Try These Superfoods If You Don’t Want To Gain Weight

Published on 09/21/2021


Fruits are an important part of a well-balanced diet. Fruit consumption has been related to lower calorie consumption and can help you lose weight over time, according to many studies. The satiety index of apples, for instance, is relatively high. Apples include pectin, a soluble fiber that helps you feel full by delaying digestion naturally. They’re also over 85% water, so they offer volume and satiation without adding calories.




What Studies Say About Apples

It’s worth mentioning that eating whole, solid fruit rather than puréed or juiced fruit, which isn’t as satisfying, increases satiety. One research looked at the impact of eating solid apple segments, applesauce, or apple juice at the start of a meal. People who ate solid apple segments consumed 91 fewer calories than those who ate apple sauce and 150 fewer calories than those who drank apple juice, according to research. When compared to other fruits, consuming apple segments resulted in a feeling of fullness and a reduction in appetite.

What Studies Say About Apples

What Studies Say About Apples