Fact Or Fiction: Did These Historical Figures Really Exist Back In The Day?

Published on 12/07/2020

Severus Snape

The character of Severus Snape was famously based on a former teacher of the author, J.K. Rowling. John Nettleship, her former chemistry teacher, was surprised to learn about his role in the series. He was quoted saying he was “horrified” when he heard what kind of character he’d inspired, saying, “I knew I was a strict teacher, but I didn’t think I was that bad.” He did admit that he was “a short-tempered chemistry teacher with long hair…[and a] gloomy, malodorous laboratory,” and was able to see the connection.

Severus Snape

Severus Snape


Hazel Grace Lancaster

Hazel Grace Lancaster from The Fault in Our Stars was based on a real person. John Green, the author of the best-selling YA novel has said he’d been inspired by a girl named Esther Earl. Esther was diagnosed with terminal cancer when she was only 13 years old. She met the author online and began speaking before meeting at a convention later on. The character Hazel isn’t meant to be Esther, but it’s clear she was the inspiration for the character. Esther was a talented girl whose YouTube channel is still up and her writings were collected into the book This Star Won’t Go Out which was published after her passing.

Hazel Grace Lancaster

Hazel Grace Lancaster