Mother Of Quadruplets Amazed Their Doctors With Their Babies’ Adorable Faces

Published on 08/11/2021

Multiple Babies

When the nurse inquired as to whether or not the couple believed in the possibility of multiple births in either of their families, it was evident that something was awry. The expecting couple declined, completely oblivious of what was about to unfold. Consequently, it was at this point that the nurse directed their attention to the monitor.

Multiple Babies

Multiple Babies


What Did They See?

‘There are one baby, there are two, there are three, and there are four…’ she says as she turns around to look at the television. According to Bethani, who spoke to Global News in Canada. “I was on the verge of collapsing at that point!” Tim offered his thoughts to the discourse.

What Did They See?

What Did They See?