any harm.