The Blackburn Botha
The ‘30s and ‘40s had been a pretty bad time for Blackburn when it comes to designs. The Botha is the second poorly designed aircraft by the company. This is a two-engine torpedo bomber reconnaissance aircraft. It had a number of flaws like the fact that the crew compartment view was so bad it could not be used for recon. It was also underpowered and called for a fourth crew member. Doing so meant increasing the weight of the plane, which then meant it would be unable to fire torpedoes. Lastly, it was hard to fly the plane and therefore suffered a number of fatal accidents.

The Blackburn Botha
The Embraer EMB-120 Brasilia
The Embraer EMB-120 Brasilia is a commuter plane with an odd look. There were lots of incidents with the model like how the turbo-prop planes broke up mid-flight and killed the 14 people aboard. This aircraft has a lot of problems and has even been dubbed among the worst passenger planes in history. Even so, Ameriflight Airlines continues to use the planes as freighters!

The Embraer EMB-120 Brasilia