Rolls Royce Thrust Measuring Rig
This aircraft, better known by the name of “Flying Bedstead” was obscenely dangerous, which you can see by simply laying eyes on it. The plane was nothing more than two jet engines attached to a frame. There were no control surfaces, wings, or any stability at all, really. It was simply fuel tanks and engines, with a pilot placed right on top. Not surprisingly, this plane was not reliable, and in order to maneuver the plane, the pilot would have to know his next move well in advance in order to make it happen. A testing pilot was crushed by this plane, and after that Rolls Royce canceled their testing.

Rolls Royce Thrust Measuring Rig
Everyone jokes about there being a flying car, but in 1949, that dream almost became a reality. Six “roadable aircraft” plane cars were built, but when they all failed to pass automobile safety regulation tests, it became less of a realistic idea. Cars have some non-negotiable requirements, like bumpers, and these plane cars were lacking what was needed.
