The Dolphins In England All Belong To Her
Well, corgi’s are known to be the queen’s favorite animal but since a rule was declared in the 1300s the queen owns more than just her legendary pets. Back in the 1300’s a law was devised that made the reigning monarch owner of all “fishes royal” which means dolphins, porpoises, whales, and sturgeons. If one of these is captured within 3 miles of English waters the queen is able to claim the animal, the same applies if one washes up on shore.
She Purchased A Couple Of Swans
Elizabeth’s love for animals and nature deepens as she and the Royal family are extremely invested in swan life in England. The Palace has the position termed: official Keeper of the Swans. The position dates back 700 years and yearly the Royals hold a swan exhibition or showcasing of some sorts called “Swan Upping.” Elizabeth is the co-owner of every swan that swims in the Thames river, alongside the Worshipful Company of Dyers and the Worshipful Company of Vintners.